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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. I anyone can start and arguement by taking a retarded stance it's Volo. Seriously though, I can't even watch that trailer again its so fracking crap! How it's been done is all wrong... The music, the pacing, the choice of scenes etc... WRONG WRONG WRONG. It's achieved one thing, a bunch of people say7ing how crap it is so EA will be happy as we're talking about it.
  2. That entire video STINKS of EA brand marketing, absolute CRAP!
  3. Eww Diablo GHEY! "Thread pruned. For someone strange reason we can't play nice. The next time I see any more baiting or picking on members they will get a PM from yours truly and it won't be nice." TeeHee!
  4. Easy... The quality of judgment has declined. The quality of judgment has never existed.
  5. Brios is who you're thinking, not Briareus, which is what the link puts on top. i have no clue who the guy who the link goes to is. he were a Developer for black isle... you not see title o' thread and follow back to origin? perhaps now you is seeing the point o' the post? a black isle developer speaks to the questionable commercial success o' fallout. bad 'cess to twinks, zigs and gorillas. oh, and chrisA has gotten plenty o' millage from ps:t... but that were kinda the high water mark for him. sorry, but unlike aristes, we were pretty damned unimpressed with the motb joinable npcs. each character were a cliche-- with a hook. 'stead o' the textbook cleric/paladin that questions faith... we gets a winged chick who literal only sees in black n' white. make the character a male-human paladin and who gives dove a second thought, eh? gann... a jolly-rogue womanizer... with mommy issues? makes an elf and how quick you thinks we hear "cliche"? worst of all, we never made no connection with the titular character... can't even recall his name. is not that motb were horrible, but am not thinking it were particularly great work for chrisA. at some point somebody should pull chrisA aside and tell him that characters should be profound, rather than trying to make 'em say lots o' profound stuff. maybe has chrisA read children's books like "the phantom tollbooth" or gaiman's "coraline". heck, gaiman's adult characters not go 'round vomiting forth coffee shop grade existential philosophy... 'cept for maybe in American Gods. kids books is great for beating the excessive introspection habit out o' young authors, 'cause young readers simply don't get such stuff. make chrisA write his characters as if they is speaking to a 10-year old. ravel weren't profound 'cause o' what she said, but 'cause o' how she were used to advance story. kreia were an excellent character as well, though she got a little preachy... but in a star wars jedi that kinda goes with the territory to some degree. don't get us wrong, chrisA has produced some fantastic work... his targos stuff in iwd2 were high point o' the game. even so, he is miss almost as often as he is hit. HA! Good Fun! Gromnir makes some good points here... Here's my take... Obsidian guys have made some decent games, from a perspective of fun, but from a perspective of software I'm not so certain. Often work has been done using other companies technologies, infact all released titles have had most of their input from extenal sources. It is certainly questionable in regards to how successful Obsidian and Black Isle have ever been at producing good technology, if we take a closer look at these projects what we see is that most failings have always been in the area of technology or bad assesment in regards to production. Lets look at Obsidian's titles: KOTOR II: Content was cut effecting the result and quality of the end of the game, the development time was short, about 12 months if I remember correctly. The content being cut must obviously be due to an over estimation of what was achieveable within the time period a costing, time estimation, and production failing. NWN2: Brand new rendering engine, all in all on release the product suffered from terrible performance (I'm not sure if any content was cut which effected the overall quality of the product so I'd sooner not comment), but clearly there were technical issues and bugs galore on release, meaning that their was an overestimation of the teams capibility to produce desired results over the timeframe allocated. Thankfully the performance has been greatly improved, and the following expansions required alot less focus on developing new tech and more time focusing on content. I can only speculate on the reasons why NWN2 was a bad piece of software on release, legacy code through to over ambitious technology through to lack of technical expertise, it's an unknown but a failing obviously existed. If we go back further and look at BIS titles we begin to see that the lack of technical knowledge having an effect on 3D titles, Torn, FO3, and BG3 all had issues, far as I am aware FO3 and BG3 had pipeline failings, the content pipeline is one of the most important and most used pieces of software in development a long content processing time coupled with potential bugs can kill a game dead before its even begun. All the successful BIS titles used IE, a simpler engine, with an established pipe from bioware, who knows if it was good or bad. I love Obsidian's products, but I wouldn't say they were solid pieces of software, and that is from what I can see having observed and followed the talent for 10 years their major failing and where the focus to improve should really be. This isn't to say that they don't have loads of talented guys working for them, I'm certain that they do. I also have to admit that with every title they continue to get better. In brief, Obsidian can suffer from being a wee bit over ambitious for their development timeframes. My expectations of FO:NV are that it will be well written, fun to play, and probably a more balanced experience, with a heavy focus on content. I do believe that they will likely have Beth's crappy gamebyro based engine dogging them, and the potential for obsidian to fix that broken POS is fairly small. But hey... I'm just guessing so what's it matter.
