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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Gaider. Dave Gaider! *sigh*
  2. Still, I like boxes and dislike digital copies. Don't worry, soon you won't have the choice of a box. you can still buy new albums on records in stores. i think boxes are safe for a few more decades. We'll see eh!
  3. Still, I like boxes and dislike digital copies. Don't worry, soon you won't have the choice of a box.
  4. Well it is, for most folks...
  5. Shoddy texture work, that looks rushed. That's what stalker screams so hard it makes my eyes bleed.
  6. FAILCAKE FIXED! Edit: I'm retarded.
  7. And I think you're wrong. They both look bad.
  8. YAY! Bethseda love rivelling that of Alex Evans's love for Tom Howard.
  9. I was just a bit lost, and needed to be reminded of some nice old fan truths. I know it sounds weird, but ya know... I've sat there before and had to go, "I'm too close to know if this is good anymore". This has reminded me of something that Mr Josh posted once, many moons ago, not the same kind of topic, but certainly touched on elements of what I am experience'in now. p.s. This forum keeps me grounded and in touch with the man on the street, regardless of my occasional rants, I care really, I'm not a "soulless automation", really honest.
  10. Further reiterating the importance of my observation of designers. They're almost producers *ahem* .
  11. So this is the type of emotional attachment that was being talked about.
  12. Half the problem is decreasing the budget, I think Risen is probably the best effort made from a low budget title, that I have seen in a long time. I'd hate to even begin to guess the budget, but it's probably still a sizeable chunk. "Do I want a God of War-style Planescape: Torment 2?" I think we can agree it'd sell better than the original
  13. I respect it's a problem for some folk, I'm working on why... For me it's a done deal, its a business decision. For fans its an issue, just trying to touch base a little.
  14. "I didn't like it so I don't care." It's nice that you started a "discussion" and are pretty much throwing your "opinion" around like it's the only one. Except I can't see the other viewpoint anymore, if it's not valid for me it isn't, I can't change that. Plus I'm pretty certain I made my opinion clear. I can't see WHY it's wrong to twist an IP, I can't see it for the tree's. If I wasn't playing earlier rainbow six games could it be that it didn't appeal to me? Perhaps the cost of developing a more simulation like game began to outstrip sales, and to save the IP, and peoples jobs they twisted the IP. I'm speculating, but I don't see why it is a problem, if someone can tell me why, I will listen, so far I'm just hearing a subjective "I don't like it", so I responded with "I don't care".
  15. EA has definately be making attempts to bring some new IP's to life. 2008 saw a couple of big ones, new IP's actually have a smaller return on investment, so each new IP is a risk, strong IP development isn't easy, cheap, and viable in large numbers.
  16. Yeah, it'd be a tragedy if Vegas were never made for sure, hehe. In that case (and most of them I'd say) the IP's better off dead than twisted. If the IP is making money, then twist it, games are a business, and if changing an IP leads to more sales then it's a good move. I actually didn't mind Vegas at all, so what if it wasn't as hardcore as previous rainbow six games, I certainly WASN'T playing those.
  17. Thankfully nobody of any importance thinks like you, else we'd be looking at a bunch of very dead IP's. Edit: And more dead development studio's.
  18. Every now and again you make some sensible statements, I mean this kinda thing is a RARE event, but then you got and post something like this and it's all /facepalm and /shakehead.
  19. Cutscene's are an easy way out to begin with, QTE's just make a bad idea, an interactive bad idea.
  20. You are so gonna burn! "Am I? but I believe my JA reboot would make more money, I have the market data to back it up. I don't need the all the old fan's, it's a total win!" JA is a game very close to alot of peoples hearts... But I genuinely think a company could take the IP, screw with it, and make a more widely appealing game. That's the kind of thing I'm on about, I believe they would have to do that to truly be successful. Ala FO, OFP, DX etc... Are JA fans any more hardcore than FO fans? 'Cause I didn't think it got more rabid than FO fans. Also, I don't think Invisible War was as successful as Deus Ex, though the upcoming DE3 may do better. I couldn't comment on IW success because I don't know, it's fairly obvious that it won't always make the transition and be successful but that doesn't mean that it isn't possible. It's shocking how rabbid the old gaurd fanbase's can get.
  21. You are so gonna burn! "Am I? but I believe my JA reboot would make more money, I have the market data to back it up. I don't need the all the old fan's, it's a total win!" JA is a game very close to alot of peoples hearts... But I genuinely think a company could take the IP, screw with it, and make a more widely appealing game. That's the kind of thing I'm on about, I believe they would have to do that to truly be successful. Ala FO, OFP, DX etc...
  22. I wonder how people would react to taking the Jagged Alliance franchise, and porting it over to consoles. Dare I say potentially ditching TB mechanics as well. ^ That is the sort of thing I'm on about.
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