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Everything posted by H

  1. I'm with Josh on this one. If you set your game in "real world", yet ignore all real world issues, then it's not real world. It's a completely fictional setting that just happens to look like real world on the surface.
  2. I don't care about marketing and/or Ion Storm's intentions. I'm talking about the final product.
  3. That would be cool. I always thought that the protagonist being a bringer of misfortune was a great idea.
  4. Of course not. I'm questioning the legitimacy of the comparisons, not their origin.
  5. Choices? Check. Stats? Check. Multiple ways to handle a situation? Check. Sounds like an RPG to me.
  6. Kinda like modders.
  7. Nice try, but no. Last time I checked almost all skills in Mass Effect were geared towards killing as many things as possible, as fast as possible. Alpha Protocol adds a lot of ways to avoid direct confrontation and knock enemies out without killing them. Ergo, it's closer to Deus Ex and Bloodlines.
  8. Nah. It's other people who should get a good taste and finally play Deus Ex and Bloodlines.
  9. You mean there were other western RPGs before Mass Effect? I can't find any for my Xbox 360.
  10. Not much of a penalty, unless you improve the AI. My cat is more dangerous than the guys in gameplay videos.
  11. Nothing. He left the company, and all of his work was removed from Alpha Protocol.
  12. Heretic. Gauntlets of the Necromancer are still as fun to use as I remember them to be.
  13. I'm not a WoW expert by any means (checked out the trial, didn't like it), but are Mages even supposed to be single target damage dealers? I thought Warlocks had that role.
  14. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. It feels like an Indiana Jones film, only with pirates instead of Nazis.
  15. Meh, that's not a real Bond movie. Well, at least the 2006 film isn't. The 1967 one is great.
  16. Another vote for a steelbox edition here. Throw in an inflatable SIE doll to make Morgoth happy.
  17. Just as bad as any online activation. If it's true, I'm really glad I bought a PS3.
  18. What's there to discuss? Splinter Cell has always been a poor man's Thief with linear levels and really bad dialogue. The games even warned you about bad plots with "Tom Clancy's" logo, the seal of laughable writing, put on the boxes. Alpha Protocol seems to be a modern day Deus Ex with more role-playing. Alpha Protocol wins.
  19. Another worthy candidate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjJjSn3DMII
  20. http://www.break.com/index/homeless-james-bond.html Can't believe nobody has posted this before.
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