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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. I do not suffer from depression,. I got a computer that can run my games. That makes me happy.
  2. Yet there was travel restrictions of leaving the Soviet Union, was there not? You couldn't take a plane from Moscow to London, then head on over to Chicago. In the US we could go to other countries without a problem. If we want to go to France, Australia, Japan, and we had a valid passport BOOM, we go. Can the same be said of the Soviet Union, North Korea, or China?
  3. I never said I had real evidence of God's existence. I said I know that God exists due to a personal experience. Two completely different animals, Lare.
  4. How about irregular sleep patterns. I do tend to get 6 to 8 hours a sleep a day, but it is in 4 to 2 hour spurts.
  5. I tend to look for local stuff. In my experience the local charities tend to use the money more efficiently.
  6. As I said earlier I worked. I only had to kick out two belligerent drunks so thats not a bad night all considering. As you all know, maybe not all, I live in Iowa. Weather here is all ice and snow and we had lows below 0 degrees Fahrenheit. I had two women, in early 20's, drunk, in high heels, and miniskirts. Think about that for a moment. High heels on icy surfaces. Miniskirts in below 0 weather with wind gusts. The real kicker that they were both blond.
  7. Without money how the hell do we get what we want and what we need, when we want it and when we need it? Wait on our collective asses for the government truck to come by and shovel it out? Frak that load of s**t. I rather keep my independence, keep my freedom, and use currency. It allows me to do what I want, when I want, without some communist Big Brother telling me otherwise.
  8. You're a wonderful human being, did you know that? What? Am I suppose to be nice to those who have no respect for our laws? Am I suppose to friendly to those who seek to invade my country? Hell fraking no. Also I see more people being oppressed in communistic countries than the US. China for one. A full sixth of the population being oppressed by a communist regime. You don't think they aren't being oppressed? Tell that to the Tibetans. Tell that to those who are Christians in that country. China is the enemy. Communism is the enemy of freedom.
  9. I work tonight. Besides its just another day at the start of yet another year. I don't see anything special about it.
  10. Its just humans being human. No matter what our advances may take us it does not change the fact that we are still just violent animals.
  11. It is that type of attitudes why I am favor of the US being isolationist nation. Still trade with other nations, don't get me wrong on that, but remove all favored trade statuses for all nations, remove all military personal from all other countries and place them to guard our borders, close all immigration into this country, and stop all foreign aid. Those who try to enter this country illegally are shot on sight. Rework our economy and budget so that we can pay off all foreign debts. And most of all remove ourselves from the UN, boot the UN out of the US, and remove ourselves from NATO. If the rest of the world needs help from the US, screw them. I am so sick and tired of the US being called upon just to get our faces spat on.
  12. Iraq? We are talking about the US here. I have always maintained that Iraq's problems should have been handled only by the Iraqis.
  13. I categorize Christians in two camps. Jackhole Christians and Tolerable Christians. The ones you mention are part of the Tolerable Christians group. Examples of Jackhole Christians are Rev. Phelps, John Calvin, pat Robertson, and those who participated in the Spanish Inquisition. As I said before, I do not go by belief. I go by what I know, and like you GD I had a personal experience with the Divine and the not-so Divine, though I doubt our experiences were anywhere near similar.
  14. A divine experience is an experience with the divine. The point I am making is that a person who has a singular event without any witnesses still have that experience and that experience would be fact for them, even though it wouldn't be verifiable to another. If there was no physical evidence and no other witnesses of the murder, yet GD said he saw it happen, it would be a fact for him that the murder took place, while a exercise of belief for others.
  15. What Nightshaope fails to understand is that a person can have a singular experience with no one else present to witness it. If GD was the sole witness of a murder, would you deny it as fact that he saw a murder, even if their is no body, Nightshape? Would you say he believed that a murder took place instead of him saying it is fact due to his own personal experience? A fact for one person does not change what another says. You have the choice to believe him or not, but that does not change the fact that he, in his experience, had a divine event.
  16. Not all Muslims are like that, Nightshape. Only the really stupid ones do that sort of crap. Besides, the largest population of Muslims aren't in the Middle East or Africa, where the majority of terrorists are from. The bulk of the Islamic population resides in Indonesia and that region of the world.
  17. Of course there are always two sides of the story, LoF, however I am primarily interested in my side of the story as you are on yours. Oh, executing the mentally ill shows real reform. YES IT DOES!
  18. After WW2, our technology has sky rocketed. I do have to agree that if it wasn't for the Muslims, particularly those in Iraq and Iran, of that time a lot of the advancements we did make up to the Dark Ages would have been lost.
  19. If the US wasn't a democratic secular capitalistic nation do you really think the civil rights movement would have succeeded? I have seen what communist countries do to those who protest against the government in order to bring change. They kill them. North Korea, USSR, and China all kill or place in brutal prisons those who protest their governments. Tienanmen Square Massacre. NEVER FORGET. NEVER FORGIVE.
  20. Yes. Just as I would if a theocratic government was lawfully elected. Secular capitalism is pretty much where I want to be at and it is the only way to secure the freedoms and rights we have today, and the only way to expand those freedoms and rights in the future.
  21. I would rather be dead than be under communistic rule, LoF, and I will die fighting, killing as many communists as I can before I do die.
  22. If I meet any water sprites or fire sprites you will be the first to know, Nightshape. In any case you hit it right on the knob why I choose not to worship God. For the most part, He's an ass.
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