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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Walsingham, you were of course wrong about the Donar Kebab being a perfect symbol of human civilisation, more if anything, its barbarity it represents. Sake is in my opinion a perfect symbol of human civilisation, as I endevoured to find out last night, it is warm, somewhat weird tasting, and reminds me of wee-wee. That's right Sake makes me think of my childhood, and wetting myself, and frankly I do believe that an irritated, piss wet through child is infact a perfect symbol of human civilisation. You may disagree; but I'm sticking to this absurd notion right until the end. In other news, I woke up late, missing my train to Sheffield, which I had already bought tickets for,
  2. Yeah, its just a knee - jerk reaction and I'm a massive wanker. *yawn* This is really boring, I merely stated what I know. Its not like I mentioned bronze night, and got into that stuff. And the fact is, a vast majority of Estonian whores, are infact Russians, and they've a reputation as such.
  3. Is she from Narva? It's a mainly russian city right on the border. My wife is from there. Yep, Narva Not Baltic, Russian... While Baltic chicks are hot, Russian chicks make good whores. Edit: Yes, I called your... Love interest a whore.
  4. She's probably russian. Yeah, its a left over thing from communist days. Long story short, Estonia gains independence, Russia refuses to take back lots of Russian peoples, Estonia don't want them, Russian refuses them. Typical Russian tactic, they don't have Russian citizenship, but if anything happends to them, see what happend in Georgia. They'll choose to speak Russian instead of Estonian, they're responsible for some nasty rioting etc... They're just scum basically, a bunch of people left over from an era of occupation whom don't wish to integrate into Estonian society. That said, I can't recall if Russia has even admitted occupation. I suppose its a complex situation. Purkake can probably detail the issues far better than myself.
  5. I knows this all too well...
  6. The group are actually more keen on playing 4th ed than 3rd ed D&D, so it looks like we may go with that. I'm not that fussy really, I have 3rd and 4th Ed now. I went shopping and picked up Shadowrun 4th edition too. I think we're going to try some single shot sessions with pre-gens to decide. Has anyone played Runequest 2nd ed? Is it anygood?
  7. I'll admit, maybe, just maybe, it's different in game development world. But I find that extremely hard to believe. The only difference I'm really aware of, and in this I'm not certain either, is that games dev's tend to continue to strive for new skills because its already so competative. Also, the average time that people spend in industry is something like 4 years - these are usually the people that thought they'd go to uni, learn to code, and not have to continue pushing themselves, doing crunch etc... I have known, and still do know some very concious folks when it comes to coding, people who will put in whatever it takes to do the best job possible - this is fine, these people are usually heroes on the projects they work on. The problems usually occur because of bad planning - dev teams often pay for the mistakes of management and production. When you hear about this epic crunch on RDR or LA Noire, its because someone lied to someone powerful.
  8. Sweatshop studio's are bad, but they exist, they also have this vibe like, its okay because everyone else is doing it. I was recently out with some friends, and he actually said "Oooo I have Sunday off", in such a way as to not actually even realise that everyone else at the table normal had sunday off, and this wasn't some strange gift from the gods. I've seen guys work 6 months with very few days off, its pretty much a matter of push back, or bend over.
  9. The results would be the same regardless, its the fact that R* wanted it quicker. This means that dev's don't get paid, and are expected to work extreme hours. It is always wrong. It ruins relationships, and quailty of life etc... Just because its games, doesn't mean we want to spend every waking moment of our lives doing just that and nothing else. Do software developers in general, or game developers in specific, have any sort of union? Just looking in from the outside, it would seem a profession that could use one. Developers seem to have to take a lot of abuse. No union, the reasons are simple. The work would be outsourced, this happends alot already in art.
  10. The results would be the same regardless, its the fact that R* wanted it quicker. This means that dev's don't get paid, and are expected to work extreme hours. It is always wrong. It ruins relationships, and quailty of life etc... Just because its games, doesn't mean we want to spend every waking moment of our lives doing just that and nothing else.
  11. Its never cool, no matter where you are on the ladder.
  12. If it wasn't legal the site would have been shut down and my Steam Account locked. It is a slightly questionable website, which is why I haven't used it...
  13. LMFAO!!! CVG - ACCURATE LMFAO!!! Don't believe everything you see on the intarweb.
  14. Joffrey - He's the only character that I'm genuinely without any shadow of a doubt wishing a horrible death upon. Sansa maybe, will toughen up a bit, else she's fodder, what a weaking "lady", GAH!
  15. Because its Dungeon Siege in name only... Like that Fallout 3 game.
  16. Yeah, but drawing a line from Double Dragon or Final Fight to Dungeon Siege 3? No... No I'm not getting that kind of vibe from playing it. DS 3 isn't a bad game, its just got a broken PC interface.
  17. I spent some time researching GG Allin... A total degenerate, second to none, an absolute low life that is better off dead. I do find it humourious that people would actually go watch a guy like that, and let him fling poo at them.
  18. Hey, I'm looking for some suggestions for rulesets for games myself and my group can play. Currently have, Shadowrun, D&D 3.0, Pathfinder, and Traveller. So yeah, I'm open to anything suggest away.
  19. That's always a smart thing to do! (not really) I was a little bit angry. I think he got the message.
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