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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. People would actually choose to play Arma 2 on a friday night *sigh*, and DRIVE... You can't drink and drive HELLO! :| I need booze.
  2. Sadly GRRM is a piss poor writer.
  3. Nightshape


    I really should pop back at some point and say "Hi" to the place, but its several thousand miles, and not exactly a cheap endevour.
  4. Nightshape


    Having lived in Bend, OR. I'd say it ain't bad stuff that microbreweries stuff, The ale tends to be fizzy though, which is to say, its not really ale, as much as dark larger... But I do like it. Fat Tire, and Deschutes river woods stout were good far as I recall. Which reminds me, my trip to Vancouver earlier this year introduced me to: Keith's Amber Still, despite the fine quality of all these beer's, I'd take a southern pint over 'em all.
  5. Depends what you want to do, frankly, I think the days of toying around a modding stuff leading to a person landing a job are in past; there will be the occasional gifted person who gets noticed. Understanding the tools workflow is only part of the problem, there is alot more to the whole process. For an environment artist, building assets, exporting them from whatever 3D package you use, and then building a level in a editor, further exporting followed by a data build is probably more beneficial. I think the same kind of thing applies to character artists, making something yourself and getting it cleanly into an engine is the way to go, that is really where UE or CryEngine come in handy.
  6. Nightshape


    Apology accepted. I am a privately educated douchebag, after all, so your error was natural. NB. I really am, btw. ~~~ On the subject of the topic, up until relatively recently the school served a pint of stout with lunch to aid digestion and give the boys vitamins and iron. We were also (even in my day) furnished with a junior common room serving beer, ale, and cider. Obviously I would say that everyone who is privately educated is a douche bag, good sir. What I would say is that its always been those of privilage who've brought it up, and now I just attack at first sight out of some sort of sense of self preservation. In other news: Waaaay back, we'd drinking nothing but beer at one time, small beer for sure, but the water was dangerious and the alcohol made it safe.
  7. Nightshape


    Blimey, do you have a chip on both shoulders? Please, try to escape the gravitational pull of sunny Guildford and return to that hot-bed of tolerance, economic and creative activity which is the North of England. There you can attach yourself back to the teat of the state and die ridiculously early of heart disease or whatever. I was thinking about leaving the sorry arse country perminantly, the impending Tory dictatorship frankly just pisses me right off.
  8. I'm late for my own self imposed work start time... Grrr, was nice chatting with the missus on skype though.
  9. Nightshape


    True enough, many a time I have simpley had the desire for a pint, and damned be if its good or bad, or whatever just give me my ale so I can may the throbbing hum in my head stop. Well I've no problem with people being pushed back into work, but I think the concept of Northern folk as lazy is wrong, its actually all part of a legacy Thatcher started, you can't make that many people unemployed all at once and not expect a social impact. Some folk are stuck, and some folk have merely given up, want everything on a plate, and decended into decline. I certainly grew up in a hard working family, with people who had little to no aspiration, but they always worked. My point was more a cyncial despairing note about affluence than anything digging at Northern types. Auto-defensive mode dude. I've had to put up with alot of, class bollocks from a bunch of privately educated douchebags since moving south.
  10. No, because I can't help but agree and think its f'in awesome.
  11. Nightshape


