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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. That pop-up in the lower left-hand corner is very annoying. I soon expect a return of the <blink> tag in html, as even 'professional' websites have decided that the porn sites of the 90s strategy of so-much-blinking-****-the-viewer-can't-look-at-the-actual-page was brilliant design. I have no clue what you're talking about, clearly I read the article and stared at nothing else.
  2. http://www.kotaku.com.au/games/2009/01/how..._nightmare.html Interesting article.
  3. That's not so foolish. Burnout Paradise - 42 MILLION! GTA IV is larger more ambitious etc... Yeah sounds about right.
  4. ME sold 2,5 million units on the 360 alone. Add the PC sales, and you have 3 million. Now don't tell me those aren't good numbers. you do know that EA has not seen a single dime from the Xbox release? so if they even sold 500k (which i realy doubt) ME PC that is for EA surely disapointing release... Boy, you really have some nerve. ME (PC) was the deal for EA! Just imagine, they only had to spend money for the conversion! You're right, it's a pretty killer profit.
  5. I remember that MS announced in Dezember 2007 that ME sold 1,6 million units worldwide, but by now it's about 2,5 million units. So yeah, probably not all units were sold for full price. But I still think both MS and Bioware were very pleased with the performance, otherwise we wouldn't see the trilogy get done. Doesn't really matter what price a retailer shifts a game for... A shipped unit is a shipped unit pretty much, the retailer can sell it for whatever they want "Technically"
  6. Really? I actually think they are more concerned with how much money their game makes, seems to be all about bottom line with these folks. I think they'll let a poor metacritic score slide if the game's making money. The recent trend is that better games make more money so that's why they have become seemingly obsessed with scoring. A matter of percieved quality, is one of the many reasons... I think the money side is fairly obvious, but then again I high scoring game is also likely to sell more units. Swings and roundabouts.
  7. Don't be surprised to say goodbye to Bioware if ME2 and Dragon age don't sell as well as EA expect, that doesn't mean "Not make a profit", they could make a profit, but if it's not large enough... Well... You get what I'm saying. EA is pretty obsessed with it's metacritic scores at the moment.
  8. Allow me to appoligise in a most humble fashion for being an arrogant idiot. I should have picked up on your humour. p.s. Hershey's *URGK*. I'm looking forwards to ME2, ME's story was perhaps the most enjoyable experience I've had since BG 1.
  9. I'm not a violent woman, but there are few things more satisfying than running up to a krogan battle master, bashing his head in, and then pouring assult rifle fire into him as lies helpless at your feet. Why am I aroused?
  10. No, I've respected the works they've released as a collective group of people working on projects. There is alot of talent at Obsidian, some may even say some of the best, but clearly it seems they're just trying to fill seats. Why should I respect him? I've absolutely no reason to respect him, he won't even pay attention to facts about art outsourcing in the industry, he's not really been involved in anything I've played or enjoied. I want to respect him, but how can I when he reacts the way he has? Remind me Volo? What sets him apart from yourself? After all, I can bring myself to agree with you if I actually agree with you, and everyone knows *Nightshape dislikes Volourn* .
  11. Yeah, I think he didn't want to get into it unfortunately. Clearly, he hates you and will destroy your favourite chocolate brands. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  12. Bit of both, they represent the company, but they can have a laugh too... I was actually trying to enter into a serious converstaion with him... I felt like he dismissed me as mentioning something unrelated... In a way it is related, it effects all of us gamers and dev's. A problem, you've forgot to make a game to go with the story more like.
  13. I think you're holding him up to a model of behavior that many of us willfully and frequently fail to meet. Including yourself. On account of his dev status, I expect a certain level of professional conduct (I've always seen it from any other developer here, and I've seen them in tighter spots). Yup, I fall short of it, but I'm here as fan, a person who respects what's being created by these folks.
  14. Don't be a tard. If you're not willing to converse about the topic, that's fine. EA outsource's alot of artwork, I know for a fact they did this with burnout paradise, I also know that if an asset wasn't of a high enough quality it was ditched. I'm merely commenting on trends and how companies work... Obsidian as an independent developer isn't likely to work the same way as an internal EA developer. "Your level designers who ignore aesthetics won't care." I wouldn't say that about a single level designer I work with. Infact I know the extents they're going to. You got served And when did Obsidian start hiring retards? Seriously... What's with the attitude? Edit: Does Onyx support live update?
  15. It could be worse... JRPG's have never known compelling combat mechanics, so frankly I'll take WRPG's and think myself lucky. Sure it could be better... But it could be worse.
  16. Don't be a tard. If you're not willing to converse about the topic, that's fine. EA outsource's alot of artwork, I know for a fact they did this with burnout paradise, I also know that if an asset wasn't of a high enough quality it was ditched. I'm merely commenting on trends and how companies work... Obsidian as an independent developer isn't likely to work the same way as an internal EA developer. "Your level designers who ignore aesthetics won't care." I wouldn't say that about a single level designer I work with. Infact I know the extents they're going to.
  17. If you're doing web development then surely, PHP, Python, ASP, or even Ruby on rails, are all better solutions that VB... MY GAWD! I've found common ground with Krezack.
  18. It's not KOTOR 3, that appears to be his problem...
  19. Fable *urgh*... It looks better on PC... And that's about it. If Fable 2 ever comes out for PC, I
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