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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Rioters seem to be made up of Chav's, and Black folk far as I can tell.
  2. If you plan on playing Rage on 360 prepare for a... ... 22 Gig install! That's pretty horrific, utterly expected considering that basically RAGE is a massive texture streaming system with some game slapped on. I expect that kind of install to be the same across platforms.
  3. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=2071...mp;source=embed This is insane!
  4. Well... Chav's - Zombies... Same thing right?
  5. Best Bodycount Preview I've read yet.
  6. Ah you weren't there long enough to experience the general xenophobia. I'm not sure Oregonian's like anyone.
  7. Because people don't think about other peoples taste when recommending games to them.
  8. Like hell you do. You just need to quit hangovers. Ow ow ow. I rarely if at all get hangovers.
  9. Nightshape


    Mostly this morning I have been listening to The Supersuckers & Tad Some select Favourites: I want the drugs
  10. Bodycount Dev Diary Pt2 Some article gushing blah.
  11. I really need to quit drinking.
  12. Agree. My point was that it should be the "easy way" of doing it, yet Homefront and MoH seemed to spectacularly fail at... scripting. TBH, I haven't played either game, but I assume they tread too far from the CoD rollercoaster (which are on rails) approach. MoH wasn't THAT bad really.
  13. Yeah, but Pathfinder is basically tweaked 3.5e anyways.
  14. Yeah, I did that a few times when I was out there, we got some sticks, rags and petrol and made torches, I don't recommend it, when it goes out it produces far too much smoke. The lava plains are also epic, I used to wander on out into the middle of nothing, and you'd look around and see nothing but the mass field of dried lava, its a very alien landscape. I haven't been to Bend in what must be 7 years, but I never expect that place to have changed too much. I wonder if they still have the gaming shop, I got a bunch of minatures from there.
  15. One of the problems I've found with AAA product development is that basically what they mean is, big budget for the developer, and hence as high quality as they can afford. When EA turn round and say they're delivering a AAA experience, you can be damn sure it'll have a bigger budget that this Rambo game. As for scripted shooters being easy to make, relitively true, the main problem with large teams is lack of insight, and direction from whoever is in charge usually coupled with CEO's contradicting the requirements of some director. Alot of pee'in in the wind if you would. So what's the main reason teams screw up ultra scripted shooters? Because it is in my opinion the wrong way to develop anything, especially a shooter. The only reason CoD gets away with it is because they batter the crap out of the player, and punish them to the high hells if they walk of the designer dictated path, if that path isn't intuitively "ultra scripted" anything is crap, it just doesn't work, its why as much as I don't particularly like Halo, its certainly far superior to CoD as a piece of software, and I think in turn as an experience.
  16. I never understood how people could live as contractors... Not so much the time that is spent working hard on projects, but the uncertainty between projects spent searching for the next project. Regardless of how good you are and may be in demand, the one time where it is really inconvenient, the timing will suck, Increasingly, you don't have a choice. This is true, but it also makes business sense from the companies point of view.
  17. Pretty much why I wrapped up early, its far too flaky in the contracting world, and its not worth it in my opinion - I had a special oppertunity so it was worthwhile, but I'd never do it again. I have a perminant role which pays more now, and that's reason enough to leave, especially considering that I was looking at being unemployed over the christmas period.
  18. Volunteer fire department? It might just be my imagination, but you've seemed more grumpy than usual lately. EA not the career move you'd hoped for? Nothing like that. I've had an awesome time at EA, but hey've a habit of hiring people as contractors, and my contract was due to end at a time of year which one does not wish to find themselves unemployed. I'd decided I'd start looking for a new job in August unless something was decided upon, my manager said there was a 75% chance of renewal but there wasn't much he could do other than say "Keep this guy". I'd decided I begin looking in August for something else, it took me about a day, which is far quicker than I expected. I was offered my new job, on the spot, which was a massive shock. Well that and I'm beginning something indie which I am hoping everyone here is going to love. So yeah, watch this space .
  19. Actually it makes perfect sense in the current AAA game development environment: a big name IP that focuses on extreme violence and lots of guns in a paramilitary-type setting. It will likely be a suckfest, but a solid IP choice. Waiting for Missing in Action to get its own game as well. It won't be a genuine AAA product. I predict a bad gears clone wraped around this IP.
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