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Everything posted by H

  1. http://www.doublebearproductions.com/ ITS has a forum dedicated to their first project.
  2. XP, loot, materials for crafting, companions. If you stick to the main quest you'll get your ass kicked. Enchanted equipment doesn't fall from the sky like it did in OC and MotB.
  3. IMDB doesn't mention Ironside.
  4. Regardless of what the Toreador are, at least one Bloodlines playthrough as one of them is a must. Gary's reaction to your character's good looks is priceless. Definitely some of the best dialogue in the entire game.
  5. Crossbows are a lot like shotguns, except they are crossbows.
  6. How about a big red button?
  7. Getting Sniper is all but impossible in Fallout without some grinding. The game is usually over before you hit level 18. Speaking of grinding, I'm playing Disgaea 3.
  8. I never understood why people sell their games. If you liked a game, you may want to replay it in the future. If you didn't, it's more satisfying to smash the disc with a hammer. You won't get any money back, sure, but you won't inflict any psychological damage upon poor customers who may actually buy the piece of **** you just sold, tempted by its lower price. Bad games should be purged from this world, not put back on store shelves.
  9. Not going to happen. Sega won't be sitting on a finished game for a year, not now.
  10. Alpha Protocol, Brutal Legend, Uncharted 2, Demon's Souls and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 are all coming out around October. All are on my "Buy on spot" list. I really wouldn't mind if some of them got delayed to early 2010, like Bayonetta did. There's only so much money I can afford to spend on games in such a short period of time.
  11. I believe that noisemaker arrows noisemaker device and water arrows EMP grenades have been mentioned.
  12. That's some amazing art direction. Russian release can't come soon enough.
  13. Titan Quest. Quite a sexy ring for the first half of Act I.
  14. Welcome to Europe. Customers living in the same country the developers hail from are QA.
  15. One question: do we get to see the text of the e-mail before it is sent?
  16. What game is it?
  17. So how about a ToEE-esque dungeon crawler with TB combat and SoZ overland map, based on Pathfinder rules, Obsidian?
  18. I really don't get the complaints about graphics. The game looks slightly better than Mass Effect and doesn't seem to have infamous texture popping that plagues a lot of UE3 games.
  19. I'm getting a feeling that Brayko is going to be the most memorable thing about this game.
  20. World of Warcraft is a franchise of its own already? Looking forward to a movie based on the Fallout 3 franchise.
  21. Thanks for the avatar, Kitty.
  22. Could you AP-fy this, HK?
  23. Really? I A-ranked that one on my first try. The key to victory is using Edelweiss to cover your infantry from Selvaria's attacks. I did get half of the squad knocked out and had to call in an additional sniper to take out a couple of pesky shocktroopers, but other than that it went relatively smoothly. There are two levels later on that do rely on T&E: in one you're attacked from two sides and have to take out two tanks. The problem here are infinite reinforcements the AI has. It doesn't even need camps to get them, they simply come from outside the map. In another you have to defend a camp for 8 turns (I think) or wipe out the enemy in this time. The problem? You can't call in reinforcements, and the AI doesn't need to capture the flag in the middle of the camp (there is simply no flag). A goddamn scout may rush past your defenses, step inside the camp, and even if he has only one HP left, it's an instant game over. So cheap it's not even funny. Thankfully, this mission is completely optional.
  24. Uh.. Try Dungeon Lords and Gothic 3 Mine were The Witcher and King's Bounty: The Legend.
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