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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. You want a heartfelt answer, well, let me get a scalpel and massage your aorta. I use to be such a narrow minded gamer who sought to analyze every spoken and written line in a game. This was way back in the days of TeamBG and Black Isle. Back when I was so full of myself and nerd rage over Neverwinter Nights 1. Then I come to the realization that all this angst, all this critical viewing of games, and nitpicking over this and that got in the way of what is the true purpose of the game is. The game is meant to be fun. If a game is not fun why whinge on about it when you can play a game that is fun? If a game is fun play it. If not, toss it aside and get a new game. If a developer and publisher make games that are fun for you then play them. If not, ignore them. That is how I got over myself, my nerd rage, and all this useless arguing and fuming over what is, what isn't, and what can never be. I am not here to argue. I am here to have fun. No more and no less.
  2. Well, I would blame both Bethesda and Obsidian. However, I had fun playing Fallout 3. I long ago decided to throw away those rose colored lenses of nostalgia and learned to play games for fun and only for fun.
  3. We're actually talking with a new PR agency that Sega has hired to work on AP matters pretty soon, and I'm due to record some more voiceover for a walkthrough video in the next couple of weeks, as well. Sorry for the lack of info lately, but hopefully things will start popping up relatively soon. While the game was delayed, I can assure everyone that it's very much coming out. Nice to here but until I have the game in my grubby digits I shall keep my pessimism. Sega canceled the Aliens RPG, and back when Obsidian was Black Isle there was a slew of canceled games that would have been great. I think my pessimism is well earned.
  4. I think it is time to consider full scale evacuations for the people there. If this sort of thing keeps up they will not be able to rebuild in such a tectonically active region.
  5. At least they didn't drop them from a helicopter, thinking that turkeys could fly.
  6. And through all of that we let the bastard Osama Bin Ladin get away. So much for "staying the course." Gods, I hate Bush.
  7. I am expecting the word of cancellation soon. If this game is released I will be surprised.
  8. Well, I got a 4850 to replace my 8800GT and it works quite nicely. Didn't even need a shoe horn to get it to fit in the case.
  9. I think that the carbon footprint thingie can be forgiven in this case. When the world fraks you, you have the right to frak it back.
  10. It is because no one likes their hard work taken away from them from the state so they force everyone to stay in their country either through physical walls or through the use of propaganda and strict censorship. Just take a good look at North Korea for that. Also the Great Firewall of China is a good example of communistic censorship. I say good on Google to step up against the Chinese government's censorship laws. Tienanmen Square Massacre. Never forget! Never forgive!
  11. Did you just forget who you are talking to?
  12. One man's troll is another man's OH MY GOD GET IT OFF ME!
  13. Because that's the object of art, to make sure as many people like it as possible. That's why they invented focus testing during the renaissance. It worked for Shakespeare.
  14. No. Video games are not art. They are mindless entertainment and nothing more.
  15. I see what you are trying to do, but video games aren't poetry. Not by a long shot.
  16. Poetry is the the epitome of the philosophy of economy of words. Good poetry conveys the same thoughts and emotions of a well written short story in a few stanzas. That does not pertain to my question on how well did Torment sell however.
  17. And just how well did Torment sell compared to the other Infinity Engine games? How well did it sell compared to other games released at the same time frame?
  18. Too bad they can't merge the games. Dragon Effect!
  19. Only thing that matters is the fun factor. Everything else is irrelevant.
  20. I have yet begun to patronize! I am just bidding time til all my downloads are finished. Testing out some different mods for Dragon Age.
  21. The point is that Fallout 3 and its predecessors are just video games, not works of art, great pieces of literature, or anything of that nature., They are just video games, mindless entertainment and nothing more. You guys whinge on and on like Fallout 1 and 2 were the "The Great Gatsby" or something.
  22. Oh, really. Explain that one to me. If I see a game I like to play, I play it. If there are mods I want to mess with I install them. If there is a game that I don't want to play I ignore it. If there are mods that I don't care for I don't bother installing them. If a developer makes a sequel to game and I don't like how they designed I don't play it or whinge on and on about it and move on to a different game. How am I holding anything back?
  23. True, because the naysayers seem to forget one thing. The only thing that matters in a game is if the game is fun to play. Everything else is secondary and I found Fallout 3 fun to play. Nothing else matters.
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