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About NoKKiE

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  1. I am a prospective game developer and have been working on my own game for the past 2 or 3 months. I have been developing under windows using Visual Studio 2008 with cross-platform GUI library wxWidgets and OpenGL. I'm also working on learning Maya/MEL but I always wondered what kind of tools Obsidian used? I know if I was looking to work at Obsidian, knowing the right tools might give me that slight edge since I have less of a learning curve working there:). It also gives me some insight in how to submit sample work. I sent an email a week ago asking the best way to submit work (without wxWidgets or VS2008 the game can't even compile), but it seems they are too busy to answer which is understandable.
  2. Instead of looking at it so negatively... can't we just say it's a great mix between fallout and oblivion and enjoy it for what it is?
  3. This game looks really cool, EA has come out with some good games this year.
  4. I am loving this game, it is so innovative and creative =) It's extremely simple but takes a lot of time to master (if you want to start getting those high scores!). It's one of those games that both unskilled and skilled gamers can all enjoy for different reasons.
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