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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Its for reasons like this, I've not even contemplated buying a house or settling down. When redundencies hit its really sad, I'm lucky, it hasn't happend to me - yet.
  2. I thought Greece was democratic also... Anyways, its a moot matter. I still think PR is a better system.
  3. I disagree sir. FPTP means people don't vote for what they want, they vote for the most likely to defeat what they don't want. AV while not perfect, I'd prefer PR, is far better than FPTP. It allows for one to make a preferance, 1st choice as say greens, but I want to make sure the troy scum don't get in so I'll have 2nd as labour, and 3rd as lib-dem. Or whatever. Where I live in Guildford, a vote for anyone other than the Lib-Dems or Tory(scum) is a wasted vote. As a result I vote for the non-Tory option - and not the option I want. This kind of tactical voting isn't democratic its desperate. I also believe a vote of no, will mean I'll never see a change to PR or AV in my lifetime, as a no vote will be percieved as a yes vote for FPTP. This is the one chance to make the country more democratic, I imtend to to vote yes as a result.
  4. Oh yeah, they're real big on saftey. "We cannot solve problem with nuclear reactor radiation leaking on submarine" "Iz okay, we just drink Vodka and sweat it out" Russians are arrogant subserviant swines. Seriously, everytime I look at this I want to know whos the alt is... Because I can't actually honestly believe anybody is this dense.
  5. I expect people will most likely be disappointed. Especially with the way the rumour-mill manages to hype these things. Its a fairly amazing thing to watch, but I'm so cynical, its always fun to watch people get excited, especially when they're going to end up letting out a *sigh* of fail. It reminds me of a time when I still thought to hope. You people shouldn't be expecting anything more than maybe a 360 with a slight bit more GPU grunt. I'd wager some folk have more powerful PC's.
  6. Well, why didn't other devs saw those same guys doing cool **** and buying them up first? Digipen has their campus in Redmond, while Valves main office is a stones toss away in Bellevue. Valve guys probably went to the digipen expo and liked Narbacular drop so much they hired the guys to do Portal. Sounds reasonable enough to me. Bellevue is quite nice by the way... I felt the need to share that.
  7. Well I finally got done with Vanquish today on PS3, a solid 7/10. I enjoied it alot more than GoW. Continuing with Front Mission : Evolved on PS3. Baldur's Gate on my Netbook. DA:O + DA2 on PC Oblivion and Epic Dungeon on XBOX360. Final Fantasy on PSPgo.
  8. I've been there man, its kinda of a sucky position involving apathy, and relief... perhaps a smige of pity. Afterall they're an ex for a reason, you know them fairly well and most likely, having dodged that bullet yourself, you're now watching someone else get shot.
  9. More like Russia is rude, the USA is polite. Russian's are known for their rudeness.
  10. Seagull management is the worst kind I've come across, mushroom management seems somewhat a blessing at the side of it.
  11. I don't agree... I want to be let out when it rains, and kept in a nice air conditioned office when its hott. I also want to work when its dark, and nobody else is in the office. Does this make me strange? Or just a programmer? PLZ HELP ME WALS YOU ARTIST OF MANAGEMENT YOU! Ta Nightshape.
  12. Basically its incomplete, the only MobyGames profiles that are complete tend to be the ones the developers have filled in themselves, so to speak. It's much like the Metacritic credits thing, but certainly more reliable than that system. Well known popular developers like Cliffy B, or John Carmack, they'll be accurate sure... The ants on the ground that do the actual work, its a mixed bag. Why? Because the credits themselves aren't always a reflection of actually whos worked on something. I've touched on this before. Anyway - Its good enough, I suppose, but it shouldn't be taken as being 100% accurate.
  13. PS:T, KOTOR 2, AP, BG:DA He wasn't Lead on BG:DA. Level Designer on that one. Edit: Also he was Lead on Descent to Undermountain. (Though to be fair he came in late on that one and still regrets to be involved in it.) Mobygames also lists him under Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. This can't be true, can it? Tip: If you check Mobygames for developers, ALWAYS!!!!! check the credits. Not only the development team gets mentioned in the credits of a game. Don't forget that. In the case of F:BOS he was mentioned under "special thanks". Mobygames isn't realiable really... Infact, the credits list for most games will be missing a fair few people.
  14. Glenn Corpes wrote most of the Populous engine, Peter was the guy that took it and made a game from it.
  15. Didn't he come up with Theme Hospital and Dungeon Keeper? Because those are seriously two of my favourite games ever. Peter was lucky to be surrounded by some very clever people, you think he sat down and came up with it on his own? No... It doesn't work like that, and he doesn't even speak about it that way either. Peter seems to have done a good job of remembering he's gotten where he is, with other peoples help. Like in his Bafta speech.
  16. I'm not saying they're easy to make. I'm saying the "designer" in sports games is probably nothing like a designer in any other game. because, you know, save for racing games, there are no levels to design, no writing etc. you just work on the interface and game modes. I'm sorry if I don't think of them as "true designers". but I guess I'm missing something really big here All this does is show that you really don't understand what designers actually do...
  17. While I agree with this, getting the wrong people in the wrong positions can actually cause development hell. Individuals can take out a team, but overall its a matter of management, and decision making on the leads part that allows the team effort to occur. Crediting one person is nuts, but at that level the kind of power producers and designers can weild can scuttle a project, or send it into a dark hole, or worse.
  18. ahahahaha priceless It's actually a fact. The idea that all that happends between iterations is a few tweaks is an absolute fallacy.
  19. Nah, Swedish rape is when a woman changes her mind afterwards. WHAT. THE. FFUUUU!!!!
  20. According to the Internet Movie Database: Atlas Corporation Studios, Ouarzazate, Morocco Ballymoney, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK Belfast, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK Carncastle, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK Castle Ward, Strangford, County Down, Northern Ireland, UK Doune Castle, Doune, Stirling, Scotland, UK Harland and Wolff Paint Hall, Titanic-Quarter, Belfast, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK Magheramorne Quarry, Larne, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK Marrakech, Morocco Mdina, Malta Ouarzazate, Morocco Shane's Castle, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK Tollymore Forest Park, Bryansford, County Down, Northern Ireland, UK Valletta, Malta I'm not on about the location, it the accents and stuff they're saying... I expect to hear the term "bloody southern fairy's"
  21. FAILED suicide bomber... This tard sounds like a useles moron from the onset. I'll go read the article, I hope the sod suffers forever.
  22. Only way to deal with it, honestly.
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