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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Now I've spent more time playing Rise of the Argonauts, I genuinely don't understand why it's scored badly, I admit it's not perfect, but it's a 7/10 so far. 1UP gave it 25 out of 100, that's absolute idiocy, I'm certainly glad I didn't bother actually reading reviews until after I played it. So far they just don't match up, at all... Its done nothing but increase my contempt for the gaming media, and the people who work in it.
  2. Rise of the Argonauts, looking past the abundance of technical flaws, so far I don't understand the terrible metacritic score, maybe I shall later.
  3. A job is a job. And a game is a game. Yeah, its more that I never expected to read the initial post.
  4. This is BTW, like saying "I am lame" publically and without shame. - 100 respect points lass.
  5. Some people are okay with liking EA products. I know its crazy, but you've got to accept it, Nightshape. That wasn't what I was thinking. It was more a personal irony, I work with lots of Ex-EA folk, some even worked on Burnout: Paradise. So I've heard all the war stories. Hence the head shaking.
  6. Whats wrong with the nwn2 engine currently? Still looks damn good and performs well. Do you honestly believe that? I mean seriously, Badger is a crappy engine.
  7. HA! ^ Imagine working with one of those! URGH! Huge, and heavy, it's even got old skool switches on it... Very next gen dude... The PS3 is a hunk of junk.
  8. Obsidian's twitter value is a WHOLE $9
  9. Estonia has a silly number of internet connection per person, I remember being in Rapina (fairly small place for those who don't know), the closest bar had wi-fi! It's everywhere... It's not just cities and large towns, pretty much anything from a small village up has a net connection. I'm not too sure about some of the small farms out in the middle of nowhere, but I'd imagine you could get a connection if you so wanted.
  10. [sarcasam] All you nee to do now, is realise why Python isn't really worthwhile for games . [/sarcasam]
  11. All you'll get is a bunch of middleware render pipeline systems. It does mean we will likely see a raytracer vs rasteriser showdown
  12. Most games are developed in Parallel, but the PS3 compiler is stricter than the 360 compiler, plus the nature of the systems are different, this means the PS3 build tends to begin to lag behind. Porting from XBox 360 to PC isn't actually that hard, but it always depends on engine tech, and how much work has gone into it or if it's just a straight port. I'd like to see some proof of that... It sounds like a retarded decision.
  13. I knew it was one or the other, that means the GPU is big-endian. All the rendering data requires an endian flip. I think you'll find porting from PC to any console is a nightmare, its merely more of a nightmare with the PS3. I've heard a few war stories about the HL - 2 port for PS3, stuff to loose sleep over. Alot of companies are finding it hard to get the best from SPU's, but they're actually better at vertex shader type calculations than the PS3's GPU, least that's what I hear. SPU's ain't bad mind, they're just alot more effort for very little gain. EGO does have some good SPU support.
  14. Sweeny makes some good points, I also have stated before that I don't think we'd see another gen of consoles until beyond 2010. In all honesty the XBox 360 has alot of advantages over the PS3, it's easier to develop for a start. That's not related to the hardware, the 360 Dev Kit, is very similar to working on the PC, you debug in VC++ etc... It's pretty much the same process. Working with the PS3 SDK, while not hard, its a different experience. The PS3 suffers from the fact it basically has a Geforce 7 card bolted into it, the CELL processor operates in little endian, and the GPU in big endian (I could have those the wrong way round) this means an endian swap takes place. The CELL has alot of raw processing power, but it's not like your PC, it's not like you have 7 PC processors, you actually only have a single processor which is like the PC, and that's the PPU, the rest are SPU which have some memory limitations, etc... When we compare it to the 360, we find the 360 has an equally powerful GPU (infact some would argue more powerful), you don't have to do an endian swap, and it has a shared memory resource, PS3 has dedicated video and system memory. The 360 is more like a triple cored PC (it's not exactly like it mind). Developers actually seem to be having an easier time with the 360 opposed to the PS3, and the strange thing for me personally is that basically, of the multiplatform releases the PS3 always looks and plays the worst. So what am I getting at? Simple, the PS3 is actually no better as a games machine than a 360, so why buy one?
  15. How so? He pretty much hit the nail on the head!
  16. It's not. It's directed at retailers. It's all about profits, I'm merely pointing out that the retailer wins, regardless. I get tired of hearing about how developers should do better, and publishers are greedy etc... It's a sack of crap.
  17. That's totally true from my point as well. If I buy a game for $50 and then get $20 from a resell, that $20 plus a bit more would go into buying another game, most likely at retail price. Good post. It's not always forced to be the case that the money will go towards that, but it isn't what I have an issue with personally... I actually agree, my point is more that the retailer is the one making the most amount of profit, opposed to the developer, but that's just the nature of things in general. People have an impression that games make alot more money than they do, IMHO the retailer is the winner regardless. I begrudge giving the retailer $20. Edit: I also don't like recieving mail from game telling me product X is worth
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