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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Don't confuse humour with straight bigotry and stupidity.
  2. Do you still watch movies? They are like really long cutscenes. Can't you enjoy a cutsceny game for its cinematic value? Sure I like movies, but I don't have the patience for watching 90 min long cutscenes in a GAME! What if I only want to play quickly a mission? I want to have control over how I play my games, and how much time I can spend with it.
  3. Bah. If I could, I'd cut all cutscenes out of the gaming scene!
  4. I see that Silicon Knights also made a Metal Gear Solid game. Is it good? Does it have gameplay, or is it just another cutscene-fest?
  5. Why? Don't you read this thread? You can't switch the SoZ menu music (which sucks, not gloomy enough) back to the MotB one. JE Sawyer was reading this thread, and completely ignored our bug reports for that issue. Also, the game isn't Fallout 3, which makes it a pile of crap!!!! Just rename the files and place them into the proper directory, done. But why would I want to replace the great SoZ music in the first place?
  6. The problem is, I can't endure games that even feature cutscenes longer than 2-3 min. And what use do I have if I skip through all MGS4 cutscenes? Wouldn't I miss out the story completely?
  7. I started playing SoZ today. So far, it's good, but it doesn't hook me up so intensily like MotB did.
  8. Not all nations are so barbaric and backward like Iran...or the USA. He get's his well deserved 25 lifetime inprisonment. More importantly, I hope the victims will get proper care to start a new life!
  9. I'll probably give a Zelda game a try, although Wind Waker looks like crap. How is Dwilight Princess? Oh god it has "Princess" in the title... I feel so embarrased now.
  10. Yeah, I wonder what this might be? Colin McRae "The RPG"?
  11. Click But I thought only we Austrians are able to do these gruesome things!!11!? Anyway, I wonder if we'll see again another media-uproar a'la Fritzl? I think not.
  12. Okay I just read that MGS4 is a cutscene-fest that features cutscenes up to 90 min length! MADNESS! Forget about this thread, this case is done for me.
  13. Never played any of these games, but I recently tried the MGS4 demo and well... it didn't really tell me much. Good production values, and some good sneaking. Nothing wrong with it I guess, but I don't understand these ravenous high scores the series gets. Or maybe it's just the demo that sucks? Can anyone comment how good the full version is? Thanks.
  14. It just seems to me that DoW2 will be like Warhammer meets Company of Heroes. I'm not so hot about this, but we'll see.
  15. Yes, especially Resident Evil is meant for kids. I mean, even little Babies play Resident Evil!
  16. Some L4D here and there. I should probably pick up SoZ as well. I heard it's quite good.
  17. Many of them were already named, but I also really liked the morbid atmosphere of Sanitarium.
  18. Thanks Diogo. I guess I'm gonna pick up Metroid sometime as well. It just gives me these System Shock 1 vibes...
  19. No I'm funroc!
  20. Yes, someone already mentioned they're gonna use it for many upcoming Obsidian titles.
  21. I think I said "No kids games please". This also includes beat'em ups and side scroller games. Metroid gets ridicilous high scores, albeit looking...weird. I already played Beyong Good&Evil on PC. Hmm... I guess I'll stick with Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil then.
  22. A working colleague of mine gave me his old Gamecube for free (funny little thing), so I'm wondering what titles you'd recommend me to play. Searching resulted that Eternal Darkness might just be exactly what I want. What about Resident Evil1 Remake and Res Zero? Are those any good? I already have Res4 for PC. Any other western-focused games out there? No kids nonsense please. Thanks.
  23. Now I know what Mike really lacks (I figured that looking at Chris Avellone ) - it's wrinkles! Yes. It just seems to me that his skin looks a bit too clean, too smooth. Wrinkles can always fix that. Like a normal map (oval, smoothed around the corners) that can be scaled on Mikes forehead automatically, linked with an expression to the eyebrow movements (i.e. eye brow raises, normal map appears and gets scaled). On another sidenote to eye movements. They gotta move quicker, but maybe that's not possible due to the lack of animation frames (?). How many fps does the animation system support? 15? 30? Something I thought looked really great where the eyes of characters in Culpa Innata. Yeah I know, that crappy looking adventure game. But one thing that the game really did right were the eye movements. Everything in the face seemed to be static, but the eyes. That helped tremendously to the lifeness of characters. No wonder, as the company who developed Culpa started out as a service company for facial expression. Still, I suggest Obsidian looks into this game and pays attention to the eyes.
  24. I'm not expecting Mass Effect quality facial expression, though it would certainly be nice if Obsidian could match that. Not a fun-breaker for me, though. Primary the most important parts are the eye movements, mouth and eyebrows.
  25. I didn't figure I just could pop my PS3 controller into the PC and play Resident Evil 4 with that. I thought the USB cable was only for charging the Akku.... Anyway, it's an...interesting game. Very nice atmosphere. But I stopped and the end of Chapter 2 when my ammo ran out and two chainsaw-brides hurled at me while Ashley got carried away by a smelly zombie. Too much is too much!
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