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Everything posted by Cl_Flushentityhero

  1. I think it would be fun to play a super-spy who was good at everything. Oddly enough, I would not be plagued by an existential identity crisis; and if I were I'd just start a new game.
  2. I think the consideration of authenticity is still relevant in a game that has limited scope (see: all of them). It's impossible to represent every aspect of a place, but which aspects the developer chooses to represent are relevant. If I play a level in the Middle East and it's a bunch of caves in the mountains . . . well, okay, I guess that's what the developers thought it was important to include from the Middle East.
  3. Maybe because the game is based on Hollywood?
  4. Gotta love an article that starts out with "I'm not qualified in any specific way to make the general assertions I'm about to." I also think he's flat-out wrong to condemn revolvers as a SD/combat weapon. I'd imagine that one of the reasons (as you mention) some specops carry revolvers is because they don't jam. Since there is no feeding mechanism (the rounds remain locked in place until fired), there can be no feeding errors. The article isn't bad, it's just a very strongly-worded opinion piece from somebody who gives us no compelling reason to trust his opinion. But I'm way off topic, as usual. I'm a pistol fan through and through. The more variety we have in that regard the better. I don't mind if there are wildly impractical target/hunting handguns, so long as the practical ones are at least equally effective (preferably moreso). I tend to think of shotguns and ARs as more utilitarian than stylish, so I'm not quite as picky about variety there. Also, a vast number of ARs out there are based on the same few platforms anyway. As for SMGs, well, they pretty much killed it for me when they made them dual-wield, so I don't really have a preference.
  5. Apparently, the awesomeness of the CQC is directly proportional to the amount of throat strikes that occur
  6. I'm pretty sure one of the recent trailers said that you go AWOL from the Alpha Protocol program as well.
  7. AP has a lot going for it that is either absent from other RPGs or has not yet been combined in the same way. Good job Obs!
  8. I don't know, is it? Any implementation of ethics/morality in a game is only as deep as the designers choose to make it.
  9. I agree that it's a bit gamey having the stealth handlers and the combat handlers, but hopefully there will be other reasons to choose one or the other as well (e.g. your character's ethical leanings).
  10. Why not? People compare games, it's how quality is decided by the masses.
  11. Just to throw it out there, I noticed that the AI will rush forward and try to rifle smack MT. Why not allow the player to execute a counter-takedown if they time their own melee to interrupt that?
  12. ZOMG they're SOO DIFFERENT. Seriously though, I agree. I don't think Obs is trying to avoid comparison with Mass Effect.
  13. I think we'll have to stop the presses if I'm ever genuinely impressed by a game's AI.
  14. While we're placing demands err making requests, I'd like a "realistic mode" a la Deus Ex where everything does lots of damage. High risk, high reward ftw.
  15. I wouldn't hold my breath. UnrealEd is fine, but modders need access to the systems that are unique to AP, including cause and consequence mechanics.
  16. That was one of my beefs with Army of Two. The weapon customizations were pretty clearly a net benefit, but they got to looking so ridiculous I didn't want them anyway.
  17. And possibly non-linearity. I know SC: DA tried to do that, but it was pretty limited.
  18. I *think* there is a headshot bonus, though it might not be as impressive as you'd expect. Also, I was able to hit pretty well, and that's using a controller without auto-aim (I hate aiming with analog sticks).
  19. Well, if you have tons of wide open space in a game then sniper rifles dominate other weapons. If you have none, they're mostly a waste of time.
  20. I think Sam Fisher would beat MT in a fight. MT would try that jumping spinning back kick and get it in the nads.
  21. I like the throat punch. I think perhaps Rorie gravitates towards the takedowns vs. pummeling because they look much cooler. Also, the gunplay showed off looked pretty decent (though that could be seen as just being "generic" or "run of the mill," it beats "subpar"). I think the crouch walk looks equally ridiculous in all videos, but that's just me.
  22. Just means I'll approach the Max Payne 3 release date without expectations . . . kind of like MP2 when it was announced right before it released.
  23. IMO, the appeal was always the singleplayer AND the free multi. To make it an MMO is to remove both aspects.
  24. I think it's a valid criticism, though usually I just try to plow through checkpoint games effectively enough that the save system becomes a non-issue.
  25. I second the International. A bit more cerebral than many espionage thrillers, though the pacing may be slow for those who want explosions.
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