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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Don't care how, but pictures else it didn't happen.
  2. I find it strange that the celebration of the horrific murder of thousands of civilians is being compared to the celebration of the killing of a terrorist leader responsible for thousands of deaths. I'm just not making the connection. How many Afgani civilians have died as a result of the invasion? Of which the goal being to get Osama... Blood on the innocent on everyones hands. It's all wrong, mind... This stuff has been going on well before 9/11... That was just the point when America was attacked in a significant manner.
  3. So basically then if a murder is done by a democratically elected government it's less of a murder then committed by some organization or individual. Sounds to me like a convinient explanation of those who see government sanctioned assassination as something acceptable. But then again, most of the so called enlightened free world thinks so, or they just willingly turn a blind eye, same thing. And Bin Laden wasn't self-appointed as an leader of a radical Islamic organization, he was financed, trained, equipped by the US who actually created him as such when he was seen useful. When his tactics and rules of war was seen as guerrilla warfare of a freedom fighter when he fought the Soviets. But if a group uses the very same strategy and means against coalition forces in Afghanistan and Iraq today they are in the eyes of the west nothing but terrorist. Terrorist or freedom fighter, assassin or soldier, good or evil, in the end it all depends on the point of view of the observer. Don't try and use an argument based on reason with Americans. They believe in god don't you know.
  4. Eh, is like pretty much all other countries. I certainly don't think there's any evidence that UK citizens don't panic when confronted with anything mroe morally complex than the X Factor final. I don't disagree... I'm just frustrated because yesterday I finally hunted down a troll, killed it, and buried it in the sea. Yet nobody seems to believe me, I'm not even in the business of lying either you'd think people would believe me a little bit trustworthy. Oh dear...
  5. Poor US citizens, always having to be lied to like children.
  6. Yeah I have done, and the Turtle Beach cans are awesome, I use 'em for all my Consoles and TV... It's only the mic which is 360 only.
  7. I loved it too. I'd always play on the normal difficulty. If you are on 360 you can get a version on XBLA for $5 bucks. Worth it IMHO, as you can play over XBLA with a coop buddy. Don't know if it is on the PSN or not. Its available on Steam, and Wii definately, fairly certain I've seen it on PSN, but meh, can't check.
  8. Yep, one of the first games I remember being able to edit stuff easily. Excitebike has certainly had its influence on the likes of Joe Danger and Trails HD.
  9. *sigh* I never said that, so it must be someone else.
  10. This is simple enough even you can understands it...
  11. Master system, was segas 8-bit machine. Damn kids.
  12. Its all about the illusion of choice...
  13. Well then its failed to achieve that in my opinion.
  14. General Election ^ how is that a fair representation of the will of the people when you have the likes of the lib-dems with 23.0% of the votes, but 8% of the seats, and the Tory(scum) party get 36.1% and 47% of the seats. FPTP is in the interest of the main two parties, may as well live in a dictatorship.
  15. I don't believe that the current system is represetative, infact, if you look at the numbers it most certainly IS NOT representative. Functional, well that's another debate. Well, of course you don't think the system is representative-- the candidates you would prefer to support don't have a chance of winning. Every system is going to have winners and losers. If you want to be on the other side of that line, convince more of your neighbors to vote in the manner you would prefer. errr Percentage of votes to seats won is well out of whack.
  16. I dunno - you gotta admit it feels better living under a weakened tory government than a strong one. Nutters on both sides tend to cancel each other out. I think Wals may be a Tory(scum)... Real shame, but politics is personal and I would never say its right to impose.
  17. I don't believe that the current system is represetative, infact, if you look at the numbers it most certainly IS NOT representative. Functional, well that's another debate.
  18. There is a massive problem in the UK with voter apathy, this is because the only options are the big parties, they don't feel represented at all, so they don't vote. They should, but... Well the last election was, you can have cuts now, or cuts later. The fact that these damn politicians couldn't come out and say that really does tell me alot about these liars. Now I wouldn't exactly call Mr Cameron a reasonable person either, but that's another conversation.
  19. It's the same all around the world, it takes a 'special' person to be a politician. A certain kind of psychopathic liar.
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