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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Mr Josh has stated many a time that he personally thinks too much coverage too early is a bad thing, that said there has been coverage in the past. The Aliens RPG was announced early in my opinion. The project I am currently working on at Codemasters is at around a similar phase in production, yet we're still playing it hush hush, so announcing Aliens seems out of character, but it could have something to do with the fact Sega has two aliens products and there is a whole cross polynation thing. It may be a budget thing... Unsure. Perhaps they're saving the marketing budget for something big, but it's likely all in the hands of Sega, and not Obsidian.
  2. That both are Sawyers alts! LMFAO... Plausable.
  3. I've managed to avoid being banned by refusing to talk political stuff with anyone anymore, I stick to games, as I tend to offend everyone and thing when it comes to political talk. Back in the days of YoP I'd get banned all the time. I've had a warning once.
  4. Dear Gorogon I don't really know how to tell you this, but I dislike you. I think I realised it first of may, with paris hilton and I saw you ignore my best friend. I'm sure you're senile enough to understand that santa doesn't exist. I'm returning your ring to you, but I'll keep the oil stocks as a memory. You should also know that I never openly mocked senility . Greetings to your freaky family , Nightshape
  5. I can confirm fable 2 is pretty awesome SSSSSShhhh!
  6. Sony want LBP to appeal to EVERYONE! That mean's it's got to be extremely politically correct, I MEAN FFS! They're sack people!!!
  7. The original was a fun game, but I felt like I was playing a proof-of-concept. Reading the postmortum on gamasutra, I wonder how they even managed to get it out the door. Molyneux tends to have very good ideas, but I wonder if being a tad more pragmatic might leapfrog his abilties as a developer. His wikipedia page says he's 'one of the world's most brilliant and inventive game developers.' Seriously? I don't know. Okay, well to put this in simple language for you, Fable 2 is what Fable should have been. I've heard that from people I work with, who have worked on Fable and Fable 2, that was the goal, and that's what they've apparently achieved, the game is not merely Fable as it was, it's a major overhaul, with some really cool new features. What more can I say? GEEZ, I'm tempted by Fable 2 and I hated Fable. As for Molyneux I can respect what he's done in the past, but I'm not likely to run out and buy anything because he was involved in it.
  8. From what I have heard, from people who've played it, it's really THAT good, and should appeal to people who didn't like Fable 1... Interesting, I'd written it off entirely until now.
  9. Hey I mean I like fable and all, and I know some of the guys personally who have had input, but I just can't see it being a 10/10 game, so i blame eurogamer for doing yet another "bias" this is the second coming review. Fable 2 is probably a 7|8/10.
  10. I'd agree but edge has given 9/10 and then there is also http://www.snappygamer.com/2008/10/20/fabl...eview-xbox-360/ I'm waiting on a clearly unbias review.
  11. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=263778 What's that all about? I mean I work with some of the guys that worked on Fable 2, and I have yet to play it myself, but the review itself doesn't seem to hook up with it's 10/10 score WHAT THE HELL!? Anyways, thought I'd throw it out into the crowd see if anyone cares.
  12. I am on chapter 2 of "the longest journey", not got much to say about it, other than that it hasn't aged well. Resident evil 0 is plodding along slowly, and suffering from all the same flaws the series has always suffered from. Viking is just the same old generic fun.
  13. May I add that the textures and skinning are awful.
  14. I suppose you could say that it's a compliment in a way that I thought they were the same engine, a testiment to how good the Dunia engine appears to be visually.
  15. And that just goes to show how closely I've been following Far cry 2's devlopment... Which is not at all. So i went I looked, I found that Hell Kitty was right, now I will shut up.
  16. Does it need to be? I don't think I've ever played an adnventure game for the game. Well sure, but the puzzles should atleast be challenging, the last time I looked I got confused crossing the road in real life, I shouldn't be able to figure out a games puzzles in such an intuitive way that I can hardly call them puzzles. Back in the days of monkey island, and beneath a steel sky solving a puzzle kinda felt like an achievement, and it still does, as long as you leave a nice 5-10 gap between play throughs. The longest journey may as well be a crappy movie because my brain isn't being stimulated, from the perspective of solving puzzles to progress, the story seems okay so far, but I'll be sure to keep folk updated... Anyways... I think I'll go play viking or something... Where my 360 controller *grumbles*.
  17. Evil, nasty man. I'll finish it, but so far it's not very "game-like".
  18. Just started playing the longest journey at lunch times at work... with the intention of moving onto Dreamfall afterwards, so far it's effect has been shruggable, interesting enough story with nothing challenging so far, fairly poor gameplay even for an adventure game in that respect I am expecting the puzzles will increase in difficulty and the story is probably enough to get me through... All's said, it's not like Funcom are what I consider to be a favourite developer. I've currently got a three pronged attack at the moment in regards to gaming, I've got so many games that I own that I really just want to get through as many as I can, good or bad, I've been collecting them for years in anticipation of well, now... So... At weekends I'm currently taking the approch of playing the Resident Evil series. Currently playing Resident Evil 0. Lunch at work is The Longest Journey and Dreamfall. Currently playing The Longest Journey. Week nights I'm just playing whatever I feel like, that's currently Viking : The Battle for Asgard, and I plan on finishing my run through GTA IV after I am done with it.
  19. That's because the rendering in Crytek 2.0 is freaking AWESOMENESS DRIVEN!
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