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Everything posted by babydol

  1. sorry, i don't know anything about anything technical. I just spent the $37 and bought FRAPS. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. And FRAPS absolutely HATES bink files. I can't for the life of me capture anything from any of the cuttscenes.
  2. Two droids there should be. No more, no less. And HK and T3 OWN.
  3. I don't know what ur talking about walkerguy, copying you?

  4. That's it, I'm signing off, but I think I'll leave my "about me" as it is for now...

  5. how you like THEM apples? :D

  6. gimme 1 minute.

  7. I think so. maybe it's time for me to try out the "sexy man-panties" mod. :D

  8. what's shaken', Pi?

  9. Hey, girly. Check out my profile's "my content". :b

  10. Exactly. They would have to inevitably go canon. I say, screw canon. Revan was a female!
  11. the video in question is not the storm trooper one. I did not make that. It is one that I've been working on for weeks and just put up on YouTube today. Lemme know what you think if you'd like. (no URL) :D

  12. That's MUCH better, thanks :D

  13. Yeah, I guess. I wish I could say something to make you smile, at leaste. :( maybe this?

  14. If you were dead on the inside, you couldn't feel sad. You'd feel NOTHING, so what kind of life would that be?

  15. Maybe. And it's A'ja'la. He-he, I knew it was you. I'm not very original, myself, so I'm 'babydol' over there, too (that's been my hubby's pet-name for me since we met 10 years ago). The Bioware boards are pretty boring, though. I used to post there a lot when I was playing more Mass Effect, but I've been giving that game a rest, and waiting for the PC version to come out. So yeah, over here, at least I can speak of mods, and I like the people over here more.
  16. I dunno, I still say most of Carth's sex appeal is Sbarge's voice. But that's just me. I like Hugh Jackman, he just doesn't really have a sexy voice. Maybe they can do the whole Darth Vader thing.
  17. that's it, huh? All that work, and "nice song". BAH, I give up. :)

  18. what, so you watch my vid and don't rate it? Wha's up wit dat? And I don't get defensive... Ok, I DO, but I was joking w/ you about the URL thing. dot com, dot org, dot guv, dot edu, dot net. :)

  19. archie and Walkerguy are fighting in everyone's comments. It's a hoot. :)

  20. Just wanted to brag & let everyone know I got $1200 direct-deposited into my account on friday. I dunno what I'll spend it on, though. Probably just pizza and beer. Like the dirty American I am.
  21. You don't know what to say about what? Shaak Ti's hotness? :b

  22. you liked that vid, too, huh? Good. glad I'm not the only one...

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