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Lare Kikkeli

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Everything posted by Lare Kikkeli

  1. Nah I doubt it since alcohol is a bad drug that ****s up your brain. No one who drinks daily or even more than once or twice per week is really enjoying it. Pot on the other hand is a wonderful substance that enhances your creativity and positivity, not to mention it makes all music sound so much better. Alcohol does that too, to an extent but the cons far outweigh the pros.
  2. I think you people are mixing atheism with agnosticism or just being generally non-religious. Atheists by definition KNOW there is no god, only Einstein and such people are actually pretty rare. Most people believe in some form of "higher force" or spirituality that isn't explainable by natural science, be it a god or something else. Organized religion has been losing importance in Europe for a few hundred years now.
  3. One of the funniest (excluding the carrot pipe) and most effective ways of smoking is the Gravity Bong. Here's a diagram of how it works: The air pressure shoots the smoke straight into your lungs. Good way to get your first timer friend hallucinating. Word of warning though, this is ups the potency of your **** a lot so if you have premium bud and haven't ever smoked from a gravity bong, take a smaller hit first. I've usually used a plastic bottle and a bucket, but have succesfully used a gravity bong with snow, a lake and a water fountain.
  4. I just stumbled upon this site (yeah yeah, coed magazine but their sources are legit) that disproves a lot of things for example Wrath Of Dragon seems to believe. http://coedmagazine.com/2009/11/12/the-5-b...myths-debunked/ I can't wait for marijuana to get legalized or at least made available via prescription here. Feel free to post any questions you have or experiences you've had with this wonderful, safe drug. Feel free Also any medical marijuana users here? I'd really like to hear some feedback about the MM system in the states since that seems to be the way the EU is headed, sooner or later. Here's a pretty fun slideshow of the latest Cannabis Cup where the worlds gnarlest potheads fight for stoner supremacy. http://www.sfweekly.com/slideshow/view/28776370/1
  5. Saying moderate socialism and workers rights = SOVIET UNION is retarded, as is saying there was something good in the Soviet Union. So we've got two retards fighting.
  6. i dont think america really has unions in the same capacity or power as europe does. How lame. Why aren't they organizing themselves? What a bunch of pushovers. because to them unions and workers rights in general = communism or the mob. in the states everyone thinks he's gonna be rich some day, JUST YOU WAIT SOME DAY I'LL FIRE YOU!
  7. i dont think america really has unions in the same capacity or power as europe does.
  8. Looks like this game needs rebalancing mods straight out of the box.
  9. What really sucks that a big company like EA can treat their workers pretty much how they choose, within loose laws that are easy to circumvent. On the other hand employees are expected complete dedication and loyalty, even going as far as not being abled to tell your family that the company might reduce workforce in the near future (this has happened a lot lately here, and our labour laws are much tighter than in the states). If you disagree with the rules you're the first one to get sacked with the excuse of being cost efficient. So you're basically expected to work your ass off and be thankful when you finally get laid off. I guess this all is fair to guys like Volourn.
  10. It's funny how these companies are so evil for doing layoffs, yet don't have that stigma removed when they hire and maintain some of the largest staffs throughout the world. The company lists large revenues, but I'll admit I am horrible at dissecting those things, and still don't really know if that means they made a profit. Well you might have mistook my post. I said that the current system of laying off people every other year and hiring them back the next is pretty damn evil. I don't think EA is any more evil than the paper companies in Finland who are sacking half of their workforce here and moving to south america where labour is cheap and enviromental laws changeable with enough money. It's the nature of the system they have to work in. Do I think capitalism as a whole is evil and unsustainable (unless we invent a free form of energy like fusion power pretty damn soon)? Yeah, but that doesn't make EA any more evil than the next company of their caliber.
  11. Ok so making your PC a rogue would be a huge waste right? Or is having a rogue necessary, just useless in combat?
  12. there are many companies with much much different culture than EA, they rather sacrifice some profits, than ruining lives of some of their employees, or they rather sack 1.5 exec with million per month salary than to sack 1000 people with 1500 per month salary... people love to work for these companies, nothing saves as much money as stable and satisfied working crew, which does not search all day for new job... most of these companies are not publicly traded companies though... Name one company that would rather sack an exec than a few hundred regular employees. Sure some companies are more ruthless when it comes to being cost-effective, but believe me none that are the size of EA have the luxury of being humane, at least not without a goverment bailout. Naturally smaller firms are a completely different matter, but at the large scale when 1500 is around 10% of the workforce even bigger lay outs are not unheard of. If the company is struggling with profits, it's more of a fail of the executive than the common workforce... i would say it would be logical step to kick them out 1st... That didn't answer my question. Name me one company that has sacked their executives before the workforce in the current economical situation. As usual common sense has nothing to do with reality.
