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Everything posted by Cl_Flushentityhero

  1. Oh yeah, I forgot to post that I played it through and liked it. I thought the Dark Athena segment was pretty good, and in some ways had a much darker tone than the second movie. My only complaint is that Johns basically disappears. They could, however, make it up to me by doing a spinoff where you get to play him
  2. Heh, Morrowind's storytelling was so "rich" that I never finished the main plot. Something about having to walk all the way across the map for a brief text conversation, then go all the way back for the next one. More on-topic, I think cleverly placed remains etc., unless they are part of a plot that involves the player, are just a gimmick. I wouldn't call their existence *bad*, but they are no substitute for stories that give the player an impact on the world.
  3. Well, he is pretty well-trained, but inexperienced. In true RPG fashion most of his growth occurs through the course of the game. At least, that's my interpretation of what we've seen so far.
  4. I assume it will be pretty standard Mouse/Keyboard affair. Tbh, every PC shooter on which I have found controls "sluggish" has turned out to be a (fixable) technical issue rather than a design flaw.
  5. Whatever. You're obviously a sarcastic troll who is just messing with me. See? Counter that, eh? Like to see you try. This reminds me of a, er, "discussion," I had with Seraphael.
  6. No, that really is the best counterargument. Besides, I want to be able to take weapons off opponents too.
  7. I think it's a (not rendered) shoulder holster inside his clothing, at least with the more socially acceptable garb.
  8. By "themselves," I hope you don't mean Ossian Studios, because they're had the game done for some time. It was, in fact, delayed for the sake of the DRM.
  9. Au contraire, people only care enough to complain about the DRM if they're already interested in the game.
  10. I don't think this has specifically been asked yet, but is AP coming to steam? Would SEGA allow it? Would Obs? It seems like it would be a pretty good way to move copies, since whenever a new game is released there's usually an ad for it that pops up when you run steam. Awareness would definitely be spread, and if the critics like it Valve's built-in metacritic window on the game page would entice a lot of buyers methinks.
  11. First releasing Witcher 2, then the first one. Makes total sense. Only from a business and creative standpoint.
  12. I'm extremely on the fence about this one, after initially thinking it would be utter crap.
  13. Witcher 2 is coming to consoles anyway. Once the unwashed console-playing masses have experience the brilliance, they'll demand a port of the first game.
  14. That was kind of my point. He made one of the best games nobody played.
  15. Madworld was quite well-received by critics. I'm guessing you are correct in that the console was at fault more than the game. That said, I think early sales might be deceptive due to the number of people who are interested yet don't currently have a Wii. There are certainly worse things for the developer's prospects than having done one of the most acclaimed games that people didn't play. People are rabid about Brutal Legend, which, from the footage I've seen, won't be anything to write home about. I'm not sure what if anything that means for AP, though. Obviously AP is targeted towards the platforms that would appreciate an espionage RPG cover shooter. People say that excess hype can kill a game, though I question whether that is financially true. The vocal people who complain about how disappointing a major title was either bought it anyway or pirated (in which case, did you really trust them to buy even if they liked it?).
  16. I'm guessing they decided to show me up after I said Harry Gregson-Williams was too big-time for Obsidian. Speaking of guesses . . . I totally called it. Let the riots commence.
  17. IMO, concealment is an issue that *should* come into play in a game that's about a spy who talks his way past armed guards. Just throwing that out there. If two-handed weapons just materialized out of nowhere when you equip them, people would instead be complaining about that. I didn't see anybody walking down the street dressed like a commando in that video.
  18. The "obsession" is not with the visual, but instead with the practical. If you're wondering what we mean, try entering pretty much any embassy with a rifle or shotgun in civilian clothes. Funny-looking gadgets can be ambiguous in their purpose, most firearms are not.
  19. But why would the common/dated weapons be exclusive to the enemies? They already bothered to create the weapon, not making it available to the player would just be lazy.
  20. Anachronism is a device that adds personality to a character. This extends both into future and past. It's also a vague line between what is "vintage," "modern," and "high-tech." The Colt 1911, for example, has been in production for a looong time. Often the differences between a "futuristic" version and the original are a few safety and reliability features, maybe a polymer frame and some attachments that give it a high-tech look. Any variant, properly maintained, will shoot people pretty good. Also, negligent discharges and gun jamming are seldom prominent features in shooters, so safety and reliability features wouldn't really matter for gameplay purposes. Personally, I have no problem with having both old and new versions/skins of a weapon. Maybe Thornton has an older 1911 that was a keepsake from the family, maybe he has a fetish for antiquity. It wouldn't make sense to have *every* weapon in the game be some future gun from space. A) Spies have to make do with what's available sometimes. B) Enemies need more common weapons anyway, so they should be available to Thornton as well.
  21. I think it's important not to confuse games for windows live with haphazard ports, even though they tend to go hand-in-hand. Is AP going to utilize GFW live?
  22. All I really expected out of Fallout 3 was Oblivion with guns. Maybe I can elevate those expectations slightly for NV.
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