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Everything posted by Trenitay

  1. It had better be in this game.
  2. The dog was the best part of the movie.
  3. I don't get it.
  4. HELL YEA! I wonder why I've never liked Bethesda.
  5. Maybe you're boring but I've had lots of exciting things going on. Well, they're mostly bad things actually. On top of dogy getting her foot hurt, I just found out my uncle's cancer is growing, and he probably only has two months to live.
  6. Generally, hurting people is not the ethical choice.
  7. Grow a Japanese cactus. Or a regular cactus.
  8. Take her out to lunch and then go on a secret sky-diving adventure with her. Go to a lake and push her in. Go window bashing with her.
  9. That review made the game seem a little bit horrible.
  10. Right now I'm wondering if I should buy Fallout 3.
  11. One of my dogies got herself a hurt foot. We gotta take her to the vet pretty soon.
  12. I dislike the third iteration. Everyone knows the fourth is the best.
  13. Or it could go the other way and we're saying that what they're doing wasn't okay.
  14. I assume you have some sort of picture there but I can't see it. Also, Hiroshima.
  15. I was never able to get into fallout and I have never liked the elder scrolls games. I do trust Obsidian however and will buy this this game just for that. Bethesda doesn't matter to me.
  16. I think by "Fox crowd" he meant those who would generally agree with the Fox network, not that you're a religous Fox who does whatever they say. Of course I could be wrong about that.
  17. @Dagon Do you have an ass for a mouth, because there sure is a lot of crap coming ot of there. I think your solution to this is Nuke'em and everything will be fine. A shot to the head for anyone who disagrees.
  18. No, it's just that your metaphor doesn't make sense. Maybe you should try another one. But there isn't really a sensible metaphor to explain torture is there?
  19. No people I know torture dogs. Not even rabid ones.
  20. Does it really matter. How would you like it if I did the same to you so I could know something?
  21. Trenitay

    group hug

    Your son sounds like fun. My little sister is the same way.
  22. I am also ridiculously underweight, so it sort of makes sense.
  23. Don't die.
  24. I did that electric current test last year and ended up at 2%. The bmi scale put me at 7%. I tend to believe the electric test.
  25. I got me a walking stick and a cactus.
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