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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Well, I really liked DOW and Winter Assault, so I'm keeping an eye on DOW2. Though I have to play a demo first, and I also hope the single playewr campaign is lengthly, since that's the only thing I'm interested in.
  2. You just put all zip files into the \temp folder, then update.
  3. I hate games that force the pace on me.
  4. Awesome! Finally some ingame footage! Looks very good. Keep up the good work, funroc.
  5. Probably Atari didn't have the money for full VO.
  6. Funny, Germany also got Robots. But the Steam version is Uncut.
  7. This one will have to wait till December. My plate is full right now.
  8. You shouldn't miss this classic! Go grab it if you haven't played it yet! Click
  9. Yeah I know. But it's a new IP so people certainly wann check it out before buying. I know I do, but others aren't so familiar of Obsidians work. A demo could help there.
  10. I know that Obsidian isn't exactly a demo company and that doing RPG demos is often difficult due to it's ramifications and spoilers, but I still wonder if Obsidian has nonetheless plans to release a playable demo of AP?
  11. Oh yeah? Didn't know funroc is now SEGAs PR dude. Welcome to the forums, funroc! When do we get REAL news, funroc?
  12. Yeah, who gives a rats ass about print mags these days? What a waste of paper.... And WHEN do WE FORUMITES get REAL NEWS goddammit?
  13. L4D Versus. Had a blast yesterday playing Blood Harverst. I hope Valve is gonna make the other two campaigns Versus-ready as well. Also waiting for my Gamepad to arrive so that I can finally play Resident Evil 4 as it is meant to be played.
  14. Haven't seen any UE3 powered games with any texture popup effects on my PS3. In other words: The X360 sucks.
  15. Tell me again what happens in a game where your teammates have godmode on. What happens to challenge, story telling, "immersion"? Always depends on the game. In Thief, you could kill (or disable) everybody without breaking the game. And then there are these games where teammates go make a nap in the middle of a battle and wake up once that's done. What do I care about these drones? They're serving a purpose, nothing else. And for those that actually have emotional involvement required, just don't make them killable. For the most part, players don't want to kill characters they feel empathy for.
  16. Hehehehheheheh...
  17. Only if she's a Mage with INT+3.
  18. Currently playing nothing, but I look forward when L4D gets unlocked tomorrow.
  19. So, basically, SoZ is IWD with 3D graphics? Fair enough.
  20. I never really cared much about killable/non-killable characters. Good designed games even don't let the player think about doing that. Or was the first thing you thought when you met Alyxx in HL2 to blow off her head?
  21. Tomb Raider was never good in the first place. Even the new Crystal Dynamics games are utter boring. Anyway, anyone heard something new about Rise of the Argonauts?
  22. Real men don't need love. Real men only need Pizza, Beer, Pr0n and videogames. Hey, it does work with me!
  23. Yeah, Mass Effect is a good game if you avoid the uncharted worlds. Play only the story missions, you won't miss the XP since the game is so easy anyway.
  24. You're awfully narrow-minded, you know? No, I just get quickly tired of platformers. Where's the emotional involvement? Where's the fun shooting? And why can't I see Faith's titties when I look down?
  25. I haven't played Dead Space yet beyond Chapter 4. It's a very good game, but nothing memorable so far. Ain't a classic in my book. And I'm still waiting for a Patch so that I can re-map my keys. And while I agree that Dead Space is better than RE4 gameplay-wise, RE4 does have an unique scary atmosphere that DS just lacks. I guess Zombies moving slowly towards you while cursing in Spanish is more creepy than a silly Human-Zerg that I can blow into little pieces in no time.
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