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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. I'm not either, but that is entirely irrelevant. The creators did nothing whatsoever worthy of reproach. This is yet another classic example of the Muslim community going bat**** crazy over absolutely nothing.
  2. He's said that he approves of that kind of bull**** numerous times before...
  3. And they wonder why they get treated like terrorists... No. Oh wait, I forgot, you think murder is ok.
  4. I believe guns are necessary for self defense. Banning them will not deter those who are hell-bent on acquiring them for criminal use, but it will prevent those who desire to be able to defend themselves from doing so.
  5. 480 GTX. Best single-card show around. Also, if you're looking at a case, either the 800D or the CoolerMaster ATCS-840 would be my recommendation.
  6. Yet. As from today I'm campaigning. Does anyone know the Gaelic for 'Next year in Madrid'? :lol:
  7. What makes you think I support this craptacular system of bailouts? If the companies **** up, let 'em die.
  8. You're gonna have to explain this one to me. Sure. I'll assume that you have yet to pay attention to anything I've ever written, but I already suspected that. So: These programs aim to unjustly redistribute wealth from those who have earned it to those who have not. It is the proverbial "easy path" that has unfortunately come to plague American society. Those who have "made it", who fall into the highest tax bracket and so lose the most as part of tax day, evidently either have a) wealthy parents (and I really don't care about these... Those who live off of a trust fund are just looters...) or b) some talent or drive lacking in those who have not. Because I'm too lazy/tired to write out a long spiel, so I'll sum up this way: those programs, and indeed the very essence of socialism, punish success while rewarding failure; when ability is sin, and ineptitude is sacrosanct, no progress can occur.
  9. This is futile. Sorry... I sympathize with you, but its useless... The MMO killed it...
  10. No. Those programs to help the poor are unjust.
  11. So if I ran on a platform which was functionally libertarian (or whatever stupid **** you believe), but said I was a socialist, you would be firmly against me? What part of her platform (i.e. not just its name) do you disagree with? Raise taxes on corporations. Also, that may be amongst the most biased articles I've ever read.
  12. Where the hell have you been LoF? Have you not realized that I oppose socialism?
  13. No, it sucks that 16% of the population is braindead.
  14. One might acidly observe that on this forum having no knowledge of history appears to be positively liberating to the point of carnival.
  15. - ability to quote HP7 from memory + working thyroid - random trivia + instant loss of 150 lbs.
  16. Some of those are really funny. I have all the artistic talent of a dying monkey, so I can't really comment about that... Siggy quote time?
  17. LoF, claiming that the breakup of the USSR was bad falls below that standard. How can you think that the fall of an oppressive totalitarian state, that regularly killed it citizens, was bad? Its just illogical.
  18. How about a non-spammy one which differs from some minute way from all of your other ones.
  19. That's odd, LoF. The way I understand things, the rich pay more taxes.
  20. **** it... I'm done arguing w/ him...
  21. Civ 5 Galaxy 2 Other M Mass 3 AP FONV AC2.5-ish EDIT: SC2, D3
  22. LoF, this has finally passed annoying. You're starting to ****ing scare me. You have ****ing issues. Do you not understand that Stalin and his ****wads killed millions of people for absolutely no valid reason?
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