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Everything posted by H

  1. The shore in Chapter 4 is the most beautiful location in the entire game, especially at night.
  2. Jokes in Italian, Russian, Chinese and Arabic would be great, but I'd prefer them to be actual jokes, not random streams of consciousness.
  3. You know what AP needs? Women hiding in crates!
  4. Except, you know, pinpointing bugs and telling Dashus & Co. what is broken. You are a part of the team, and if you aren't treated as such then Dashus is a gigantic ****. It's too ridiculous not to be true, and nicely explains DW's fanaticism.
  5. http://rpgcodex.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=33010 Way to go, TG.
  6. H

    Nice avatar. That cutscene definitely was the main highlight of DMC 4.

  7. So did he leave the company or did he not? If he did then how the hell can he be a sound designer for AP?
  8. Today Obsiboards, tomorrow the internets! Even 4chan will bow before the power of our memes!
  9. H


    An impressive feat.
  10. I finished working on my term paper. Now I can get some real rest.
  11. H


    Fallout 3 has bloom. Top that, BIS!
  12. @Oner: It's the Codex. It's almost impossible for a game to get widely positive reactions there before actually getting released mostly because the hive mind considers non-linearity and reactivity to be the measure of role-playing goodness, and it's hard to show that in previews. MotB was bashed before release too, but the game turned to be one of our favorites.
  13. Here, I have his photo: ... What was that sound? Did someone just reinstall Deus Ex?
  14. Loosing influence for making graticious sexual innuendos? I like this game already.
  15. The engine of my lawn mower is ROARING, baby!
  16. A Gabriel Knight-esque collection of audio recording of all conversations you participated in would be nice.
  17. From Tortuga.
  18. As long as you remember to turn on the frame limiter. Learning Royal Blocking and revving the Red Queen is nigh impossible if the framerate keeps jumping from 80 to 120 FPS and back. It's also not very awesome even on PC. It's just like DMC3, only slower and not as fun. Then again, I may still be bitter because of the lack of double- and triple- Dashing outside of DT.
  19. It's a human, not a vampire. His face went blue because of the pain. The violence in this game has a certain Tom and Jerry feel to it. It's also unusual in that the hero (I'm using the term loosely here) is a brawler, not a fancy martial artist. For example, you can trip an opponent and then stomp him until he faints.
  20. Could someone help me fix a network problem? I'm using a wired connection (no router, two network cards in my PC: one for the Internet provider, one for the PS3). When I first set up the connection three months ago, everything was working fine even if I left all setting at Automatic. If I do this now I get an error message saying that the attempt to retrieve an IP timed out. If I fill in IP/DNS settings by myself, it gets past the first step, but then gives me the infamous 80710102 DNS error. I've been playing with the setting for several evenings, but couldn't find a solution. Any advice?
  21. H

    FO: NV

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