  6. LMFAO@Gromnir... Must have been a few years since you had fun with a game.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mise_en_sc%C3%A8ne Dude, come on. No one here is saying they don't have a postive effect on the game. But they are not stories. I could create a story around them in my head if I want to. But then I'm WRITING the story, one possible story, based on one frozen moment. That's all it is, Josh, one frozen moment. Again, I'm not saying its a bad thing. Or not effective at times. Player narative, and story telling through gameplay are what games can do different to movies in terms of story telling. Enviromental features re-enforce this, its a additive feature which increases immersion, each element is likely placed based on some untold story which is driving the level design. For the most part, I've always felt that games encourage the player to actually write part of the story themselves, but hey, Its your game!
  8. I've not had chance to play much, but in the first 30 minutes of play, I met two NPC's which I thought were interesting, one of which being a fallen paladin (kinda neat idea), the some rogue chick. Is it worth 10 bones? Certainly, even if you ended up having DRM issues a year from now.
  9. 360: Now: Halo 2 I'm nearing the end of Halo 2, I only have a few levels left. I was really enjoying the game, and I am still finding the game to be enjoyable, but I've become frustrated by the flood, not because I am finding it hard or anything like that, but more that it's a more base level of gameplay. Mob the player with enemies. Unlike alot of people playing the Arbieter hasn't bothered me, I've certainly got a healthy respect for where the series has gone after Halo: Combat Evolved. Next: Halo 3 Previous: Halo: Combat Evolved I still don't understand why Halo was popular, level asset recycling is done to death, the level design is cookie cutter copy and paste, the art direction is poor. I don't see any reason why anyone would want to play Halo. It's a pretty horrible game. The story is average, and its certainly not delivered in an engaging manner. Verdict: 4/10 Now: GTA IV. I've been playing GTA IV since release, in short bursts. It's been one of those long, exuasting experiences which I have very little respect for, the gameplay is fairly fun, but hasn't really evolved very far since GTA III, and the story has not been worthy of mention. I do believe that the whole spree kill factor keeps the game interesting. Next: Splinter Cell: Double Agent. Previous: Black All in all I don't feel that Black was a bad experience, as an Audio and Visual experience it was top notch perhaps even the best experience of the last generation consoles, sadly the gameplay was certainly lacking, feeling like it was only a few steps removed from Doom. I certainly say it's worth playing if you like FPS's on consoles, it looks as good as a first generation X360 game. The story was forgetable, some strange live action pants which should have just been avoided entirely. It also wasn't skippable! very annoying. The level design and asset quality was well in excess of Halo, (which I would have expected Black being released in 2006). Verdict: 6/10 Now: Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Tactical shooter, not alot to say about it really. I do believe it's extremely challenging. Next: Gears of War, on Hardcore. Now: Endwar. I mostly play this online, I've not actually completed the games compaign Next: Nothing, I only play this occasionally online for an hour or two at a time. Wii: (GameCube) Now: Resident Evil Zero. MUST FIND MOTIVATION! Next: Resident Evil. (Virtual Console: NES) Now: The Legend of Zelda Got the silver sword, and I'm currently trying to complete the third dungeon. Next: Zelda II (Wii) Now: MadWorld I've only played this for a short period of time since I picked up a copy, seems kinda novel and humourious so far... Not much