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Everything posted by Cl_Flushentityhero

  1. Kind of like that year NWN2: MotB and Witcher both released in October.
  2. Fight Night 4 and ARMA 2 were awesome. If you're talking about good WRPGs, then there are at best 1-3 releases per year, so a few months dry spell should come as no surprise.
  3. Seems like a fair preview. From what I've seen, the combat *is* generic.
  4. I suspect that the damage system will heavily favor using autofire to ensure an enemy actually drops. Just a theory, though.
  5. I'd like to point out that attaching a scope reduces the "stability" state, so it's not like you're forced to use one.
  6. What are you guys talking about? The kerambit is a knife, and it's confirmed. Obs has suggested that it's possible to take a stealthy route through most missions.
  7. I think they should have Hugh Jackman yell every time Thornton Activates that ability.
  8. The Snake one was awesome, but now it's just ridiculous.
  9. I like how every weapon upgrade shown has advantages and disadvantages, thereby forcing players to think rather than just slapping things on.
  10. An NPC uses revolvers, and Thornton is confirmed as having access to semi-auto pistols. The asset's already in the game, might as well use it. And yes, they should have single SMGs
  11. What exactly does neither here nor there mean in this case? Why should MT only carry what's common?
  12. Agreed. Blanket statements in general are problematic . . . including the one I just made.
  13. Sorry, none of them sufficiently resemble Snake from the MGS series
  14. I'm a little confused here. It seems perfectly "realistic" that Thornton would be able to get his hands on a revolver if he wanted.
  15. I thought the express purpose of New Game + was to unbalance the game?
  16. Gotcha, so it's kind of like make your own prestige class.
  17. If the story makes you go through a cave, then the story was crafted specifically to make you do that (which was my point). If that results in a bland environment and scenarios we've already seen used to death elsewhere, cultural sensitivity is the least of a game's concerns.
  18. Currently the plan is to let you choose three, or you can choose a "class" and have three that play together well chosen for you. Hmm, I'm confused. Is this the current aptitude at the skill, or the upper limit?
  19. I think none of the weapons have real-world names due to licensing fees.
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