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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. DA took me 33 hours. ME2 about 16 hours. AP will probably be 15 hours or so.
  2. I played about a third of MW2 in singleplayer and found it a bit dull. Polished, but dull. Didn't play BC2 but I heard it's a pretty good MP shooter.
  3. That's right. It has been confirmed already.
  4. "M" for Mature. Where's the Obsidian logo?
  5. Just wait 6 - 9 months then we'll see a PC version as well. It looks really good from a technical point of view, but I'm not really so into this Cowboy genre.
  6. Says someone who comes from a country where more cows than Muslims are living. There are 340,392 Muslims in Australia. There are 351,818 Muslims in Austria. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Wrong. There are 520,000 Muslims after a 2009 census. Out of 8 millions.
  7. These days I feel that everything that is longer than 12 hours already feels tedious.
  8. Says someone who comes from a country where more cows than Muslims are living.
  9. Well good then I don't play multiplayer.
  10. Sis is probably just a little snobby brat daughter from some rich politician that wants to kick Thorton's ass.
  11. I sincerely hope you are not aware how offensively racist the term 'monkey' can be if used in connection with coloured people? Since when is "monkey" racist? I called them monkeys because they seem to behave like ones in the video.
  12. Oh, here's the video. Click Man, relax.
  13. Mohhamed as a dog is considered art? Wacky Swedes.
  14. MMO? No thanks. I'm more interested in that W40K action game Relic is working on.
  15. Hey, at least it beats the Saerileth mod. I've no clue what you're talking about. Either way, I'm open for eccentric surprises. After all this is MCA who wrote the characters, and we all know he's a genius.
  16. I've yet to figure out what role a 14 year old snobby girl is playing in this game.
  17. I nowhere said that coalitions are bad, quite on the contrary, I think they're an better option than having an absolute. I still think though that the party who won the most seats should lead the negotiations, but right now I get the feeling everything depends too much on Nick Clegg.
  18. I like it how Bioware does it. Just a mere disc check, and then something like Cerberus that encourages you to buy the game when it comes out, to fully enjoy all the free DLC. Steam is good too, but I only use it for cheap sales.
  19. So the LibDems now are negotiating with Labour, the two election losers, probably building a coalition. And the guy who nobody wants probably remains PM. That's democracy a'la Britain. Hahaha.
  20. Okay thanks for the answers. I'm not in a hurry anyway put at some point I wanna try out one of these.
  21. This just reminds me that Mark Morgan needs to compose the score for NV.
  22. Hmm, okay, another question. Just figured out that they also have FF8 on PSN. Is that one better? Everyone says FF7 and 8 are the best out there. I can't quite decide.
  23. I have a question, folks. What if I want to buy Final Fantasy VII on PSN for my PS3, how will it look on a 22' TFT monitor? Pixel mash, or is it playable?
  24. Who gives a damn? I had a great time. Mission accomplished.
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