I wanted to name this topic "Force Choking Mical, but thought that was too much of a spoiler.
Ok, so Ive got the Prima official game guide for KotOR 2 (which is completely useless, let me tell you). In the back is a section called Party Members' Paths of Destiny, which is supposed to clue you in on some of the influence opportunities and such. The Spoiler warning says: The following party member information reveals all of their secrets and should ONLY be witnessed if you wish to know EVERYTHING about your teammates and some of the plot of this adventure. You have been warned!
So, under Disciple: Companion Quest Information, on the very bottom of this list is:
The Choke's On You
If you are a cruel and merciless leader, you can actually Force Choke the desciple during conversations, using the line:
[Force Choke] "I do not need your counsel, only your obedience." (Influence loss).
Conversely, the disciple takes a fancy to you, and various romantic conversations can be initiated, much to the chargrin of Atton Rand.
Now, I'm not really interested in romantic conversations with Mical, but I wanted to force choke him just because I find him so creepy. Has anyone been able to do this? I feel like I've tried dozens of times, but it never works for me. Maybe this whole thing is just bogus, since a lot of times game guides are written before the games are finished (which woulda caused major havock as far as this game goes).