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Everything posted by H

  1. It's an Exalted game with combat mechanics inspired by Ninja Gaiden. Sawyer is the lead. ... One can dream, I suppose.
  2. Tranquilizer rounds? Yay for non-lethal combat!
  3. I'm fairly certain that 17+(7*2)=31. Unless you live in a magical land where a week is made of nine days, the update should have happened yesterday.
  4. So Dashus was attention whoring with his "Two weeks!" post. Who could've seen that coming from TG?
  5. Most animations in our game are mo-capped, yes. Even the ones in sex scenes?
  6. Stay away from Portal. It oozes with potential, but puzzles are laughably easy. Which is kind of a big deal for a puzzle game.
  7. DS fits the points of light schtick much better than Forgotten Realms and Eberron do. I don't think changes will be too drastic.
  8. Invisible War. Far crappier than the original DX, but still entertaining.
  9. Ravenloft wasn't sold to WW, just licensed, and the license was called back a few years ago by WotC.
  10. You're dead wrong on...some of it. You'll see progress in under two weeks, scouts honour You'll go from 84 bugs to 83?
  11. Unless they have two unannounced projects, NX3 is out of question. NWN2 isn't a console RPG.
  12. OK, not Thief, but DX and SS definitely qualify as action games. They required the player to use some basic tactics and try to conserve ammo, but if you knew level layout and were good at scoring headshots you could easily massacre small armies. Just yesterday I gunned down the entire Area 51 personnel with great prejudice, using ventilation system to my advantage. It should, and it's perfectly doable, as Deus Ex demonstrated.
  13. Yes. Uh? Aren't they the pinnacle of their genre(actiony-stealth-games)? If they are avarage, it would be really interesting if you would point out the very best that there is instead. Pretty please. With sugar and cherry on top. DX, Thief and System Shock.
  14. Full Metal Hillbilly Uncensored
  15. A recent Photoshop Phriday produced a screenshot:
  16. I guess one game is too small for two designers of his and Avellone's caliber. It's still very sad that he left the company, instead of transferring to another project.
  17. Magic Hobo in Space Islamic Goblin Pimps Undead Shark Smuggler Hitler's Car Challenge Samurai Hamster - The Next Generation
  18. http://twitter.com/obsidian_ent Did... Did I just beat funroc?
  19. Be sure to post some Limbo goodness (EDIT: chaoticness?) once you reach it.
  20. I don't think there is anything wrong with some old-fashioned fisticuffs, as long as you can't increase unarmed damage by channeling your chi, catch bullets on the fly, or tear apart the gun from a tank. And that's exactly why weapon skills should affect accuracy (crosshair size) instead of damage. A bullet is a bullet.
  21. Does it continue Telltale's fine tradition of first episodes being really, really ****ing horrible?
  22. I would kill for a noir RPG. Obsidian, make it happen.
  23. It's my fourth playthrough, yet I keep finding things I missed before. I love Deus Ex.
  24. To be honest, great facial animations in Bloodlines gave characters a lot of personality.
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