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Everything posted by H

  1. For the love of God, no! The setting of Star Wars is full of silly-looking machinery, but this one beats them all. The whole thing looks like it was designed by a five-years old: "Oooh, I want a walking battle droid with big claws! Then it would be cool to add some rocket launchers and a huuuuge minigun. And let's not forget about throwing in a couple of lasers! Man, I'm so creative.".
  2. That's the problem the majority of classless systems shares: spread your skill points too thinly and you're screwed. That said, I've never seen a person who would actually do this. Most people tend to focus on several skills and abilities only, with a bit of dabbling in a other areas. Newbies are prone to this mistake, but it was possible to turn the auto allocation of skill points on. Agreed. The way XPs were awarded was unbelievably dumb. I don't think Arcanum's chargen system is fundamentally wrong, and this approach should be ditched and forgotten. Some polishing certainly would be welcome.
  3. Wait, what? Arcanum had the most flexible character creation system I've ever seen. The mere fact that it supported plenty of different builds speaks in its favor. Kudos for the Futurama reference, but what's your point?
  4. High Charisma score also increased the number of NPCs that could join you. Bringing along some muscles and letting them to handle the fighting was a viable solution for a frail diplomat.
  5. I loved how Arcanum handled diplomacy. In order to be able to increase Persuasion skill you needed to keep pumping Charisma up. In addition to that, more sophisticated dialogue choices required your character to have high Intelligence to show up. Maxing all of this out took plenty of skill points, which were rare in Arcanum, and choosing Persuasion over other skills wasn't a no-brainer as a result.
  6. What are you talking about? Here's an exact quote: Looks like the devs are going after fewer, but more fleshed out choices. Fine by me. The article also states that different stances lead to different results. Mixing stances in the same conversation also yields a different outcome.
  7. Sacred is the best RPG ever. Sure, the storyline wasn't that good and the combat system was taken straight from Diablo 2, but knowing Ascaron's skill, it really couldn't be any better.
  8. I'm voting for the ultimate alliance of Avellone and Mitsoda.
  9. Hello there.

  10. How about throwing a knife at a leg? And at an arm. And at another leg. You get the idea.
  11. Well, there is a couple of levels so hard that they make you want to kill the devious bastard who designed them, so torturing people with them really isn't impossible, but I was actually thinking of a navigate-your-way-through-a-warehouse-by-playing-sokoban mini-game. Add drunk warehouse keepers using very harsh language to make it more mature.
  12. Nah, a Sokoban-inspired mini-game is the way to go.
  13. And if you didn't get the fisting reference, check this thread out.
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