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Everything posted by babydol

  1. Nice to have you back, pooh face. :)

  2. Yep, I totally used to get all happy when I was able to kill all those troopers w/ the turret gun. Then I realized how much XP and loot I was missing out on...

  3. Agreed! Why would they even go there? Maybe, what with everyone being fired and all, they'll have to start from scratch. Again.
  4. c'mon, Accept, really? I know the 1st things you see when you run a search for Chewbacca on YouTube are "my hoover sounds like Chewbacca" & "Trash Can on Train sounds Like Chewbacca". but that montage I found was ever so much more awesome. Especially w/ Duran Duran. :p

  5. Just saw 'The Strangers'. It was garbage.
  6. well, look who it is! My favorite Banefanatic!!!!

  7. My computer has problems just cuz it's MINE. I break everything. I never mean to... :(

  8. Hey, girly! Nice seeing you around again! :D

  9. SWEET idea. I LOVE Bruce Campbell! One of my favorite movies ever: He's kinda gotten old & fat, but, man, was he HOT when he was younger! I'm not a fan of the Spider Man films, but it always cheered me up to see him in them. And he'd be GREAT as a voice actor for pretty much any part.
  10. sure, hugs. :) you know, half of Atton's appeal is that he's complex. As far as immaturity goes: it's been my experience that all men like to act like children. Most of the time... And I dig immature, remember. :D

  11. disgusting. There's gotta be someone out there that's ugly/drunk/lonely enough for everyone.

  12. wow, you really don't like me anymore, do u? I was only teasing you about Atton's age. I don't really care HOW old he is, when it all comes down to it...

  13. Pi, I'm thinking that you just don't like the idea of Atton being younger than you are IRL. Lots of men join wars at crazy young ages. ESPECIALLY on the side w/o support from like the fed. govt. (think the rebs in the civil war), or, in this case, the Republic. I know that Bane was around like 4,ooo years after Revan, but I read Path of Destruction, and Drew talks a bit about the Sith's recruitment techniques, so I'm all for believing 16 isn't out of the question. And I also believe EVERYTHING that the developers say regarding THEIR characters. Or try to, anyhow.
  14. Best I could find for you:

  15. sad thing is, I totally googled "realdoll" just to see what he was talking about. Luckily, I didn't go past the search page. :p

  16. Erm... are you doing anything out of the ordinary w/ your game? mods and such? And what exactly does the Ithorian in the dock module say to you when you talk to him? You helped the Ithorians, right (I'm assuming from your "Czerka just says we're trying to work without the droid you gave to the ithorians")? Man, if this IS a glitch, I'm really not the one to talk to about that, but it's suprising that no one else has stepped in to help you. My solution, when ever I get a really bad bug, which isn't often, is to re-load the area (like a save BEFORE you got to citadel), but that would suck.
  17. C'mon. You know you like my sexy man-panties... And a car wash in exchange for Archie-sex might be a good deal for you... :p

  18. Something tells me that wouldn't fly in Cali. They'd probably refuse to sell if you tried.
  19. Maybe you've already gone thru the dialog. Try heading down to the dock module and talk to the Ithorian there.
  20. Just report back to whoever you're helping; Czerka or the Ithorians.
  21. I don't have the memory for that. Plus, my bank gives me a teeny-tiny cash back bonus for running my debit card like a visa - lets them hold onto my money for like 5 seconds longer.
  22. love your new siggy xD

  23. I recently moved from California - where EVERYBODY's gotta see your ID, to here (god's nowhere), and no one ever cards me. I sure hope I never lose my wallet.
  24. See, this is the kind of question that keeps TSL interesting after YEARS of gameplay. K1 is just so uncomplicated. And thus, so boring. I myself, will never truly understand Kreia. And that's most of her charm for me.
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