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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. I don't often wish for failure in the games industry, but damn do I want MW3 to fail hard.
  2. A game experience can be broken down into three things. Second to Second: What you're doing in the game from second to second, tends to involve the shooting mechanics and firefights etc... Minute to Minute: What you're doing from minute to minute in the games, I'd assume this is mostly travelling. Hour to Hour: You get the idea...
  3. What were your thoughts on the second to second Lexx? You clearly hate the minute to minute and hour to hour.
  4. By the gods that'll make for some ****ty looking shadows
  5. I have to admit, it's an odd balance. On the one hand I can see that it doesn't always heighten the story effectively and could have been lost.. but on the other, it actually makes the world as a whole more believable and adds depth to the various other characters encountered. Call me crazy, but I enjoyed reading them.. they certainly didn't have the draggy over-detailed feel that I get in LoTR But then I'm one of those guys that can sit down for a solid chunk of time and read a book in one go. Not get stuck puttering in and out a few chapters at a time over the course of several weeks. Which I think certainly affects my perception of what I do read. Heh, although I do have fond memories of one half-term when I was a kid, curling up in the airing cupboard with a copy of Shogun over several days. Well... So far my experience with GoT is that its a badly written good story *shrugs*.
  6. Same here. Haven't seen the TV show yet, but it was the only title I recognised in the airport book store I enjoyed the first book.. the second was entertaining but nothing brilliant. And then somewhere around the third or fourth book I just hit a wall and couldn't read anymore of that series.. Maybe one of these days I'll make another attempt, but eh.. Having read the wheel of time series several times, I have no worries, I can read anything...
  7. The commonly accepted spelling for that is "primadonna". Unless you're going after a pre-Mother of God angle here?
  8. Started reading Game of Thrones, because I hadn't and I was enjoying the TV show.
  9. **** the house, what about the bloody Camero, is it totalled? I love Camero's man... Well and mustangs... But geez dude, I'd be an angry man. It's a 1973 RS. I've been working on restoring it. I just finished rebuilding the engine (327 small block I took out of a '75 Nova). It was mounted and would run. The drive train and transmission were on the floor and I had just put new front seats in it. The water downed it to the dashboard and it was submerged for about a few days. It does suck because I've got a few bucks sunk into it but I'm just happy that is the worst of it. The barn it's in needs some work now and my lawnmower needs to be replaced but that looks like the extent of my damage. The guy up the road from me is finding some of his stuff lying in the mud hundreds of meters from his house.
  10. Or they could be averting their noses from the programmer funk. Iz ego, EA have done tests on designers... Bigger ego and more pre-maddona you are more people listen.
  11. Hades... Never did get the werewolf did he.
  12. EA Did they tattoo your bloodgroup in your armpit and issue you a dagger? With programmers they use alcohol dependency to make us dependent upon them. Hence we work for booze, because we're all piss heads. Designers get access to the cocaine bucket, and golden toilets. The side effect is that they all walk around as if they're about to fall over backwards. Artists all live in China. Honest. I'm not lying. Iz a tr00 story.
  13. I'm pleased they've survived so long.
  14. **** the house, what about the bloody Camero, is it totalled? I love Camero's man... Well and mustangs... But geez dude, I'd be an angry man.
  15. LMFAO@Guard Dog because I am a cruel misanthropic c***. Seriously, that **** sucks man.
  16. , but with the consistent EA bashing I couldn't help myself Money talks.
  17. Joystiq published something entirely unprofessional. Its not so much about bad reviews, you cannot give away a games ending in a review, that is wrong on so many levels, and despite how bad any review site may be, I do believe that directing people elsewhere isn't a bad idea. Its not a personal slight C2B, I'm just pissed off at Joystiq for publishing the article, not being of a negative review.
  18. http://www.joystiq.com/2011/05/25/dungeons...gerdale-review/ After what joystiq did in the conduit 2 review Conduit 2 review I can't trust ANYTHING that is printed on that site - bunch of unprofessional scumbags at their worst. While the game very well may be bad, I feel that an alternative review site should be linked. Review
  19. You'll only play it and hate it, so just don't bother. All you racing division had to do was take Richard Burns Rally and update the renderer a bit, but did they? No. I mean, how hard could it be?!? I assume you me your, and by your you'd be wrong as I haven't worked at codies for 6 months. But otherwise yes, this is likely true, and I don't disagree with anything you're saying. More as I also don't understand why you'd ever play the game, as you clearly hated dirt 2, so why bother?
  20. I never mentioend a single thing about the engine in terms of its features, stability or anything. What I did say counts, they own it, they've documented it, they're controlling the direction of it. Those things and those things alone make it a better option. I'm just saying... Merely using an engine won't make it look good.
  21. I totally agree, they have both a technical direction, full code ownership, and experts on site. As I hope people are realising, you can use UE3 for example, but that doesn't stop it from looking like arse. Bad is bad, engines don't stop things that are bad from being BAD!
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