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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. I agree completely. If he had done this on an empty abandoned airstrip or some place where he couldn't have caused major accidents and death, I would have no problem - as it stands now he was clearly putting several lives at risk just to show off - that's way beyond being an a-hole, that's psychopathic. If you are willing to risk other people's lives for a stunt (who didn't agree to participate), then you are clearly psychotic. The only time I noticed him ride into oncoming traffice was when he moved over to the outside lane, with cars going in both directions, to his left oncoming, to his right not so. I don't see anything wrong with that at all, now, if he moved out further into oncoming traffic, well that'd be seriously nuts.
  2. Well it always depends on the road, but basically its legal here. I agree with the complaint about speed, he is driving far too fast. There is pleanty of footage of people riding in the UK doing similar things, infact, riding into oncoming traffice as you described is extremely common here on A & B roads. You have to bare in mind from my perspective, you're saying people, myself included, deserve to loose their licence for driving within the law - in another country. Hey I think loads of laws in the US are silly, I wouldn't preach that you're wrong though. I'm glad you're aware of bikers out in the world though, so many people in cars don't see bikers.
  3. What an absolute a-hole. I don't agree - I see and do this kind of crap all the time, the only difference is the speed. The guy has gonads made of titanium! And yes, he's probably insane. I'm sorry to hear that. He isn't alone on the road. He is sharing it with a ton of people. He isn't just an inconsiderate driver, he is a completely self-centered a-hole. The least he is doing is scaring the crap out of a ton of people on the road. This isn't some carnival ride, it's a busy road in a busy city. He is passing families, elderly people, people from all walks of life and he is purposefully scaring the crap out of them. Then there is the possible consequences. Sure, his life is at the greatest risk. His odds of running into a car and getting killed are high. That would be the best case scenario, the person he runs into will have to deal with his death on their conscience, but at least he is the only casualty. But this guy was splitting the middle of two-way traffic. It's amazing that nobody swerved out of the way. He could have caused a dozen accidents in his little display that didn't affect him at all. He could have caused an accident that killed children! Driving is not a game. People die on the road all the time. This guy doesn't deserve a license, and if you drive like that, either do you. You've never been on the M25 in the UK. I reckon you'd s*** your pants dude. The only thing he's doing that's well out of line is his percieved speed at times, other than that, he's like any other guy on a motorcycle on the road in the UK. I'm wagering you live in the US, some place where lane splitting is entirely illegal, so I can see how this would be a shock to you. ^ read the description ;-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0PSkOSH4A4 ^ and a much more sensible example.
  4. What an absolute a-hole. I don't agree - I see and do this kind of crap all the time, the only difference is the speed. The guy has gonads made of titanium! And yes, he's probably insane.
  5. The Longest Journey didn't interest you? Only because you already own it, right? Well, its also like alot of point and click adventure games. . . . . STOP TALE! . . . DONT DO IT MAN, FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODS . . . NOOOOOOO!!!! . . . . . . I AM ENTITLED TO MY OPINION! AHEM CRAP! That's what it is . Actually I'm kidding :D. Iz awesome really.
  6. You can get Xcom off steam, so it's likely legality that's stopping that.
  7. GRRM is sufficient at what he does. I've got no problem with it/him/his writing. As I said before he's better than most who work in that genre. To some degree he's simply hamstrung by his apparently preferred choice of genre; high fantasy is pretty moribund in general. I have a problem with his poor use of language, and his prose. He can string a good yarn, but he sure a **** can't write it in a way that flows, isn't jarring, or just plain bad. It's like he's got these wonderful concepts, he just fails to get it onto paper in a way that isn't disturbingly cack!
  8. I'd like to thank everyone for their kind words.
  9. Dear Jade Raymond, Please do a Maxim or FHM photo-shoot. K THX! BYE!
  10. I drank far too much last night, I have loads to do and no time to do it in it seems. I also began making arrangements to go bury my brother that died last week. Go life woooo.
  11. Well, I don't think he's game dev material myself, too much of a tinkerer to be a builder.
  12. cool. can you link my greatest pieces? i also think about user interface design a lot. i miss my days wherei would try to edit the INTRFACE.frm and others of Fallout 2. it is hard because i can only change the artistic design not the actual locations and functions. man i miss fallout. i would be happy enough to just juggle my items in a room and inventory screen. that WOULD BE FALLOUTY enough, and new. i think i will record a video talking about my old old pr ojects for fallout. ones most people don't know about. Now you're making less sense.
  13. Sales, marketing, and a geninue desire by the industry to avoid taking expensive risks.
  14. Volo Lexx has a valid point, we don't know how big the budget was. It certainly wouldn't be consider a commercial success, I don't think anyone is saying that. DA2 was a commercial success, it was a massive failure in quality, it was a massive failure for fan expectation etc... etc... DS3 looks like its been a failed project, but I don't think Obsidian are idiots for paying the bills with a project like DS3. The only time I've seen Obsidian let people go was when a project has been pulled from underneath them, also, letting staff go can be the most sensible thing you could wish to do depending upon the situation. Obsidian have been alot more successful than Troika, that's not even worth discussing, and I'm sorry but the only people who really know if this is a good/bad/awful thing ain't gunna come here and let us know. If Obsidian start letting people go, assume that its bad news, if obsidian don't announce a new project in the next 6 months or so, assume things are looking bleak as f***. I don't think that's going to happen.
  15. 100K isn't good if 1mil was the projected sales over the first few weeks. 100K isn't great, but it isn't THAT bad, also you don't know what the budget was. Realistically, you cannot say it was a failure, you don't have enough information, neither do I. One does expect that in terms of sales its been a failure, based upon the assumed 1mil sales figure and the 100k knowledge. I get the feeling Obsidian haven't lost money - Square, well they may have.
  16. she's a lesbian (not that I have a problem with that, just clarifying) Bi-sexual, get your facts right
  17. Purkake linked this thread more than once in the Books thread. You better believe it
  18. Dead Nation, definately the best thing to come out of Finland since... I'm going to say Porn - that's all I'm finding. Edit: Don't google "Hot finnish girls" with safe search off.
  19. Kind of true, its not so much that programmers don't take advantage of the cell. They do, they have to. The truth is more akin to the fact that basically lots of code gets ported to PS3 after the fact, so you're spot on with the optimisation comment. The PS3 can end up getting "less love" from some developers. This is infact the wrong way to approach writing any multi/cross-platform engine, hitting the more complex architecture hard is the best route. Here's a totally unrelated picture of Amber Heard.
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