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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. There are three people in this world you do not piss off. You technician/mechanic. Your doctor. And your secretary.
  2. If Morgoth wasn't complaining I'd be worried. He is our own personal emo Yahtzee.
  3. A temp gig, eh? Still, it might have been more economical just to bring in a cot to work and stay the night than go back and forth.
  4. I am no better than anyone else. If I can do it then why couldn't someone who is probably more intelligent and personable than me do it?
  5. A 2 hour commute? Why don't you live closer to work or work closer to home? Me, I live three blocks away from work. Its a 5 minute commute.
  6. We live in a free society. If you think you are not getting paid enough for your work then lo and behold you are free to find a different employer. That is what I do and I am no one special. If I can do it I don't see how anyone else can't. If you hate your job, quit and find a new one. If your boss isn't paying what you think you deserve ask for a raise and if denied quit and find a job you think would be worth your effort and time. It is not that hard to figure out.
  7. People do earn what they deserve. If you earn nothing then you deserve nothing.
  8. I don't want people to be poor. I just want people to get what they earn, what they deserve, without the need of the state giving it to them. Last thing I want to live in is a fraking nanny state.
  9. If you cannot enjoy life then life isn't worth living.
  10. It's called labor aristocracy, actually. The poor people who subsist on government subsidies while enjoying the lush benefits of imperialism is how the government keeps the poor in line. If they're chatting on their cell phones or watching their reality television, they aren't thinking, they aren't acting, and they aren't stopping the government from doing whatever it wants. Do you think that if their income was dedicated to barely covering food and rent, they would not do what generations of American workers did: strike, riot, demand their fair share? Do you think that finance capital isn't willing to grant some tiny fragment of their income to keep that from happening? The only fair share a person is entitled to is what that person earns through hard work and by making intelligent decisions which by right inheritance his or her children and their children's children should reap the benefit there of. No more and no less. It should not be taken over by the state.
  11. This is one of the primary reasons why I am trying to get my friends to quit. I hope things work out for you.
  12. Or you can donate one to a poor PC gamer who is trying to get back on the saddle.
  13. Me? I never troll. I may act like an ogre or hobgoblin once in a while but never troll.
  14. Hey, I survived a single parent home where day to day living was stretched thin. If I could survive it then anyone can.
  15. I am ditching the XBox version of Dragon Age, Oblivion, and Fallout 3, and just focus on the PC versions of games. If a console game comes out that I want but doesn't have a PC version then I will get the console game, otherwise it is PC on out.
  16. Prioritize then. If you cannot afford to have a family then don't have a family. If you cannot afford something then you don't go out and have it. It is not that hard to figure out. If you can't afford to get married or have kids, well don't get married or have kids. If you cannot afford a house don't take loans you can't pay back to get a house. If you can't afford the pot roast then get pot noodle.
  17. If I am not satisfied with my pay I do what I can to improve it. I go to school, I ask for a raise, I find a higher paying job, and what not. I put forth the effort to better myself. That is the way it should be. Self determinism and self worth is what should drive us, not being on the government's teet because we feel "entitled" for something we did not earn.
  18. I work hard and low payin gyet guess what. I don't leech the system. I don't expect the government to bail me out. Even though I qualify for food stamps, aid for paying my heating and water bills, and a crap ton of other government aid I do not. I stay self sustaining, yet I see everyday people milking the system for all its worth and it makes me sick.
  19. I have seen people stiff welfare and milk the system while having cellphones, expensive cars, and what not. Nothing irks me more than seeing someone trying to buy food with foodstamps while yapping away on an expensive cellphone. Its called priorities.
  20. If a person lets themselves to be exploited then they deserve to be exploited. Why should a person who works hard all his life be even concerned with the well being of a bugger who is pretty much a couch potato and has done nothing to earn the redistributed wealth? What right does the man who does nothing to earn his wealth have to take the wealth of one who has worked hard to earn it?
  21. I got myself a new computer today which works wonderfully. I can play Mass Effect and Crysis on high and still get double digit FPS in the 30 to 60 range! YAY ME!
  22. Isn't it the whole point of of communism is to take the wealth of the rich and redistribute it evenly among the population? If a person and his or her family worked hard to get rich then just have it taken away then what is the point of working hard in the first place?
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