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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. I think the main reason it works in Finland as it does is because they have a small population in comparison to the US. If Finland had the same bloated population and same bloated government it wouldn't as efficient.
  2. Do you think the "poor" would act any different? Don't be naive.
  3. I visited my mom at the nursing home today. Then again that is nothing too special. I visit her at least two times a week. The place has an odd smell to it.
  4. That isn't the case here. We have people who abuse the welfare system here and work the system that they live a better life not working than if they decided to get a job. I hate those fraking lazy bastards. If you can afford a nice car and a cellphone you do not need food stamps or housing assistance, damn it.
  5. Maybe. Maybe not. However I like the money I earn, that I work for, go to me and only to me and only for my benefit. After all I earn my money. I don't want it to go to some someone who is too lazy to get off their ass and make an honest living. If one is infirm or disabled in some way, then that is understandable however if you are capable of working then there is no excuse. Get off your ass and get a job. Fast food restaurants are always hiring. At least where I live.
  6. Laying it on a little thick with the black lipstick? I was going for the goth Christina Ricci look.
  7. As a capitalistic society I think we have aour tax system all wrong for it. Income taxes is good for a more socialistic society that has a less free market base thant he US. Instead of income taxes, which I think we need to get rid of completely, is to have a federalized sales tax system that is scaled based on the retail cost of the item in question. Instead of being taxed on the income earned, you tax based on how much one spends. I think that would be far more fairer for the poor and rich alike.
  8. I read somewhere from a very wise man once said that those who trade safety for liberty deserves neither.
  9. I say lets wait til we get the coroner's report before we jump to conclusions. I read an article about it earlier on how homicide detectives are getting involved so there might be more to this than simple drug use.
  10. What? I thought Captain America was dead. Shot by a sniper. Sheesh. This is why I stop reading comics a long time ago. No fraking consistency.
  11. Comparing VIsta to WIndows 7 I have to say Windows 7 is a sure winner. It has all the stability of Vista, which was more stable for me than XP or ME combined, but without any of the bloatware. SO far I have no problems on the gaming front and with 4 gigs of RAM I got a score of 7.1 on the Windows Experience meter. I BACK AS A PC GAMER! WOOHOO!
  12. Which is why I am for some form of welfare reform that would force recipients to do hours of community service to earn their welfare check.
  13. So we would have to give up our family and our property then, Krezy? And you think that is right?!?!
  14. When something is overhyped like Avatar I tend to avoid it.
  15. What I don't get with MW2 is that if they didn't want to do PC dedicated servers they just didn't tie it to XBox Live servers like Microsoft did for that craptastic Shadowrun shooter. That way XBoxers and PCers could play the game in a centralized location. That is what I would do. A lot of people knock it but there are some advantages for GfWL and in this situation it would have worked.
  16. LoF, we aren't talking about Soviets but Americans. If Americans were under such system that is what would happen. I see it everyday on those who are on welfare living in my area.
  17. So you're against universal healthcare? Work for the dole? Public education? Public lawyers? Innumerable other examples of good works produced by the government for the people which would be considered redistribution of wealth? If all I need to do is sit at home and have the government pay for it all then what is the point of me doing anything for myself? Those who are in need of help should be given a hand up not a blank check hand out.
  18. Wealth is for those who owns it LoF, either by hard work, by being smart, or being an heir to one who was. Redistributing wealth is just political correct talk for theft.
  19. Is it a turkey frank or all American beef?
  20. I know. It is my fatal flaw. I am very much like that in real life. It infuriates some of my friends at times but it keeps them on their toes, especially when gaming.
  21. I have to agree with Krezy. His logic is sound.
  22. What reads like 'just having a bit of fun' to you, reads like trolling and generally being a douchebag to others. Sometimes I like to argue for the sake of arguing, so I take the devil's side in order to propagate the argument. Arguing is fun.
  23. Oh, come on now. We are just having a lil' bit of fun and then you come along and ruin it.
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