to say at the moment. Next: Geometry Wars: Galaxies PC: Now: Hellgate: London I play this at lunch because it allows me to jump in and do a quick quest and not really care about anything other than slaying a bunch of monsters. (Work PC) Next: Dark Messiah Might and Magic. Now: Bioshock I must admit, when I first sat down and played Bioshock, it didn't make sense to me. I was confused about what kind of game I was playing. Now that I've spent more time in the seat and completed a couple of levels it's starting to slot into place. It's not a scary game, but it does give me moment of certain tentativity in my actions. It's still early days currently I'm at neptunes bounty.(Desktop at home) Next: The Witcher. (Retro Vibe) Now: Baldurs Gate (Using TuTu) Always wondered what the effect of using a few mods would be on Baldurs Gate. So I'm finding out, currently playing an Elf Archer. Next: Baldurs Gate II: SoA Now: Fallout It's been a good few years since I'd played Fallout I'd really forgotten how much of a gem this game is. The bizzare thing is that I'm less frustrated by the game now than I was when I did initially play through it. While I've certainly been playing this in a casual manner, 1-2 hrs sessions usually 1 or 2 days a week, I'm finding that the experience is still working and now feeling disjointed, which also seems to imply the initial design was to allow the game to played in bite sized chunks. I'm currently causing havok in the hub. (Laptop at home) Next: Neverwinter Nights OC.
  10. Will it? You upgrade that often! Yes... this year new PC, next year Win7... Last time activation of one software i use based on hardware changed when i removed my backup harddrive from PC... i connect and remove with backup harddrive all the time... and i am reinstalling my system very often aswell... using tools from Acronis, it takes 15 minutes max to reinstall my PC... so why not doing it so often... last time i reinstalled XP, my boot time gone 30 second faster, and launching of programs 1 second... *Shruggs* Your loss... Having my PC fast and clean all the time is no loss for me... I was commenting more on MoW. Clearly you've got a conflict that's legitimate with DRM, you're upgrading regularly, and you're doing OS reinstalls often. You're a rare case, and I see why you have an issue. I said earlier, that I would complain about DRM if I had a problem. I've never had one that's been so bad that I've felt the need to jump over the fence. My only issue from what I can recall, and this is EVER, are some of the DLC that was released for Oblivion, the Downloaded content didn't work for me and wouldn't activate, I got a refund, and bought Knights of the Nine instead. That is my one, single DRM horror story.
  11. Will it? You upgrade that often! Yes... this year new PC, next year Win7... Last time activation of one software i use based on hardware changed when i removed my backup harddrive from PC... i connect and remove with backup harddrive all the time... and i am reinstalling my system very often aswell... using tools from Acronis, it takes 15 minutes max to reinstall my PC... so why not doing it so often... last time i reinstalled XP, my boot time gone 30 second faster, and launching of programs 1 second... *Shruggs* Your loss...
  12. I wouldn't mind that. But wouldn't True Fallout Fans take issue? Meh, that'll happen anyway.
  13. And i dislike people who thinks that only their oppinion is the correct one... Opinions are fine, but the FACTS! Facts can be corrupted on the intarweb. It's just one of those LONG boring pointless pathetic conversations. Am I interested in MoW , YES! Will DRM effect my ability to play MoW, NO!
  14. *yawns* I'll join the legions of cry babies soon as I have a problem.
  15. I think I dislike folks that moan and whine and don't purchase products because of DRM, more than DRM itself.
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