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Everything posted by Cl_Flushentityhero

  1. I have to admit the gameplay looked kind of goofy. I'd like to say it was just infinite health, but eh. -Doors, it almost looks like he's clipping through them sometimes -Missing with the CQC or punching enemies during the death animation without results. I realize this isn't fight night, but . . . -Dual SMGs/PDWs, just . . . yeah. The cyclic rate looks low, muzzle flash is a little strange, recoil? -Movement looks jerky, as if it was an attempt to make gameplay "fast" at the expense of realism and presentation. The game will go through some canned animation that looks good, then enter crack monkey mode once free movement starts again. I'm critical because I care.
  2. OMG, funcroc sold out to the SC franchise! ) Though after today's E3 footage, I don't entirely blame him.
  3. I never played it :-o VATS is what is freshest in the collective consciousness of gamers. FO3 was wildly popular, and so if a journalist mentions "VATS," any RPG gamer who wasn't hiding under a rock probably knows what they're talking about. It's not like they're going to drop obscure references just to see how far back people can remember. Also, I think making that comparison paints AP in a favorable light, since VATS was basically *the* combat ability in FO3 and chain shot is one of many (as was pointed out in the GTTV interview).
  4. Is that an NPC that dual wields pistols? Why must you taunt me Obsidian? Also, in the second screenshot Thornton looks like he's sitting on an invisible stool. Otherwise sounds good. I'm curious about the prestige classes -err "specializations." Are they predetermined or three skills of your choice? Does the 10-15 range include new uber badass abilities, or just make you more powerful in general? And yeah, I think Mass Effect has proved that the generic cover shooter + RPG elements formula can be successful. Since AP looks to have a lot more depth to the RPG aspects, it bodes well for standing out somewhat.
  5. Now that I've firmly established that I'm apparently off my rocker, I'm going to admit that I wasn't particularly impressed. I'm thinking this is because I'm cynical about the use of CGI for game trailers and cutscenes. IMO, in-engine footage from today's games typically looks better or at least more consistent with the rest of the game and better demonstrates the tech. When a developer uses CGI for either trailers or cutscenes, it basically says to me that they are trying to hide the actual game for whatever reason.
  6. Never saw it actually, it's on the list now. I did think Taken was pretty badass though, and while Jet Li is obviously a better martial artist Liam definitely has better acting chops.
  7. Doing "what it takes" to get the job done varies depending on the situation. There isn't a uniform "get it done" personality type because sometimes the most efficient method involves paying attention to social niceties (or ignoring them). Also, the purpose of dialogue options is to give you choices. If you just use the same option all the time because you're a "direct" character, then it isn't all that engaging as a game mechanic. Being efficient should, IMO, require thought and varying your approach to suit the situation, not pressing the win button in dialogue. If anything, I would expect the "professional" stance to be the most straightforward. You could bypass "aggressive" entirely and just be professional until you need to do the "interrupt" option like drawing your gun or slamming his head against the table.
  8. So, you're instead talking about hypothetical ideas that haven't been proposed? I hope you can understand why I might have misread.
  9. And gun disarms as seen all over the place in Bond and Bourne films is an exaggerated/outright stupid idea?
  10. I thought the Hitman disarm was fine. Was it not flashy enough or something?
  11. Wait, what does unlimited ammo have to do with disarming? Was somebody planning to eat bullets until the AI runs out? I think disarming would be good, but more for reasons of not getting shot than ammo considerations.
  12. I think the combat will be significantly better, if nothing else. As for "what game is better taken as a whole?" I think that allows nostalgia and unrealistic expectations to kick in.
  13. Also, for the record, he's doing a jumping reverse roundhouse kick. *sigh* Otherwise, looks great.
  14. I don't think every option eventually "working out" is so much the problem as the other thing. If doing different dialogue stances changes the game appreciably, then people will want to do it just for the sake of experiencing new content. One thing I do foresee as a problem would be for completionists trying to experience all the variability in the game. Without knowing that you need to take a certain stance at one point and another stance at a different point people could entirely miss certain outcomes. In theory somebody will eventually gamefaq it all, but I've always viewed games where you need to have a walkthrough in one hand to get the most out of them with suspicion.
  15. Who's that? Just kidding. I found some of the characters in ME kind of interesting, though the overall texture was a bit bland. It seemed like a lot of the "in-depth" conversations just involved NPCs rattling off random background info about the universe rather than telling you a personal story with any substance.
  16. Well, I respect Achilles' opinion, though I personally could've just done the story interactions without the corridor crawling. In fact, that's pretty much what the skip peragus mod did.
  17. Michael Ironside is the man. While I've never been hugely engaged with the SC story, I've always thought Fisher's witty banter was very well-done both in writing and performance. I admit that I liked the other splinter cell games, but IMO a reboot like this has been necessary since Chaos Theory. CT was kind of the ultimate refinement of the methodical linear sneaking with gadgets formula, so it was time to try something new. They tried with Double Agent, and while I enjoyed it, I don't think they really delivered on the premise. It was mostly just more of Chaos Theory from a gameplay standpoint. Lastly, I've always been more a fan of the wits-based spy rather than the gadget-based one. Even Alpha Protocol seems pretty equipment-based, so this might be just the thing to scratch that particular itch.
  18. As long as the social stealth is still in (albeit refined), I'm still interested. I also checked EBgames and it says June 30th. That's too good to be true, right?
  19. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusiv...nter-cell/49279 Not much of a trailer, but I for one am excited that it's not vaporware. Kinda worried that in the years since we last saw it they might've messed the game up or something though.
  20. I picked up Killing Floor on release day, and while I'm not familiar with the mod it's pretty fun. Some things are done better than L4D and some are done worse (or are absent, like the vs. mode), which to me makes both worth experiencing. Pros: -Shooting guns is actually fun, something I found lacking in L4D. You get recoil, muzzle flash, iron sights, and all else you'd expect. More guns, too. -Slow motion, even if it occurs at a moment that isn't relevant to what you're doing, creates a cool cinematic moment. Love it or hate it, it's a rare feature in multiplayer. -Death metal -Good lighting variation -Class/perk system creates roles -Ability to barricade helps in forming a defense without always using the same part of the map -random trader location encourages exploring new areas. -It's helpful to stay together, but you aren't insta-dead if you get caught alone -Being hit *hurts*. It doesn't just lower the number on your screen, the camera swings all over the place and stays blurry. It's easy to think you have everything under control until something hits you from behind and you're suddenly disoriented in a dark room. -I find British voice overs entertaining. Cons -No vs. multiplayer -Individuals can be more self-sufficient than L4D. -Characters models are pretty generic -Joining a game is sometimes a little wonky -Fewer levels -Probably won't have lots of free DLC
  21. Well, IMO, HK was at least as much writing as voice talent, if not more.
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