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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Multiplayer is very challenging. I'd certainly say it's worth $5.
  2. ... Explain "Animation Programmer"?
  3. More like rebranding FreeRadical's engine.
  4. *shruggs* I wanted to like the guy, but to be brutally honest I didn't like him all that much. That said, I hope the guy stay's in industry, he seemed to have some talent, and it's hard to get a real impression of a person on a forum.
  5. It depends what you can tolerate. As a shooter, it feel slightly more sophisticated than Doom. But the levels are great, the weapons are cool, the world environment is fab. Again, this is all for its time. There's even a story. Kind of. I'm thinking it was the first shooter I ever played that had sort of "real world" levels that were part of each other. There was also exploration and stuff. SOme cool AI battles. Tanks. Flying cars. Bars. Hookers. Rocket guns. What more could you ask for? I didn't realise hookers were that important, though apparently they're part of the required formula. Edit: Large explosions are also a requirement, Nukes if we can find 'em.
  6. I never realised you was such a fan!
  7. Because he's Volo and that's what he does. Kudos to Trokia!
  8. I've almost grown to admire how you assert your opinions as fact.
  9. advertising bot! I know using a eurogamer links also, terrible.
  10. OFP2 http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/operatio...-preview?page=1
  11. I was under the impression that it did in some manner.
  12. It's more a matter of they don't have a choice, they can only spawn what they can fit in memory, as the car you're driving has to be in memory it becomes used more often by default. This free's up bandwidth for streaming the world basically. I for one, interpret the above sentence as discrimatory against consoles. In this day and age, there are and should be no limitations on what a console can achieve with its memory. I hereby report you to the nearest officer of political correctness. LMFAO! Memory is where the current gen of consoles fall down, system mem, and L1 & L2 caches.
  13. Gothic: -67.289/100 No game is perfect, and alot of games which are given low scores aren't total duds.
  14. Yes, lets not factor in all the other people working on it, I am obviously the ENTIRE team. I don't care if Eurogamer reviews it or not.
  15. Lets face it they seem to have a two tier review process of late. Good or Bad. Handing 10's out like candy. PATHETIC!
  16. I read his post, the relationship side of things is extremely hard to model in a true dynamic fashion, I think you could say they're the most complex kind of interaction between people. The Sim's is built around trying to do a basic model of these interactions, when you try and add meaningful dialog... Well... No small task, and to be honest. So I basically see it as NO SEX, because of the way retailers like wal mart have reacted in the past, clearly to the religious nut jobs who live in america NO DEEP MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS, because it's complex and hard to pull off in a meaningful manner without alot of investment, so that KIND of needs to be your game.
  17. It's more a matter of they don't have a choice, they can only spawn what they can fit in memory, as the car you're driving has to be in memory it becomes used more often by default. This free's up bandwidth for streaming the world basically.
  18. The typical american sex taboo, coupled with the maturity of the format, and the fact it's "interactive". Simply put... A bunch of Americans are afraid of their kids having some kinda virtual intercourse.
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