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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Another PS3 exclusive that looks quite impressive: Demon's Heart But being developed from a Japanese dev, I expect gorgeous art design, but crap gameplay.
  2. Josh is a no-nonsense designer. There will be no puny romance chit-chat and other whiny Bioware stuff. Only tough kick-arse Marines! Right guys and gals? *HUUUUAHHHH!!!!*
  3. Uncharted is great. GTA 4 a must have, and Condemned 2 recommenable, if you like weird and twisted horror-brawlers. I also played The Darkness and Heavenly Sowrd, but didn't really like those. Yeah and that's it. I only own my PS3 since this August.
  4. Well, Heavy Rain will not directly follow the Fahrenheit formula, but rather evolve it. So I'm pretty confident that HR shall have less annoying controls/gameplay than Fahrenheit (played that on the PC: ugh). Also: Br
  5. I wouldn't want to have sex in the Fallout world in the first place - for hygienic reasons alone.
  6. Oh yeah and since this thread is about the PS3: Some games I'm really really anticipating are Heavy Rain, LA Noire, Br
  7. Yeah, I have the 40Gbyte model too. But I heard Sony plans to release a software emulator this October. Well let's see if this is true, because I wanna try out this Shadow of Colossus and the God of War games.
  8. Some good coop game for the PC I'd recommend is SWAT4.
  9. When I want some coop I throw myself into a Warhammer Online battle. But I like to play my PS3 games as a loner.
  10. Personally I never really found gender restrictions or lack of character creation that constraining at all. I wouldn't mind playing a pre-made female character in Aliens RPG, as long as I can sympathize with her (shouldn't be hard if I even could play Ripley), but on the other hand I wouldn't mind having a fully customizable character creation process a'la BG as well. It's all about the implementation, and how the presentation is handled. But for the sake of having full control over the functuality of a character, I surely prefer to have the ability to choose my own class and skills. But in terms of Roleplaying, I also can stomach a predefined role, as long as I can sympahtize with this role.
  11. I totally agree. There needs to be a law that enforces min. 50% quota of having females in all games, or else!
  12. Pete Hines intreview @Shacknews He also talks about DRM (!!!), so what are you waiting for? Go read it!
  13. Going from the demo, Resistance was totally boring and dumb.
  14. Just let me get that straight: Aliens RPG will offer character creation, right? Or will it only provide a pre-made (female?) character a'la Mass Effect? Oh yeah and don't forget the Longest journey games. And Tomb Raider. Plenty of chick powah there.
  15. Well, for this year, it's Fallout 3 and SoZ for sure. Dead Space and Mirror's Edge are "maybes".
  16. Could be a Yun-wahh-tee female... No? Better ideas?
  17. Played the demo and it was underwhelming. Especially the controls felt very "spongy". And the worst: It wasn't scary at all.
  18. I heard the TGS starts next week, so maybe there will be an appearance? Can you confirm this Matthew?
  19. That's what exactly happened! Man, are you spying on me?
  20. Phew... thanks man! Can't explain why this setting was changed in the first place, but here we go!
  21. Is this just me, or have the Obsidians updated the forum software for the worse? Please get it back to the old style!
  22. I don't watch TV at all. It only makes you stupid. But I read a ton online newspapers.
  23. I hear you. But hope usually dies last. The game's coming out 2 weeks prior the Euro launch, so until then I should be able to shape a well informed opinion.
  24. Well, it seems like Atari is then putting effort into D&D handheld games, or action based console games set in FR. Games like D&D Tactics (PSP), or that horrible Hereos (consoles). What a friggin waste.
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