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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. yeah yeah, that's it imply I have no friends... GoW is average, it's not a bad game, it's just not something worth even starting a thread over in my opinion, it's average... Well except for the GFX, and engine side of things that's all cool.
  2. Have you even taken the time to think that maybe we're all generally interested in a genuine experienced opinion from you instead of the half hearted responses you've been giving. In a way, if you had played it, and then decided it sucked then it'd be easier to comprehend, but now you're just being stubborn, and frankly I'm not throwing the word ignorant around because I want to insult you, it's a genuine observation that you're indeed showing ignorance towards FO3. At the end of the day FO3 is a big release, and part of what I personally like about these forums are characters like yourself, a big RPG release without an honest to god Vologic thrashing or praising makes the world an odd place, naturally that's not a reason alone to buy anything, but it just goes to show that you don't value ANY of our opinions at all, so why contribute at all?
  3. I'll join the line of people that thinks you'll love FO3. For me it's a lot like Stalker in athmosphere and scavenger feeling (so far at least, I'm only lvl 9). Add to that some nice RPG-stats and everything is good. And a vast world where you can go wherever whenever. So basically it's Stalker like Stalker should have been (or at least Stalker like the devs said it would be). Minus the russians. (ok, so combat differs. It's much faster in FO3. It's playable as a straight shooter, but for me that burns too much ammo and results in a dead character a bit too often. Strategic moving and use of Vats is the way to go) Unlike Volourn, the vast number of people on this board who I know disliked or at least saw the flaws of Oblivion but think Fallout 3 is at least very good, have sold me on the game. SO thank you all! Well Volourn is just being ignorant and stubborn... And I wouldn't say you're an ignorant person...
  4. Gears of War and the word "average" belong togeather.
  5. XSI just got acquired by Autodesk for 35.000.000$ so I wouldn't really expect it to be "freeware". Maybe they have something like the GMax thingy? ****ing Autodesk.
  6. Yes Volo, that's it suckle on the breast of EA, drink down the toxic juice of perhaps one of the most obscene, disgusting, arrogant companies on the planet... YEEEEAAAHHH, Suckle on satans tities, man, SUCKLE! Ignorant germ of a man, I think part of the WHOLE reason you're even responding to folk about WHY you're not even going to check out FO3 is based purely on the fact that you love the attention. Your opinion isn't even valid... P.S. Suckle!
  7. Hold the button which changes the view then you should be able to orbit.
  8. Fallout 3, and Resident Evil 0... Kinda slacking with the longest journey but I'll pick it up.
  9. Let me just say this straight up, I like FO3... right. The Animations in FO3 are down right bloody ****! They're absolutely CACK! That's not just a matter of opinion, it's all really poor animation, the only time anything begins to look good is when the physics takes over for a corpse... Walk cycles, reloads, the whole lot, absolute amatur tripe. I still think the game is awesome mind, but the idea anyone could actually comment on the animation scares me... And don't get me started on the rendering, and artwork. Basically the game is "Technically" an absolute turd.
  10. The game was developed over a very long period of time, whatever the reason for the delay, it most certainly will have been completed before the game shipped. I had some contact with one of the programmers who worked on the game before he started working there (He mention that he was starting work there on a cthulu game), the game was in development from about 1999/2000(potentially earlier, but I would say 1999) and as it didn't see release till 2005 I doubt headfirst were at fault in that respect. a 6 year dev cycle is very long for such a game... Anyroad, it's just a sad tale of game development really...
  11. Do you mean Operation Flashpoint 2? Aren't you working on that? How is it going along anyway? I'm not working on OFP2 but I do work with some guys who are, and I have seen it, and it's gunna be a whole new world of awesome! I was actually on about what I am working on though but sssshhhh...
  12. You're right, infact I know of a game that should create some waves in 2010 ... SSSSssshhhh
  13. This generation will have a much life cycle than previous generations. That is my general understanding atleast. But hey lets just see. Main thing really is that the PS3 has seen releases of the same games as the XBox 360. When you actually look closely, the XBox doesn't have alot of reasons to be bought either. The XBox 360 is alot easier to develop for (just a fact)... The PS3 isn't THAT hard to develop for it's just not as easy. If Microsoft annouce another XBox next year then sony are likely to be doomed .
  14. Visual Studio is pretty much a standard for games development, as for API's well that depends on the platform. As for 3D art, 3DS Max/Maya/XSI are all very popular throughout the industry, they all have pro's and cons. 2D art tends to involve photoshop. Companies such as Obsidian will also have alot of inhouse tools for doing inhouse things . While I personally would be interested in what kind of approch they've taken towards problems such as the content pipeline, for in house technology I'm doubting that they're about to spill the beans on all their processes. I do know they have a cool dialogue tool which uses a flow diagram like approch. Other tools that spring to mind are visual FX tools, particularly if the company has a VFX department, these tend to be in house, with some kind of cross-over with the chosen 3D package to aid prototyping of layering. hmmmm The you have world editors like unrealEd, NWN World Building Tool, and Hammer editor... And finally scripting languages such as unrealScript, NWNScript, and Lua. The tools you learn depend on what kind of job you're aiming to do.
  15. This is obviously true at some level, but in regards to consoles, particularly the PS3 sometimes it makes more sense to use the SPU's to do tasks you would do on the GPU.
  16. PS3 is a really odd beast to work with, it's one of those super powerful machines that does loads of stuff really nicely but its sure to eventually come out on top as dev's get to grips with programming the damn thing, it's not so much that coding the PS3 is hard, it's just different, and it's coupled with a learning curve on the graphics side, learning curve on the PPU and SPU side... It's just one big learning curve. I do think that there are enough coders out there now that over the next 2 years the PS3 will begin to break away from the pack, there is one problem though, the PS3 is gimped by blue rays access and read times, which is slower under many conditions than the XBox 360, while disc access is slow there will always be limitations on what can be done when.
  17. That was a surprise, although I cannot call you a hypocrite as I'm planning to get a copy tomorrow later today. Oh no. I'm playing Fallout 1. Just oberserving someone playing F3. Progress really scares you eh?
  18. This is just stupid So far Eurogamer is making bigger jerks of themselves than usual... 10/10 for fable 2 (which is riddled with bugs), and now 10/10 for FO3... something is very wrong.
  19. So, Codemasters haven't give you any PR related tasks yet? How'd you guess LOL... Please be aware that it's my personal opinion . There is obviously a very close relationship between the media and developers/publishers.
  20. Game journalism is what happends when a talentless hack who dreams of making games can't, because they're actually a talentless jerk with none of the required skills. As far as I personally am concerned, I can't stand these parasite critics, they're scum feeding on the achievements of others, on some inane power trip because that's where uses go to find out about games. They can make or break a franchise and they think that makes them important, fact is they aren't, they're usually wrong, they mislead the public. Journalists actually "get it wrong" more than developers themselves do. Over the next month we're expecting lots of games... I don't think a single one of them will score poorly from the journalists, even when they should, every title will be hailed as some second coming from GoW2 to FO3, Fable 2 to LBP. That's what makes Yahtzee so entertaining for me personally, it's the exact opposite of what the mainstream media is ranting on about, and usually a damn site closer to the truth. In summary, the games journalist is a no talent hack mouth piece whom is part of the hype machine, ignore them.
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