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Everything posted by Trenitay

  1. I don't know what this is but Seattle is only an hour from here. Is it free?
  2. Now this is an outright lie. You happen to be one of two.
  3. I almost had symathy for you, you ****.
  4. That was repetitive.
  5. I am not buying this game until I get confirmation of sideburns.
  6. Trying to figure out what the order of our activities for the weekend is. Nobody can ever seem to contact my father to get anything planned out.
  7. I've never really minded it happening. Just a silly thing in some games.
  8. Negative opinions do not equal racism. I have negative opinions about white folks, that doesn't make me racist against them.
  9. Getting ready for the city parade tomorrow. Half our crew skipped out on us though.
  10. Do I get a knife?
  11. These people have inspired me. I'm going to go out in a boat and stop those japanese whale hunters.
  12. Yay.
  13. Save the Whales!
  14. I think the point is that the fans won't know the inner workings. They shouldn't expect a game that isn't announced.
  15. Best is a matter of opinion. My opinion is no.
  16. Everyone is just trying to deceive you. Everyone here is very mean.
  17. Harry Potter. It was okay.
  18. That isn't revealing enough for Obsidian people.
  19. I for one think that is much better than a speedo.
  20. That's cruel. And yet oddly amusing.
  21. Without criticism I am nothing. You all suck.
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