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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Fallen Earth has beaten Interplay to the punch when it comes to a post apocalyptic MMO. They have to do something really impressive to have the various MMO guilds even take a look at it. Pre-Alpha screens are nothing in my opinion. With how long this game is supposedly in development they should have a working beta by now.
  2. I don't really care to much about EA letting people go. Here in Iowa we have whole companies moving out of the state. 1500 is small potatoes compared to the tens of thousands who have lost their jobs already.
  3. The PS3 is the Mac of the console world.
  4. If I grabbed a French woman I would get arrested.
  5. Hence why I can't stop thinking of him as Engineer Scott. Scotty: ... captains are like children. They want everything right now and they want it their way. But the secret is to give them only what they need, not what they want. Scotty: ...You didn't tell him how long it would REALLY take, did you? Geordi La Forge: Of course I did. Scotty: Oh, laddie. You've got a lot to learn if you want people to think of you as a miracle worker. Two things here: 1) The ship is older than Atlantis. 2) Rush is no McKay.
  6. Graphics wise, DA does look like a step back from ME and JE, but I like DA more than both those games. Personally I like playing rogues the best so far, with Mages being a close second. Fighters seem just to blah, but then again fighters have always been just blah to me.
  7. All information should be free, but it is not. Information is power and currency in the World Wide Web. Those who control the information controls the hearts and minds of the population. Welcome to a taste of what is to come.
  8. First play through is a city elf rogue named Vici. Tad bit of a smart mouthed psycho.
  9. The thing is if I am going to spend money I would like to have something physical to hold. I'm a bit of a ludite in that regard.
  10. If I like the artist and want to support their music I buy the CDs and such if they are available. If I don't like the music I just delete it. Of course I don't see the point of downloading music any more thanks to the Last.FM addition to the XBox360. I simply type in the type of music I am in the mood for and it is streamed right on through.
  11. Just get a 32" 720p HDTV and kill several birs with one stone. That is what I got for my PC and 360.
  12. Well, give Stanley a wedgie for me then if you can. Before I go further off topic, I'll get back on topic. Yeah, those pics look nice. Any idea which version of the game they are representing?
  13. The whole point to invade Afghanistan was to kill Osama Bin Ladin. That point is now moot since Bush blew that chance. It is time to leave.
  14. Isn't the character builder a kind of demo?
  15. Is it Tuesday yet? Hmmm.... How about now? No? Grrr..... How about now? Maybe? Grrr... Now? Please? TUESDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
  16. If they continue to make remakes Blake 7 is one they should do.
  17. Just punishment is not retributive. Let the punishment fit the crime. In those two cases the just punishment would be Life In Prison Without Possibility of Parole. Now if the crime was only armed robbery with that punishment, that would be retributive and excessive.
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