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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Coz producers (project managers) probably have more say in storytelling? Having dedicated writers is mostly an RPG phenomenon, anyway, if you look at other genres most of the writing is done by people in the project management sector (I think the Force Unleasheds were a pretty good example of this). Besides, since they are talking about cinematics, cutscenes etc., it's more like asking the "movie director's" opinion over the "screenwriter's". ... So true.
  2. I wasn't thinking of your esteamed self... More Morgoth and Hell Kitty with the responses they left.
  3. Are you guys still gnashing your teeth at me? Or can I fade off back into obscurity?
  4. I was half-joking, but judging by the way you're talking about the game, you didn't just leave because you've found a better job. I certainly didn't leave because I thought the game was an abomination. I really did find a better job. I'm sorry if a different impression was given.
  5. I have a revenge game? WTF!? I always liked the art style though. The videos never do it justice.
  6. Lame name, lame game. Oh... The name always sucked. It was called Wetworks at one point, then some dude does some jokey presentation thing with clips from predator, calls his concept 'Bodycount', or some crap. You know there is a room full of people highly amused and rightly so at this point. Mr Black, being the creative genius thinks its a good name - everyone cringes. As for the game being lame - It was fun the last time I played it. Its just never looks fun in the clips, which is quite a feat of marketing really. Then again, I know who probably played the footage - So it isn't a shock.
  7. this game will make CoD obsolete 4 sure Did I mention I left? How many years ago did I say that? BF3 looks more like where I thought we were heading when I said that. stuff changes alot, and quickly, and then this diappointment sets in... And people quit/leave/get sacked... Then you polish your CV. The games industry is a special place.
  8. I always have imagined you as somewhere around 5' to 5'6", myself. Likewise I imagine you as a 2' something rabbit.
  9. And nobody on the internet is ever wrong.
  10. Must have sucked a bit...
  11. I got new friends instead. And became a alcoholic! Seemed a better option!
  12. It all smells of pollitically correct bullcrap! I like my whores filthy! So far I have been pleased.
  13. You only need to do a little bit of research to realise that if the claims about frostbyte 2 are legit, and based on what I've seen I've no reason to think otherwise, hence, the technology alone is awesome, they finally got the small scale destruction going. Frostbyte 1 was in my opinion pony in its destruction. I just don't see what MW3 is offering, its just more of the same, as it has been since MW. I can't believe how often thing caca gets lapped up by the general public, the changes are barely worth mentioning. Its a crap product, I played MW 1 + 2 and wasn't even amused, I actually found WaW to be more amusing, if only because it showed that the entire tech they're using is totally flawed. Everything is hand scripted, the AI doesn't even exist really... If you look at the multiplayer, on paper Battlefield has always been a more complex experience, so that's really the hurdle, making it an uncomplicated experience for the CoDtard's of the world.
  14. Initially it was in a class of its own, CoD 1 + 2 were excellent... Everything after that was very rinse and repeat though.
  15. I don't think they will, at least not for now. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they used it in their bf3 marketing, since they are the ones playing catch-up. In terms of marketing yeah sure, they've not got the same kind of saturation. In terms of tech, they're well ahead.
  16. Lots of nice Symbolism in Game of Thrones. Stag and Dire wolf... Then the skinning of the Stag.
  17. What, and I thought you were a man - turns out you're a ladyboy vegan playing man. I AM DISAPPOINT!
  18. I can't believe that made you feel sick... I thought it was an awesome scene! You a vegan or something. Veganism is evil.
  19. Cheers for the spoiler you ****ing cretin.
  20. I can't believe that made you feel sick... I thought it was an awesome scene!
  21. I remember the entire server population on Merdian 59 was about 200ish per server...
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