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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Having a bit of a blast from the past... Been listening to alot of Floater.
  2. Not exactly, you just happen to play a crazy gunslinging priest some of the time. Call of Juarez is worth a play if you like shooters that are a little be out of the ordinary. It's by no means perfect, but I'd say it's fun enough.
  3. If a wrecked, derelict, mutant infested, radiation bathed sinkhole of human corpses that is Chernobyl isn't special, than nothing is. alanschu: imho established history doesn't matter much when a, they didn't bother gathering every info there is, and b, they retcon it anyway. I don't care about the minutiae presented in the Fallout Bible. I feel as though the game benefited from the Fallout name and being set within the Fallout Universe. That's all there is to it. I would suspect that the overwhelming majority of people have little to no knowledge of the existence of the Fallout Bible. I would even go further, and feel that an overwhelming majority of the people that loved the first two Fallouts have little to no knowledge of the existence of the Fallout Bible. But you know all about it and feel it should be adhered to more strictly. You win a cookie. I've had this conversation several times and there's no point discussing it further IMO. We see things differently. ^ I agree with this statement!
  4. Just because a game has a long development cycle doesn't mean the Artwork isn't rushed, Stalkers strengths are in the gameplay. While they did some very impressive and useful work in rendering, the asset quality doesn't show the potential of deffered rendering engines. It's a mixed bag, a poor quality product can be saved by design, and a high quality product can be successful and design by numbers.
  5. You know what CrashGirl, and this is a funny thing for me personally, because I wouldn't rate Bioshock highly, it's a fairly generic shooter. So yeah I'd totally agree with you in regards to the gameplay being uninspired. On another note, Rapture, as a setting, and how it's been built, how feels etc... As a world, well that's certainly impressive, So the environment gets a thumbs up, in that respect it's certainly inspired. If I look at a game like STALKER for example, I see bad and bland artwork (All looks very rushed to me), and generic gameplay with some interesting tweaks I admit, but this is along side some, at times, horrific AI. Yet you have rated the game very highly in the past... You say things like: "Oblivion may well be the worst crpg ever made", now I'm certain that isn't true, you may not like it, but it's certainly nowhere near as flawed as you say it is. So, are you just overly bias? Just got plain terrible taste? It's absurd! Hunny, all I can say is you leave me utterly bemused, and confused and I have no clue what you actually think is good because, you sometimes like something which is sub-par, slate things which are done exceptionally well, and hold crazy ass opinions of games which, while not to your liking, are infact extremely successful. Maybe I'm just dumb?
  6. I think there is some scope for rule tweaking, but nothing more than that really, I don't expect HUGE changes, heck I'm not certain if I expect small ones. All I can say is FIX THE ANIMATION! I suggest starting with a decent character rig!
  7. That's true. Too much change brings a lot of uncertainty. However, I do think removing or minimizing the slomo would be welcomed by many and would probabkly make the game more playable. I'd say make it optional, removing features seems stupid. I don't mind it at all, but ya know, I don't carry the same amount of venom around in my belly as you when it comes to a feature like VATS, I just hate the way that it sometimes looks lame when you aim a minigun at someones head at point blank range, and not only do you miss, you can see how they've forced the bullets to miss...
  8. GRID and DIRT are awesome! No, they're arcade racers with no real driving feel. And GRID is so unrealisticly sped up that you cant play it with a wheel, because you'll break it trying to navigate a chicane at 500mph. ...they're very pretty to look at though p.s Blimey games will rule you with Need for Speed : Shift BOOO! You're wrong!
  9. I'd choose to watch the story of the universe from beginning to end :D LOL, failing that... Lord of the Rings extended version naturally.
