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Everything posted by Cl_Flushentityhero

  1. I'm not sure AP will really compete in the shooter or what you call "casual" market. Anyone who isn't already well-versed in WRPGs probably won't understand what makes AP unique. Call me a cynic, but it seems like it would be very easy for the mainstream to dismiss AP as a half-assed shooter combined with a half-assed stealth game. It might sucker in some "ZOMG spy game!" purchases, but that sort of thing is usually a function of hype.
  2. Wait, so now in order to include a country in a game developers have to include a representative sample of locations?
  3. Mostly, it just sucks because we don't get to play it until then
  4. Seconded. I can't decide whether Thornton looks like a commando or the lead singer in a Serbian industrial rock band.
  5. Yeah, but none of the above make it a bad game, per se. Since the current footage on 360 has framerate issues, I'm guessing that no console version is up to snuff yet. As to where it will be a few months from now, that's hard to predict.
  6. Oh yeah, so it almost goes without saying that I loved the footage and AP looks to be delivering on its initial premise (which, if it does, I think the game is guaranteed some measure of success; even if it's cult status). Obviously there were some framerate issues, but I assume that's just a w.i.p. thing. That said, I wouldn't be doing my nonexistent job if I didn't unleash the hatred valve a little. -Thornton's VA, IMO, has a laughably wooden delivery. It sounds like a guy reading words off a page, even if he's trying to say something clever or ironic. -I'm still lukewarm on the basic pummeling animations. They look a bit choppy when strung together, and standing in one place throwing strikes seems kind of static. I'm not attempting to play the realism card here or even the JB card, it just does not look as exciting as the takedown animations. Also, what are the odds of us getting a complete skill rundown at some point prior to release? I noticed some new ones in there
  7. Um, how? A few aliasing problems? Edit: for reference http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/...fe2theorangebox In comparison to other platforms is not the point. The point is that a good game is still a good game regardless of a finicky port, which the topic creator suggested was not the case.
  8. Yeah, the point is approaching dead horse status on these forums. My guess is that Obs' mind is made up already, but it doesn't hurt to keep mentioning it.
  9. A product is a product. I highly doubt that the 360 and PC versions will be great and the PS3 version will suck. Do you have any examples to cite of such a game?
  10. Out of curiosity, how do you watch the actual episode when it releases?
  11. Something tells me invisibility won't be in Thornton's arsenal . . .
  12. The trailer for the trailer is up on GT . . . no footage from the new one unfortunately.
  13. Yeah . . . I would put more money on the retailers' estimates personally.
  14. I can picture Lee frantically going to work on a fourth instance after posting that.
  15. Empire: Total War is pretty huge. I'd consider Riddick: Dark Athena notable just because the first game was a breath of fresh air among shooters. If you mean PC RPGs, then no, but that's because they're incredibly scarce to begin with. We get what, one or two each year?
  16. Obsidian will have to rethink the entirity of Alpha Protocol. Somebody already did the flying knee. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermov...aylist=featured
  17. Out of curiosity, why would releasing after be suicide? The hype machine is definitely not in full swing, so it isn't like the game would be accused of vaporware.
  18. Pretty much Deus Ex. It was probably the most cause & consequence-intensive game I've ever played, and it also had many of the other elements present in AP. Within the individual areas, I'd of course like to see inspiration from good offerings in that genre: e.g. gunplay similar to GRAW2 (SP, that is), stealth on par with splinter cell, non-combat AI similar to the hitman games, and story on par with, uh, Deus Ex. Obviously, that's a lot to expect, but it's really the kinds of games AP is stacking itself up against by straddling so many genres.
  19. It was offhandedly mentioned in an interview that one of the factions Thornton can get help from is a PMC. I don't know what kind of help specifically, but such is pre-release hype.
  20. March 27th? No chance. EBgames is saying September, and that's probably optimistic (releases are seldom sooner than they say, but sometimes later).
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