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Everything posted by Trenitay

  1. Of course you can come in. Just don't let anyone else in. They are the enemy.
  2. It had better get released on the 6th. If it doesn't, I may have to freak out.
  3. I dig a hole.
  4. Do the countries you've never heard of tend to have chickens?
  5. That dog didn't look like it wanted to be the cat's friend.
  6. excuse me? explain in words that even a simpleton can understand how my statement would be hypocritical? CEOs are worth what the market will pay. no more, no less. seriously, awesomeness, look up the law of supply and demand*. there is ONE way to satisfy demand in the face of limited supply. I'm not disagreeing with you on this point. If that's what they are getting paid then there has got to be a reason. I was referring to the arrogance thing. Sorry if that wasn't clear. People in general are arrogant and anyone accusing another of being so is hypocrisy. Actually I have taken and am taking an economics class.
  7. oh, you are now the arbiter of demand. such arrogance. This is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.
  8. I just heard about some insurance executive who makes somewhere around $120,000 an hour.
  9. I didn't think it would be that good of an idea but the two who are pushing this forward are pretty good with money and business. They're convinced they can do it and I'll help them in any way possible.
  10. So, my family is wanting to open some kind of cafe and the whole group is kind of lacking in the creativity department. We are all trying to think of a name and I decided to ask you guys. So, any ideas?
  11. That didn't include any kind of animal.
  12. Well I don't have much money yet so i'm probably going to have to live with whatever my dad and I can find. I also don't know much about car maintenence so a cheap junker isn't much of a choice. I really just need something that will move back and forth a couple of miles every day. I think my dad wants me to get a truck so I can run his errands. I hope to have saved enough money by next year to get me something better.
  13. I got my driver's license today!
  14. I have an amazing immune system thank you very much.
  15. We are a silly bunch aren't we.
  16. Alright, I tried to watch that video with a pretty open mind, and my conclusion is this: the fall down the slope could very easily happen if one lets it happen. But I try to have more faith in the American people then believing they will just let it happen. I also have more faith in Obama, but that's a different disscusion. I can see how one might draw that conclusion, but, in trying to be an optimist, I try to draw the best possible conclusion. I believe most of us are smarter than accepting full socialism, but I will be paying attention to the government's actions just in case. P.S. A law that seems innocuous or benevolent could also be just that.
  17. The "slippery slope" idea is not stupid but I honestly can't see America sitting there and accepting a completely socialist government. If anything too extreme happened most people would be up in arms (although many already are). I just think that giving it a chance before screaming "He's turning us into Socialists!" is a good idea.
  18. If the domino effect was so bad would already be one big socialist nation because of things like Medicare?
  19. I probably wouldn't be bothered by it. I see enough of the damn things every day to be used to them. I wouldn't fly it in my yard but it's their property, they can do what they want.
  20. The real version is a million times better.
  21. Well, thanks to the amazing Matthew Rorie, I got the chance to AP today. It was awesome. I experienced no bugs, and no major flaws. I don't remember exactly how much I'm allowed to divulge so I will leave it at that.
  22. Today was the first day of school and my last day of driver's ed.
  23. Went clothes shopping, and then to a baseball game.
  24. I went to school and got my class schedule. Then I picked up my sister's computer from the repair shop. Now I'm sitting on the couch trying to take a nap.
  25. When is it and what is it?
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