  10. The reason why I spoke about individuals is that different disciplines which are applied when making a game, art, code, design, the general skillset is interchangable between development teams, people move around alot in the games industry, development studios on the otherhand tend to focus on owning an area of the market. If a studio does branch out this often results in setting up an entirely different team. Bethesda have an established fanbase, the Eldar scrolls community, established mechanics which they're used to applying, and established technology and experience with the Gamebyro engine. The first good business decision is to go "How much can we re-use?", there are also a bunch of other questions which need to be considered, but unless you've got the cash and time to build a new development team it doesn't seem sensible to stray too far outside the current norm. I don't believe the team which made FO3 would ever make a NFL or Nascar, so even thinking about it is a waste of time. Some of the individuals on the other hand may very well have, or may do so in the future. Features are costed, and analysed, what you THINK is a suggestion which would be easy to implement isn't likely always the case. Also when I talk of extending a development cycle, I was talking in terms of years, FO3 would still be in development now I'd wager. I'm not going to argue about who knows the series best, waste of time and effort, what I shall say is that you're not in a position to state how long a feature will take to develop, infact I'd go so far as to say I don't even believe you're qualified. By you I mean fans in general. Hire a pro then (if even just as a consultant). ~Hire a pro consultant ~that's what they had for America's Army ~they had access to a military gun expert and someone who knew every piece of equipment that they were to make/model and have behave correctly (enough). Totally different situation entirely, the two don't make ANY sense, it would be like Bethesda actually admitting they know nothing about making games, which they clearly know something about as they've achieved alot of sales. What exactly would you hire a "pro consultant" for on FO 3, that's an absurd it's a ridiculious idea. The franchise belongs to Bethesda legally, they can do as they please with it. I imagine that the thinking was to establish a new fanbase and appeal to new gamers. *chuckles* That's just the nature of localisation. It's not a good example, offending a person culturally is a bad move. Changing an established franchise to fit with a vision? Nah that's perfectly acceptable. Why bother? You can take the basics and make the rest up and most people won't care. I think the great irony here would be Viking : Battle for Asgard for example, Creative Assembly I'd say they're well known for the accuracy of the Total war series, but Viking : Battle for Asgard is a damn perversion of norse mythology. Hollywood are the kings inaccuracy, they seem to get away with it . So really it depends on what you're intending to achieve with the game, a super realistic FPP title based on welsh myth would never make it past the first round of pitches at most if not all companies.
  11. ~Its natural to assume that a professional can change styles to suit the project, while the amateur is stuck doing what they are accustomed to, and feels "out of their element" when asked to change. For an individual this is true, but for a large development team working with a specific budget you actually end up increasing the development time frame, increasing the development costs as a result, it's not so much a question of, could they have?, as much as, why the hell would they?. You don't turn out a product that is going to increase your development costs and timeframe when you have an option of going with techniqiues which are established just to please the self proclaimed elite fans, especially if the market data says you're going to shift more units by going with your established route. So in otherwords, it's a bad idea to change a formula which is established by a studio, especially when you have technology in place? Hire a pro then (if even just as a consultant). Yeah, because hiring all the right people for the right jobs is that simple! "Hey guys you're all being made redundant because the Codexian, and NMA folks want THEIR fallout 3, while they're only numbering a few hundred we're going to have to hire an entirely new team with the correct skill set to appease them". Atleast I haven't just proclaimed Gizmo to be an ignorant SOB, so that's an improvement right guys?
  12. Yeah, I probably have. It's just hard not to, you know. I'll try to turn it down. Sry. It's only the repeating nature that's annoying, for the most part I think you're right. Fact is I'm pretty certain Josh has a spreadsheet with a bunch of numbers in it that he's tweaking to get the balance that he thinks is right.
  13. Bethesda wanted to make THEIR interpritation of the Fallout universe, you don't have to like it, but it's only natural that a company would use the same format for their interpritation of a game. If Bethesda had made Fallout 3 in the manner which the Codexian and NMA folk desired it would have SUCKED even more, not because isometric and turn based are bad, but merely because Bethesda have 0 experience doing such things. I like Fallout 3 I thought it was a fun game, but in terms of having anything in common with the original fallout games, I never expected it to be anything else either. What is it that Yahtzee says, "Fans are whiney complaining dip s**ts!"
  14. Yes. WE KNOW. You've written this a BILLION times. How many more times do you think it's necessary to write this? In the same ****ing thread, nonetheless? Hey, how about you tell us how crappy the guns are in Fallout 3? Have you mentioned how crappy the writing is in Fallout 3 yet today? If it's in less than three posts, it doesn't count! Oh, and that joke about putting [intelligence] in front of made up stuff never gets old, does it? You're all like [bleeping] sheep. You have a point. She has been going on a BIT more than usual. Broken record ya know?
  15. SEE I TOLD YOU ALL VOLO WOULD DO THIS! Crap trailer, and yes I will buy dragon age.
  16. Aram your love for guns has never ceased to amaze me over the years...
  17. I ordered 300 rounds of surplus 8mm Mauser and UPS left it on my doorstep with no signature w00t. So Aram likes guns, CrashGirl thinks F3s guns were poopy, and SteveThaiBinh thinks guns are boring. Any other opinions? Only in America!
  18. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  19. Some pretty cool stuff in there mind, but without playing it, and knowing that, how can you say it isn't?
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