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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Dead Space ToEE
  2. I'm glad Obsidian is actually interested in making a NWN3. More DnD goodness from Obsidian, more happiness for Morgy.
  3. Speaking of tools, we got Biotool here. BIO/LA/EA are not selfish they're stupid. Lets have another failure MMO instead of a winning RPG like K3. You know, you argue like a 11 year old idiot. How can a Bio game be a failure? Explanation?
  4. Still playing ToEE. The Temple is actually fun to play. Lot's of stuff to kill = fun.
  5. What is SWKOR? It's SWTOR. Anyway, Blizzard won't do a WOW2, instead they continue to make Addons. As long as people play WOW, they'll make more Addons. Blizzard also has a new MMO in development, that is going "for a different experience". Moah MMO = Moah money. Jesus, what would they do with all that money? Buy California or what?
  6. Oh well Lionheart actually sucks, why didn't anyone tell me? Maybe I'll give it a real chance another time, I haven't dig too deep into it actually.
  7. Are the PC controls really as sucky as many stated? Anyway, I got the PS3 version and played til Chapter 2. It's a good game, but not a classic.
  8. I just bought Lionheart over GOG. Let's hope it won't suck.
  9. Shouldn't it even be more? Blizzard has stated they've now 15 million subscribers. 15 000 000 x 12.99 = HUUUUUUUUUUGE BIIIIIIIIIG FAAAAAAT Money per month.
  10. I started playing Dead Space today. It's pretty good so far, but not as scary as I hoped for. Actually, it's barely a tiny bit scary at best.
  11. Too many graphics whores around here. Go play some Crysis and whine a bit about your poor PCs performance. Graphics isn't really the thing I'm looking out for an MMO. Age of Conan bragged around with pretty graphics, but that didn't help it, because it was still boring and sucky.
  12. Can I play a baby rancor? No?
  13. So, apart from the ugly look, I really like what I've read. Oh heck, this is Bioware, so I'm gonna buy it anyway.
  14. The characters look "toony". I'm not sure I really like that...
  15. Well at least we now know the subtitle.
  16. Pretty sure it will be the Bio Austin project. Because Bio Edmonton has already all hands full to do.... The original Kotor team is working on ME2, DA team on DA, and I presume there's Jade Empire 2 in development too. Leaves us only Bio Austin (the MMO) left. Let's hope it won't be another WOW/WAR clone with SW disguise.
  17. You should get the circle of eight mod, like someone else said it's unplayable without it. I would do the town quests until you get a couple of levels, yes they are painful to accomplish but it's better if you are at least 2nd or 3rd level before you go to the moathouse. Here is step by step instructions. More information can be found here (Circle of Eight) I never read the manual but I highly recommend it for this game, also leave the tips on until you have the hang of the game. This game is much deeper than it appears on the surface. STEP 1 Install Microsoft .NET 2.0. If you are using Windows XP with Service Pack 2, you will probably already have Microsoft .NET installed on your system. To find out for certain if you already have .NET installed, go to Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. If .NET is installed, it will be listed there. STEP 2 Install the game. STEP 3 - THIS IS ONLY NECESSARY FOR SOME PEOPLEl This is not always necessary but some people just cannot install patch 2 without installing patch 1 first. If you are one of those people, like me, install patch 1. If your version of the game is prepatched to version 3, DO NOT use this patch - forget you ever saw this step. STEP 4 Install Atari patch 2. STEP 5 Install Co8 v5. During the installation there are options on which parts of Co8 v5 you wish to install. If this is your first time playing using Co8 v5, please do not deselect any installation options which are chosen for you by default unless you are positive you know what you are doing. By all means choose more options if you want to though Thanks for posting that, but I already read carefully the install instructions. The first thing I noticed is "Woah, there're everywhere kids around!". AT any rate, I think I should do fine once I reach at least lvl2. So far, I really like the game.
  18. I'm playing ToEE for the first time. Is it just me, or do you die often in that game? Otherwise, I can't explain how my puny lvl 1 chars have a chance against a horde of mega spiders or rogues that can possibly kill one of my chars with a single well placed arrow. I also heard of this Circle of 8 mod. What is this exactly? Recommendable, or should I just play Toee vanilla with patch?
  19. Tomorrow I should receive my copy of Dead Space. I heard the PC version has screwed mouse controls, so I ordered a PS3 copy.
  20. It looks too childish. And it's 360 only. Nothankyouverymuch.
  21. I am no madam! My apologies then! Given your screen-name, however, perhaps I can be forgiven for assuming that initially. Take it easy! I made that mistake once myself... Since then she...damn he doesn't use female avatars anymore.
  22. Currently replaying Jade Empire.... and it reminds me of how awfully embarrassing and corny these typical Bioware romances are. Dawn Star: "Oh I was so worried about you! Master Li send me to look after you, to help you with this difficult burden you have to carry bla bla" PC: "I know Dawn Star. This all must be also very difficult to you as well, especially considering your childhood. But know that I feel for you as a friend, and maybe more...." Oh goddamn. I've a lot respect for Bioware for many things, but romances are definitely not part of that.
  23. I'm glad it's not his voice. Sounds way too scruffy and old for that youngster. And this was certainly a pre-rendered movie, I'm curious to see actual ingame footage.
  24. Anyone picked up Dead Space? I plan on getting it next week, for the PC. I know it won't be as brilliant as System Shock 2, but I'm starving for a SciFi Horror game.
  25. You know that you also can play on Veteran and switch all "noob features" like crosshair, compass, icons and any other helpers off. Mind you this isn't some super real simulation, it's a FPS first, realism second.
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