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Everything posted by H

  1. Thanks for all your suggestions. I ended up buying Razer Arctosa. Judging by the feature list, it's Tarantula with silliness like key illumination stripped away. It's clearly the most responsive keyboard I've ever owned, and typing on it is pure joy. Keys have a very nice velvety feel to them, and the click sound they make when pressed is embarassingly satisfying. I got into fighting games recently, and playing one with a friend using an ordinary keyboard is an exercise in frustration because they rarely register more than 4 simultaneous key presses.
  2. Jade Empire had boy-on-boy action.
  3. What title says. My keyboard is dead, and I'm looking for a new one. Which one would you (yes, you) recommend? The only restriction is that the price can't exceed 100 dollars, and the keyboard has to be wired.
  4. So... yes. But... Uncharted has holstering weapons after gunfights, and that's a PS3 exclusive.
  5. I don't care much about realism if it gets in the way of having fun. A beat 'em up with only two attacks, passive enemies that want you to punch them, and zero variety in AI patterns isn't exactly my idea of fun. Fortunately, there's an alternative to direct confrontation.
  6. I have a very strict "No DLC" policy, but I'm willing to make an exception for a little expansion pack that includes some hot and sweaty mute girl action. Just sayin'.
  7. The combat is all kinds of horrible, but stealth looked promising, and Bats' vulnerability to firearms was a very pleasant surprise.
  8. Sideburns are the most badass facial hair style in the world. That's one of them facts, not just my personal opinion. For reasons I fail to comprehend, most developers forget this undisputable truth and choose not to include sideburns in their games as a possible choice for the PC. You get different kinds of moustache, all sorts of beards, goatees. Sometimes you can even put a soulpatch on the face of the PC, but almost never a pair of manly sideburns. Gentlemen, this is preposterous and absurd. Sideburns deserve better than this, much better. I hereby request from Obsidian Entertainment to include at least five different types of sideburns of varying length and fluffiness in their upcoming video game "Alpha Protocol" for Windows-based personal computers, and Sony PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Xbox 360 video game and entertainment systems.
  9. http://kotaku.com/5340557/first-details-about-fable-iii First the Milo demo, now this.
  10. You can wear this for the entire game, right, RIGHT?
  11. What is my dad doing in this game? The resemblance is uncanny.
  12. I could draw some Rule 34 of her in Paint, if that would cheer you up.
  13. Not much of a problem, really. Majesty 2 and Brutal Legend should be able to keep me busy.
  14. Heh, a lot of people were certain it was going to be Dragonlance. We'll probably see Ravenloft in 2011. It's another setting that doesn't require much tweaking to work with the points of light paradigm of 4E.
  15. Helping local authorities out sure sounds like a proper job for a black ops agent who doesn't want to draw any attention to himself.
  16. The less said about Craig and his Bond, the better. A Bond movie that isn't silly is not a real Bond movie. I want my womanizer who can't say a sentence without making a cheesy double entendre back.
  17. There are no facial expressions on the internets. Humor isn't always obvious.
  18. Money problems. There is this crisis thing going on outside the window.
  19. Do you mean this thread is perfect? Or is it simply the best of its kind right now?
  20. Fact: When humanity invented football, chess became obsolete.
  21. Because it's impossible for a game with anime-style graphics to be good.
  22. From what I've heard you can't quote Bible at people, unlike the first game.
  23. It's a game about little dudes who chop up other little dudes in a very hetero turn-based fashion. It's sprite-based, and it's on PS3.
  24. Speak louder, I can't hear you over Disgaea 3.
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