    True enough, many a time I have simpley had the desire for a pint, and damned be if its good or bad, or whatever just give me my ale so I can may the throbbing hum in my head stop. Well I've no problem with people being pushed back into work, but I think the concept of Northern folk as lazy is wrong, its actually all part of a legacy Thatcher started, you can't make that many people unemployed all at once and not expect a social impact. Some folk are stuck, and some folk have merely given up, want everything on a plate, and decended into decline. I certainly grew up in a hard working family, with people who had little to no aspiration, but they always worked.
  12. I went for a midnight run last night, I'm going to do the same again today. I'm pretty lucky, I get to come and go as I please in my job, the boss doesn't really have an issue with it so long as I do my hours. Today I'm writing a bit of code to procedurally generate gradients along a vector. It isn't work related, more something related to a personal project. I'm also creating some D&D, and Shadowrun, characters from my up and coming session in a few weeks. Preparing like crazy.
  13. I dunno about that. Obsidian usually have a few roles going, its mostly visa issues stopping people, its a bloody nightmare... Hey if they're willing to sponser VISA's etc... I'd be over like a shot. I think funcroc is just some dude who's been following the core talent for a long time, the sort of stuff he digs up is the kind of thing that a fan who is a dev could certainly get his hands on easy enough... I ain't sure he's an Obsidian employee's alt though, I may be way out of like, its probably one of Mr Josh's. Who knows. funcroc does a great job though at digging stuff up - so kudos.
  14. Well I'll be sure to take a look at mutants and masterminds 2nd edition at some point. Heh, I've had some funny old situations, I can't tolerate people who act in a ridiculious manner though. I played with this one guy, who would just kick off and have a tantrum whenever an evil character did something evil. Thing is his character didn't know about it at all, but he'd rant and rant and rant, he was full of poo mostly, and couldn't keep a character alive for more than a session or two. It was fairly pathetic to be honest, he's quite the poorly man really, but it was after three weeks of him basically saying "I'm going to roll a paladin, cast detect evil, then kill your character" that we said screw it and quit the group, but to be honest that was just a small percentage of the issues we'd had with this guy. Backstabing etc... Is fine! You just have to realise that its nothing personal, and obviously related to character development, if anything actually playing evil characters well is a sign of maturity. That said, I've always drawn the line at RP'in seriously perverse stuff, i.e. Rape or Kiddie fiddling etc... I just think that is bizzare and unrelated to anything of worth. I am partial to say a cruel mage torturing and tormenting some poor soul in an effort to deepen his understanding of the arcane. Its like a mad scientist doing human experiements, and thats fine.
  15. Funcroc's old man... I'm sure I remember him from like the BIS days, he's been around for years and years.
  16. Nightshape


    The south just constantly disappoints me by being wrong. Ale should be poured correctly. It does mean that I don't enjoy drinking Ale as much as I once did that is a fact, and its not picky, its just the final part of the holy trinity. Doesn't matter now, I've got my own personal sparkler.
  17. Today is pretty dull... Spent it waiting on packages, and writing up notes from yesterdays super secret sony blah.
  18. Nightshape


    Well it always depends what you're after... Some of my favourites: Black Sheep Brewery Brakspear HOGS Back Brewery There are more, but if you could get any of those you're in for a treat. Not much of a fan of the stuff Young's brew, London Pride is crap.
  19. I think you meant that the other way. Its Volo, one must apply the logic of a very simple lifeform to the problem in order to come to the eventual result. He basically did it on purpose IMHO.
  20. Nightshape


    As do I, but I assert, they pour it wrong in the south, THEY POUR IT WRONG! ???? I'm usually slavering like Pavlov's dog as soon as the pump starts to move. Far too excited to notice how it's being poured. Everywhere down south is missing sparklers. The concept that its all about serving less beer blah blah is wrong, much as with wine, or whisky its about oxygenation etc... Much as I love ale, I am often disappointed when I place it to my lips, I've found one pub that does it right, and a few that pour it wrong but the ale is drinkable. In all honesty, I can see why people drink maiden's water down in't south. Give me the rat and ratchet in Huddersfield any day of the week, best beer in the world, and more choice than you can wave a stick at.
  21. Nightshape


    As do I, but I assert, they pour it wrong in the south, THEY POUR IT WRONG!
  22. Urgh horrible choice of font on the website though...
  23. The Russians have been living in fear of having to hear the Estonian sonic weapon again!
  24. You're missing a bunch of XBLA titles... Such as: Dishwasher : Dead Samurai Fortress Craft I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT!!!1
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