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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Are you joking? Star Ocean is terrible, just awful. I suggest you read what I wrote, and understand it. You suggested that it's worth a shot, I stated that it's garbage. Unless you're speaking illuminati, I understood you perfectly. It MAY be worth a shot. You stated it was garbage. I'm only guilty of saying he may want to take a look. Your response makes it sound like I stated it was the most awesome JRPG to be released ever!
  2. Are you joking? Star Ocean is terrible, just awful. I suggest you read what I wrote, and understand it.
  3. The faction stuff is extremely well executed.
  4. star ocean may be worth a shot, but it ain't turn based.
  5. I'm also playing Risen, I wouldn't go as far as mkreku, and say it's my best game of the year so far, but it's certainly fun enough. Harbour town was certainly interesting, and while the voice acting is average, the actual written dialogue is atleast compelling enough to keep me interested. you get a real sense of living world with Risen, and the NPC's all seem fairly opinionated. I've also been playing COD:MW and COD:WaW. It's shocking how little these guys change their low level concept formula, all the COD games play the same, it's all a matter of "shoot the right guy and push forwards". And finally Dead Rising, can you say "broken" because Dead Rising is a fine example of "broken".
  6. I hate it when I agree with Volo
  7. I've pre-ordered the PS3 version, so it should be an interesting enough experience!
  8. I would also say that it is infact more accessable than the Gothic series aswell.
  9. I totally knew it! Sounds like my dream job! It's hard working being socially retarded but someone has to do it.
  10. Well this is the thing, if Brutal Legend does as well as it seems it'll do, I'd be shocked if we don't see a PC port. So yeah, it''s likely that it will be viable.
  11. Yeah, I totally said that. I understand that making the PC port costs more money and might not be the best idea in some cases, but looking at some big multiplatform AAA titles coming out in the near future(DA, MW2, ME2, AC2, SC:C), you'll see that most of them still have PC ports. So either all those publishers are making incredibly stupid business moves or making PC ports is still worth the money. I'm not arguing that PC games sell as well as console ones or that they don't have their own unique-ish problems associated with the platform, but I also don't see less of them this year than I did last year. All those games will be expected to make back alot more than it cost to make ports for them. Also, one has to take a moment to think about technology etc... So yeah, big multiplatform titles often have PC sku's, but then again, when you're working on sequels, as most of those are, it makes alot of sense, as does something like DA which will hopefully have a strong PC modding community. Brutal Legend has had a hard enough time getting to market, if dropping a PC sku made the project more attractive for a publisher then you do it.
  12. It's a little different for me, I can't point you to an interview or article because that's not where my information comes from, it comes from actual experience in industry and conversations I've had with other industry professionals. That's not to say your points aren't valid at some level Purkake, delayed releases can be related to exclusivity deals, it isn't the only reason, but I've explained several other reasons why the PC isn't getting alot of support, I thought I would share this with everyone, but obviously I'm making it all up. Now you, you're 100% correct and know everything, and the people actually inside the industry don't know anything, we're all a bunch of tards that sit round all day spunking up the wall and talking about porn, while fawning over the single female in the office. Occasionally we introduce a new bug, or make some bad art.
  13. PC only titles really are low budget affairs, or titles pretty certain to shift a shedload of units, ala Diablo 3. Obviously you have MMO's aswell but in the grand scheme of things, there aren't alot of PC games being released week in week out that aren't just ports from 360. Who said anything about PC-only? We are talking about Br
  14. Well put it like this, if you want to save some $$$ developing a game, and ensure that you're going to sell enough to be profitable, cutting the PC version is a fairly good option. Develop for 2 SKU's instead on 2 + (2^n) instantly you're saving money, you're not AS exposed to piracy. Obviously with some titles the budget means that they can maintain a PC build aswell, see it's not just a matter of compiling some code, all the data has to be built for the platforms aswell. While a PC version of pretty much every game exists at some point, the state of that build is generally not maintained because the focus is the console, infact the lead platform tends to be PS3. This is why you'll often find PC titles released 6 months or so afterwards, because they're fixing up the build and getting the data togeather. Regardless, it's rare that the PC is lead platform, I believe Risen is likely to be the only title I am aware of where this can be assumed.
  15. I hope they do. It sucks that PC gamers aren't getting a version. PC only titles really are low budget affairs, or titles pretty certain to shift a shedload of units, ala Diablo 3. Obviously you have MMO's aswell but in the grand scheme of things, there aren't alot of PC games being released week in week out that aren't just ports from 360.
  16. The question is do EA feel that there are ENOUGH PC gamers with money that they're willing to spend.
  17. Another would be "not available on the PC". Why invest the money to release it on PC? As a business decision there is absolutely no point in developing this for PC, unless there is firm evidence that it'll be worth while, it probably isn't worth anyones effort.
  18. Obviously not you. Doesn't change the fact it's pure awesomeness.
  19. I have the 360 version, as as expected, it looks like arse, but it doesn't run anywhere near as badly as stated in the review, but this ain't a pretty game on the 360. That said, so far I am enjoying it, I couldn't stop laughing initially because the first thought I actually have about this game is that it's the most authentic hardcore PC-like experience I've come across, it'll probably do terrible on the 360, and be widely disliked, but I think personally I'm really really going to enjoy it. So the combat is a bag of spanners, and the game looks like something from the XBOX era. All the same, it's the only game like it on 360. My advice is that people should pick up the PC version if they can run it. Oh I just want to also note that it's probably not that the port from PC to X360 was badly done, it's very likely that the engine has been written in that typical "PC" sloppy fashion, the sheer volume of re-engineering that would have likely been involved to get it to run identically would have been equivilant to a re-write. Infact, it seems like the PC version is probably so sloppy they're expecting folk to have powerful enough machines to brute force it on PC. Atleast it runs and seems stable enough I suppose that's the best the PC master race of gaming can hope for anymore, even if the engine is so fat it'd make an American blush. That's a topic for another time.
  20. I'm gunna go buy this today, and if it sucks, I can atleast chuckle at mkreku's damnable and downright terrible taste . Actually I've been kinda looking forwards to it. Looks like Pirahna Bytes may need to hang out with the "reviewing" community a little more and "buy" them a few beers
  21. Awesomesauce it's the only word to describe Brutal Legend
  22. Dumbed down, and ease of access ain't the same thing really.
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