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Everything posted by Cl_Flushentityhero

  1. At least the guy making the statement remembered AP existed.
  2. It's a well written preview.
  3. That's a pretty good explanation, but wouldn't it be easier to just document or otherwise make salient those features? Personally, I find it somewhat gratifying when the game recognizes an unorthodox method I'm using of my own volition, but I can't imagine actually trying to get all the achievements in a game.
  4. Well, Mass Effect was those three options plus the fairly static "tell me about yourself and the world" tree.
  5. *eats crow* He did say it was difficult to miss out on her though.
  6. There could be a loophole. I think it's early to say without confirmation from Rorie et al. I don't recall this. As I understand it you always run into Sie on a certain mission, and how you deal with her determines what future interactions you'll have.
  7. 1. Dunno. Notably, you don't "read" what Mike is going to say, you just select the social approach he will use in his response. 3. Melee is a skill in the game, and putting points into it/using it is optional. 5. You'll get to see some of it I don't think you'd miss out on any major sections of the game, but you will of course miss dialogue and plot branches.
  8. Heh, nobody said OXM had strict standards, just that they were positive about AP
  9. I liked the movie
  10. It may, however, keep people entertained until such a time as AP actually does release.
  11. Also, with the case of FO3 you can save your money by avoiding the DLCs that are either not to your interest or, well, crap.
  12. Definitely not. Taking away the "everyman" factor and the amount of customization players put into Thornton would be undermining the elements of choice that have become AP's tagline.
  13. Just to rain on your parade, it looks the countdown is done by Gamestop, who already declared the 27th awhile ago. So . . . I wouldn't take it as any *more* official than it was when the ship date got posted on their website.
  14. I have a pretty rare name, so it isn't an issue I've really pondered.
  15. I'm guessing it's a way of implementing cause & consequence; that way they know you did something earlier in the game without being directly connected to that person.
  16. That's because they stopped making GRAW and started making franchise games that *almost* did the source material justice.
  17. But . . . . THERE'S NO TIME!
  18. That's a valid point, though as a fan of the genre I play pretty much any (post-NWN) WRPG I hear about eventually.
  19. Honestly, I think most WRPG players will get both sooner or later because there are relatively few out there.
  20. I consider all posts voluntary in nature and subject to unnecessary scrutiny. I was also honestly curious why one espionage-themed ARPG interested him and not the other.
  21. I think so? Obviously they're not going to demo it in SD, so it may be impossible to tell until the actual release.
  22. But you played them and found out firsthand. Personally, what I find most interesting is how vehemently uninterested he is He could've just not played it, but instead chose to publicly post his intent not to do so. Best way to avoid being "judged" on something is not to announce it to the world.
  23. You're interested in AP, but not Deus Ex? Well, your loss.
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