  13. do you get to take the skin boat to tuna town in both of the romances? there's nothing i like better in my rpg's than getting to see the beast with two backs if ya know what i mean. bumpin uglies is where it's at. burying the one eyed worm is whats lacking in most modern games, i'm glad dragon age lets me butter the muffin unlike fallout 3 or oblivion that had no frolicking in the corn field. anyway i'm really looking forward to spearing the bearded clam.
  14. there are many companies with much much different culture than EA, they rather sacrifice some profits, than ruining lives of some of their employees, or they rather sack 1.5 exec with million per month salary than to sack 1000 people with 1500 per month salary... people love to work for these companies, nothing saves as much money as stable and satisfied working crew, which does not search all day for new job... most of these companies are not publicly traded companies though... Name one company that would rather sack an exec than a few hundred regular employees. Sure some companies are more ruthless when it comes to being cost-effective, but believe me none that are the size of EA have the luxury of being humane, at least not without a goverment bailout. Naturally smaller firms are a completely different matter, but at the large scale when 1500 is around 10% of the workforce even bigger lay outs are not unheard of.
  15. Damn, I'm torn between starting as a thief or a mage. What are the pros and cons of each? Is this like BG2 in the regard that there's an abudance of some classes as NPCs while some have been forgotten completely?
  16. It's the nature of capitalism. Hire and fire people based on a whim (well, predicition but unless they're clairvoyant it's pretty much guesswork) and maybe ruin a few lives? Who cares, you can just hire new people a few years down the line when times are better. I personally think it's unsustainable and evil but I guess if you agree with the princibles of capitalism EA aren't any more evil than any company operating withing the current system.
  17. I have no interest in this game but all of their design decisions seem ridiculous. I'd really like to hear the logic behind taking all control away from the player.
  18. i dunno man, yesterday i put some ccr on and drove around and killed all the midgets i could find. it was pretty relaxing.
  19. Heh, started out yesterday and after an hour of gameplay I was at level 4-ish. Just running around, minding my business when all of a sudden I run into one of those full grown dog things. Well He bit me once, lost all of my shields most of my health. I ran all the way into the starting town with it on my heels, and just when I reach the place where you respawn it kills me. I respawn, it one shots me. I had to lure it away, one metre at a time into a corner out of sight from the respawn spot. Lost all my money. I think I like this game.
  20. I didn't think you was. It's just that it's a game that suits your needs. A good timewaster to play 15-30 minutes every now and then. I, on the other hand, have so little time for games that I like my games to be a bit more, well, substantial. Didn't mean to come off as pissy. It's actually pretty hard, making a game thats accessible yet substantial. I don't have the time or patience to learn DnD 3.5 Ed rules for example, which is why I haven't touched my NWN2 copy since I bought it, played maybe two hours at most. Borderlands is pretty fun, but the singleplayer got old after a few hours. Co-op is where it shines. The only thing I dislike are the ridiculous player models and the controls for driving a vehicle. Why the hell did they make you steer with the mouse?
  21. http://www.boingboing.net/2009/11/03/secre...yright-tre.html never heard of boinboing.net before, but lets assume for the sake of argument this is true. this will probably be the end of internet as we know it. good or bad? i personally would probably not miss many of the aspects internet has. i dont know, i might even prefer a life without internet. this would also mean the end of smaller isp's. i would end up missing youtube, probably, but the rest of social media sites doesn't really appeal to me. this violates civil rights (and the constitution i guess?). i'll be surprised if they can force this through in the EU. finland actually has a law now that says that the internet is a basic human need like food or shelter. maybe we'll get finnternet? see above. this in my view would mean the end of internet as a single worldwide network. we'd get many smaller networks with different rules. isn't this illegal already? anyway this would be impossible to enforce so why bother? the cost would be far greater than what they'd make in fines, mandatory or no.
  22. The CD itself only stores a collection of ones and zeroes. It's just about storage media. I prefer my storage media to be solid state memory or hard drives because it's much easier to propagate copies that way, thus significantly decreasing the risk of losing your product. Of course, online DRM tends to fly complete in the face of this. I download more music per year that most people listen to their whole life. I also buy more music per year than most do in a decade (bought records for 2 to 3 thousand
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