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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Well, they drew alot attention because...well, they suck so hard. That's why I kept them in the head. Oh yeah, and then there was Harvey Smith from Midway Austin who got gloriously fired for saying the truth. For a sack full of **** like Midway I just thought they're at least worth a single posting. Or even two. There.
  2. Midway sucks hard, so I really don't care what happens with them.
  3. Two questions: 1) Why does Snake suffer under accelerated aging? 2) How do I get new weapons? I bought one at the store via the MKII, but it wasn't in my inventory. So I probably have to drag my ass to some location. Where can I get my ware?
  4. actually he craps himself in that fight. Well I didn't pay that close attention, but thanks for pointing that out.
  5. Ever thought of the possibility that by Baldur's Gate, Atari perhaps means BG Dark Alliance? You know, button-mashing console Akshun RPG thingy. Best thing would be Obsidian doing BG TBH. Oh pretty please.
  6. You're just bitter because your Coop partner can't fart!
  7. Well, Dyack insisted that he wants to finish the trilogy, and also stated that MS was pleased with TH sales. That could be all smooth talk though, but it seems there will be more TH, plus a new project, a "Psychological Thriller". If that isn't ED2 then what the heck else?
  8. And yet, it apparently sold well enough to go on with the trilogy. I'd prefer SK focusing on Eternal Darkness 2 instead. But that's just me.
  9. Oh god. This game is so hilarious. First I thought the dancing Metal Gear MKII was funny, but then I met Akiba, the farting rookie. I just couldn't hold myself anymore.... The badass FROGS were attacking, and Akiba farted like there was no tomorrow, and I laughed and laughed and Akiba farted.... boy my stomach now hurts from laughing. I need a break. At any rate, this is an awesome game!
  10. MotB > NWN2 OC > SoZ.
  11. Call me a nutsjob, but I just got the PS3 for this game. Of course I don't regret it in retrospect, as there're more great PS3 games out there that wouldn't make a release on PC.
  12. I'm fine with NWN3 from Obsidian, at long as they get rid of Aurora once and for all. About BG3, I can't say. Bethesda? Now way, they're not good at that kind of games, besides they're busy exploiting TES/Fallout. Bioware? Unlikely, as they're busy developing their Dragon Age franchise. But of course maybe that "New next gen project" isn't JE2 after all? Someone can only hope. What I fear (and god hopefully I'm wrong) is that CDProject is doing BG3.
  13. Unless it's already been in development for a year or so. NWN3, I don't know. Perhaps Obsidian will do the job. But BG(3)? Who, just who is at it?
  14. Click There, it's directly from Mr. Harrisons mouth. Sure we'll have to wait years for it, not even knowing how they turn out and who makes them, but at least we know BG isn't dead. Baldur's Gate: Tactics for DSi anyone?
  15. Started playing today. Funny installation process. All these health warnings, while Snake is laxly smoking. And what a weird intro: Quiz show, followed by hot chicks and tentacle monsters....ugh. Anyway, these mechs that made "moohh" (why did they make mooh?) were really rad. The controls are also very good, the sneaking works and makes fun. So far, so good.
  16. New interview with David Cage! There're also two new screenshots. It's good to see they're improving on the contextual button-pressing minigames, those in Fahrenheit were just horrible. At any rate, this is one of my hottest anticipated title of 2009!
  17. After working on the original for so long, then the EE, and now the console version, that's hardly surprising. All they mentioned so far is 3 projects, nothing about what they are yet. One of that project is probably from Metropolis (which was bought ny CDProjekt). Hopefully it's some sort of a Gorky 17 sequel. No, the comment was that CD Projekt Red has 3 projects in the works. "Project" doesn't necessarily mean a new game. One project could have been the Enhanced Edition or the Toolset, another the PS3/X360 edition, and a third a new game.
  18. Hi, and welcome to the Obsidian forums. Frankly, I don't think Obsidian will do a MAC/Linux version as more than 95% of games are being played on Windows PCs and consoles/handhelds, so doing the extra work required for a Mac/Linux port just wouldn't really pay off. And besides of Blizzard and id Software, I can't really think of any other developers out there that make such ports in-house.
  19. God thanks they did. DS was nothing like SS. But that won't stop them to sooner or later exploit the franchise in a horrible way.
  20. I'd still be mightely pissed if we would take orders from ze Deutsches Reich! But hey... now we take orders from the Brussels
  21. In a perfect world, EA would have sold the DK license to Lionhead, System Shock to 2K and Alpha Centaury to Firaxis. Most likely though, even the latter two properties will eventually be turned into MMOs, and developed by some Indian/Chinese dip**** studio nobody cares about.
  22. I blame Piranha Bytes for the Gothic 3 bug-generator, despite having almost a year overtime for development. However, Forsaken Gods bill goes this time fully to NoGood. Or how else can there be bugs that were already fixed in the CP? And what about that "rush it out before Christmas" attitude? That's very unprofessional, and outsourcing it to an Indian company that had to learn the codebase etc. from scratch and make an Expansion in a too small time frame shows how much NoGood really cares about it's property.
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