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Everything posted by Pope

  1. I'm really curious about Desmond as well. And I want to see more of Eko. Pronto!
  2. That episode was freakin' awesome! I laughed out loud when Sawyer gave his tirade.
  3. Valentines sucks. And not because I don't have a date.
  4. Been there, done that... ...and that's exactly the idea I got as well. Yet again, my question - which was the essence of my post, rather than the America-bashing you believed it to be - remains unanswered. Why does electronic music not seem to be appreciated at all in the US? I'm not saying I'm a fan of all kinds of electronic music, as it's a very wide term. But it's like every artist I like seems to be from Europe. To name but a few examples: The Prodigy, Fatboy Slim, Chemical Brothers, Faithless, Orbital, Basement Jaxx, they're all from the bloody UK! And I don't even like the British that much. All this somehow gave me the idea that (don't shoot me now...) Americans just don't like import (omg!). "We've got our own music, and that'll do. Music from around the world could never be as good as ours. Better perhaps? Don't make us laugh LOL! we > u " Just give it a chance, you might like it.
  5. If rock&roll used to be called black music, than hiphop most definitely is black music. It isn't?
  6. I mentioned rock. And even I, as a European, know that it definitely isn't the biggest scene in the US. But it probably is the only one that can still stand its own against all that black music. And please don't go calling me a racist now, it's just a term I use to describe hiphop and R&B. Now it's your turn. You give me a logical explanation as to why styles such as ambient aren't even known where you're from. Never enough.
  7. Yes I am. Most definitely. If there's one thing in the world that bugs me, it's the damn go-with-the-flow mentality. Be yourself, like everyone else.
  8. Then you misunderstood me. I have a problem with the general American conformity, though in no way I mean to say all Americans are like that. Btw, gotta love the irony of the fact that the most culturally diverse country in the world practically only has ears for black music.
  9. Rap isn't music, it's a form of saying stuff. Might even call it poetry. Hiphop is the name of the music style you're looking for. At least it is supposed to be a music style. Nowadays it's mostly "badass gangstas" trying to top the previous hasbeen in dirty talk and to break the record of curse words in one track. Modern day R&B is incredibly lame as well. In fact, anything that requires tough talk, golden chains and watches, and scantly clad women in their clips just to sell (and even then only to 14-year-olds) doesn't deserve to be heard. Not by my ears at least. It really is a testament to the US' conservativeness (and conformity), if you take a look at their music. Half the scene is dominated by hiphop and R&B. All other styles have to fight just to survive, because most Americans won't even consider listening to anything else. The only style that still has a slight chance is perhaps rock. Stuff like electronic music, which is by far my favourite kind of music, doesn't even get a consideration. Artists like Basement Jaxx, Faithless, even the Chemical Brothers are way too unpopular in the States. They deserve much more attention, as they're a billion times more talented than your 50 Cents and J-Lo's. Then again, the way Americans are headed with their musical tastes, maybe it's rather them that don't deserve those artists.
  10. Zelda games are always promising. If you like one, you like 'em all.
  11. It's yin yang people, yin yang. But why is he against the baptism? I thought that was pretty apparent.
  12. Also waiting for Rev. Then I can finally play Wind Waker as well...
  13. Anyone got an idea as to why Locke obviously didn't want to see the baby baptized? I think it's pretty clear by now Locke and Eko are at two opposite sides of a spectrum. Remember Locke mentioning "two sides, one light, one dark" to Walt in the beginning? And when they first met in the bunker, you could feel the tension between them when they said hello to each other (although they did work together to complete the film). Ecko seems to be the light side, as a servant of God, while Locke seems to be the dark side (man this just sounds too much like Star Wars). A servant of Satan perhaps? I'm hope to find out more in the next Locke flashback episode.
  14. Pope


    It can still hurt like hell though.
  15. While SA was obviously the best of the heap, I had most fun in VC. Vice City really felt like your city, especially once you took over Diaz' mansion. San Andreas was just way too big to get that kind of feeling.
  16. When the first artwork of KotOR2 was released, that's what I believed would happen in that game. If you were light side, you'd have to fight Masked Sith Guy, while if your were dark side, you'd fight White Haired Chick. That'd still only be two possible antagonists, but it'd be more than every other RPG released up until now.
  17. Why not? Everyone and their mother has the game already, and Battle.net is free, so it's not like they earn much on it anymore.
  18. Don't be morons. Blizzard are probably working on StarCraft 2 as we speak. In fact, I expect it to be announced after WoW's expansion and SC: Ghost are released. Saying there won't be a sequel might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard in the gaming industry.
  19. I wonder the same thing. I'd like to play IWD1 in IWD2's engine as well. Guess that'll never happen...
  20. I liked IWD2, but the story left much to be desired, and at times the game just threw too many opponents at you, which wouldn't have been all that bad, if only you had gotten xp for killing 'em (remembers the tedious hook horror grinding *shiver*)
  21. I'm currently playing this game with incredible graphics and sound, yet full of annoying bugs and lousy gameplay, called life...
  22. I haven't seen episode 11 yet, but did you know it takes 108 minutes for a satellite to make an entire tour around our planet?
  23. I was thinking mainly instrumental tracks.
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