Sideburns are the most badass facial hair style in the world. That's one of them facts, not just my personal opinion. For reasons I fail to comprehend, most developers forget this undisputable truth and choose not to include sideburns in their games as a possible choice for the PC. You get different kinds of moustache, all sorts of beards, goatees. Sometimes you can even put a soulpatch on the face of the PC, but almost never a pair of manly sideburns. Gentlemen, this is preposterous and absurd. Sideburns deserve better than this, much better. I hereby request from Obsidian Entertainment to include at least five different types of sideburns of varying length and fluffiness in their upcoming video game "Alpha Protocol" for Windows-based personal computers, and Sony PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Xbox 360 video game and entertainment systems.